I am using boon for everyday payments. I Auto Topup to 200€ when the account goes under 150€. So I can pay everything up to 150€ easy with boon and my watch. Enough for me to pay any groceries and that's where paying with the watch comes handy.
We have a baby (11 weeks) so i have to do the shopping by myself quite often and so I. An easily finish packing my stuff and when they say "how you want to pay… 8 just say card and hold the watch to the reader and continue packing the stuff. This is so a great help.
And boon Auto Topup works great for me. If I have bigger things like shopping clothes or whatever I always have a mastercard with me (or DKB Visa).
So to summarize, I always pay with boon and applewatch at:
Shell, total, Aldi, Lidl, Edeka, Toom Baumarkt, Rewe, Ditsch, Burger King, Asia Restaurant, DM, Rossmann, Babyone, Tchibo and even More. I usually have between 30-50 payments a month with Boon and ApplePay. So for me Auto Topup works great for every day.