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Yeah I‘d say fake news too. Nobody else mentioned it by now. Also AP nether started on Fridays.


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this horrible site has always "insider information" about everything. don't be irritated if this information is changing on a daily basis :D

Create an new twitter account "comdirect insider", tweet "Apple Pay starts on December 13th #ApplePay #Germany #jetztwirklich #ischschwör" and about 20min later, this site will have a news item about it.
this horrible site has always "insider information" about everything. don't be irritated if this information is changing on a daily basis :D

Create an new twitter account "comdirect insider", tweet "Apple Pay starts on December 13th #ApplePay #Germany #jetztwirklich #ischschwör" and about 20min later, this site will have a news item about it.

Yup. I don’t trust them a little bit. They’re just posting articles about Apple Pay to get ad revenue from people googling and visiting their site. Almost nothing they posted about Apple Pay until now has been true.
some side news... German commerce does not like the high costs of external payment systems. so they're planing their own:
Handel baut eigenes Handy-Bezahlsystem

Um Abhängigkeiten von Apple, Google und Co. zu verhindern, bauen führende Händler in Deutschland ein eigenes Handy-Bezahlsystem für POS und E-Commerce. Basis ist die Zukunftstechnologie Instant Payment. Rewe und Edeka wollen bald testen, die Schwarz-Gruppe ist offenbar interessiert.
some side news... German commerce does not like the high costs of external payment systems. so they're planing their own:
I'm not too worried. Other's have tried (and failed - as always). Tesco (in the UK) has it's own payment system which I have never seen anyone use. People frequently complain about the £30 cap on Apple Pay (or contactless in general) though.

But if they ever think about blocking contactless at Rewe / Edeka etc. like the do at Walmart in the US, that would be a disgrace.
some side news... German commerce does not like the high costs of external payment systems. so they're planing their own:

So how is this supposed to work? If it’s relaying on instant payments are they working on a system that asks the customer to make a money transfer in the shop?

Since there are only two banks in Germany so far that support instant payments and charge you money for it I can see already where this is going to end up...
If it’s relaying on instant payments are they working on a system that asks the customer to make a money transfer in the shop?
I assume it will be QR code based. What I'm unsure about: Does SCT Instant support instant debits (like a modern version of ELV)? If yes, that would be the route to take...

But I don't see that as a replacement for cards and I don't see them actively blocking contactless card transactions (and thus XYZ Pay), either. They're too late to the party.
I assume it will be QR code based. What I'm unsure about: Does SCT Instant support instant debits (like a modern version of ELV)? If yes, that would be the route to take...

But I don't see that as a replacement for cards and I don't see them actively blocking contactless card transactions (and thus XYZ Pay), either. They're too late to the party.

As far as I know it only works for transfers not for debits. I cannot imagine that shops would go down that road and go back to debits because it has too many disadvantages. Instant transfers via QR could be a thing but then it’s practically just like blue code isn’t it? And almost no banks offer instant transfer like I said and the biggest problem I see is that people have to pay an additional fee. Imagine you make like 20 transactions per month 50 Cent each instant transfer costs with certain banks that’s like 10 € who’s gonna use that?
[doublepost=1541148906][/doublepost]Edit: what I would love to see is advanced paydirekt like swish in Sweden. Being able to use it everywhere with every bank for free and getting and sending money instantly.
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If the banks had interest in a system like swish but fear costs, they would join kwitt. Which is open for everyone.

As they don't, I would assume, they don't care.
If the banks had interest in a system like swish but fear costs, they would join kwitt. Which is open for everyone.

As they don't, I would assume, they don't care.

Yeah and why is that? They complain about the fees Apple is charging them but yet they refuse to use a platform that is already in place and for free? Instead they burned millions of euros for paydirekt which only has like 40.000 transactions per month. Banks want to get rid off cash because it’s too expensive and yet they fear to make the next step.
If the banks had interest in a system like swish but fear costs, they would join kwitt. Which is open for everyone.

As they don't, I would assume, they don't care.

Well, for Kwitt the Sparkasse needs customers who use online banking. I was shocked to hear a while back that less than 50% of the customers actually have applied to set up online banking. Wow.
By the way that also automatically limits the scope of "mobiles bezahlen".

Yesterday an article surfaced on Twitter that Paydirekt were processing less than 40,000 transactions a month. Oh, and loosing money. Fast. Meanwhile DKB with their cooperation with PayPal seem to be earning more out of that than all other banks with Paydirekt combined. Ouch!

Them' banks just don't learn, do they?

Oh, and regarding Kwitt or Swish: I frequently use PAYM in the UK. You connect your mobile number to your current account and through faster payments can transfer money between friends and family instantly. It's fast, easy and simple.
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PayDirekt... well... good idea, about 5-10 years too late, too bureucratic. But also another focus as kwitt.

Well, for Kwitt the Sparkasse needs customers who use online banking. I was shocked to hear a while back that less than 50% of the customers actually have applied to set up online banking. Wow.
By the way that also automatically limits the scope of "mobiles bezahlen".
Don't see the limit. There is a very high chance, that someone who does not want to do online banking also does not want to "send money" via smartphone or pay with it at the groceries ;) intentional offline banking customers are not the focus group of services like kwitt or smartphone payments.
Oh, and regarding Kwitt or Swish: I frequently use PAYM in the UK. You connect your mobile number to your current account and through faster payments can transfer money between friends and family instantly. It's fast, easy and simple.
and cross-plattform... other than ApplePayCash.
They plan a system called „HIPPOS“, developed by GS1 and would use the existing infrastructure; no QR-code

QR is one of the options:

Die Übertragung an die Kasse könnte via NFC, per QR-Code oder Bluetooth erfolgen – auch darüber gibt es noch keine finale Einigung. Selbst eine kartengebundene Lösung wäre denkbar, wenngleich dies etwas anachronistisch klingt.
and cross-plattform... other than ApplePayCash.

Personally I see APC as an addon. It's not mandatory. It would be great to have, but we can live without it. AP itself is not questionable, that is the future and needs to be implemented asap.
I just gave my iPhone X to the Apple Store here in Düsseldorf, Germany, to let them change the battery.

They have done a diagnose of my iPhone and after that i saw an overview of the different systems of my iPhone like battery, waterdamage, camera and so on, on the iPad of the Apple Store employee.
And guess what...on that overview there was a system-point named "Apple Pay".
All of different systems, including Apple Pay, were ticked of with a green hook, which was the sign that they are working.
I just gave my iPhone X to the Apple Store here in Düsseldorf, Germany, to let them change the battery.

They have done a diagnose of my iPhone and after that i saw an overview of the different systems of my iPhone like battery, waterdamage, camera and so on, on the iPad of the Apple Store employee.
And guess what...on that overview there was a system-point named "Apple Pay".
All of different systems, including Apple Pay, were ticked of with a green hook, which was the sign that they are working.
It doesn’t mean anything.

They only check the nfc chip and if it is working, they don’t check  pay.
I just gave my iPhone X to the Apple Store here in Düsseldorf, Germany, to let them change the battery.

They have done a diagnose of my iPhone and after that i saw an overview of the different systems of my iPhone like battery, waterdamage, camera and so on, on the iPad of the Apple Store employee.
And guess what...on that overview there was a system-point named "Apple Pay".
All of different systems, including Apple Pay, were ticked of with a green hook, which was the sign that they are working.
That's been part of the iOS diagnostics tool for years in every Apple Store around the globe. It just checks every part of the hardware, including the nfc components.
Well, if they only would check the NFC-Chip, why don´t they name the system-point "NFC" with the logo of it?

The system-point named "Apple Pay" with the logo of Apple Pay.
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