source -> every single tech news site
and for Apple Watch payments, so how I see it is till 30€ it would be friction less, tap and go. For above 30€ either you'll have to enter PIN in POS terminal, or use iPhone to confirm it with TouchId/FaceId. Although PIN seems the most likely to happen as that's what sometime happens in the US with Apple Pay Cash payments (the pin is 0000)
That's strange I just read an interview from Carsten Mürl (Mastercard) regarding the topic PSD2 and Wearables and Smartwatches and it seems you're wrong. Or am I understanding something wrong?
Carl Mürl said:Ja, aktive Wearables wie Smartwatches und Smartphones sind auch von der PSD2/RTS betroffen. Da man auf diesen Geräten aber die Consumer Device Cardholder Verification Methode (CDCVM), also die Authentifikation auf dem Gerät vollziehen kann – hier sind biometrische Verfahren (z.B. Touch ID oder Face ID) erwähnt – ist es viel einfacher, die Counter/Accumulatoren zu managen. Somit werden die regulatorischen Anforderungen tatsächlich bereits „per default“ erfüllt.
Edit (Source of Interview):
Edit 2:
I don't get the PSD2 necessarity. In times of instant push of transactions and a button press away from locking your card or any online transaction why do we have to further lock down the easiness of tap and go?