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I believe that Netherlands is one of the most difficult countries for the banks and Apple.
I don't even know if any bank in NL has their own Mobile solution on Android? Maybe they cannot even finance that from the low fees.
And additionally Apple does not tolerate a payment for ApplePay, which could be a way for Netherlands bank to say, the ApplePay costs you a monthly fee of xx euros.

Banks in the Netherlands do have their own mobile solution for Android. I checked the major 3: ING, Rabobank and ABN-AMRO all have their own apps for Android. Which charges you nothing (ABN) or 50 cents (Rabobank, ING) a month for using it (after some trial months). They use the NFC chip in Android phones and all the pages state that it 'unfortunately doesn't work with the NFC chip in iPhones'.

Meanwhile other wearable payment services are launching in the Netherlands: Garmin Pay launched with ABN and Rabo some time ago, and Fitbit Pay launched with ABN and Rabo yesterday. So Apple is late to the party...
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Very interesting. The bakery which i use frequently will get Cashless payment soon with support for apple pay.
I asked them 4 weeks ago and they answered that they dont plan to do so. Today they wrote me an email again (without me nagging them again about it) that they will rollout cashless in alle branches and she will send me a date when my branch will be available. And she explicitely mentioned that ApplePay will be supported!
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With Girocard and exclusive Sparkasse partnership from November onwards :p

Nope, I just got the date by mail. End of next week, my branch will have contactless payment available.
[doublepost=1548870509][/doublepost]DKB published a new AGB for 1.4.2019 including mobile Payment.
Also they have some slightly price changes (Visa with personal design will not cost a one time fee, it will be a monthly fee of 1 euro).
Banks in the Netherlands do have their own mobile solution for Android. I checked the major 3: ING, Rabobank and ABN-AMRO all have their own apps for Android. Which charges you nothing (ABN) or 50 cents (Rabobank, ING) a month for using it (after some trial months). They use the NFC chip in Android phones and all the pages state that it 'unfortunately doesn't work with the NFC chip in iPhones'.

Meanwhile other wearable payment services are launching in the Netherlands: Garmin Pay launched with ABN and Rabo some time ago, and Fitbit Pay launched with ABN and Rabo yesterday. So Apple is late to the party...

And don't forget bunq, which for a brief period allowed dutch users to register their cards for Apple Pay
"Germany one of our biggest launches ever"... featured the Deutsche Bank activation numbers :cool: Target for the next year met in just a week.

Anyone else noticed how Tim (beside his normal calm and steady reading from paper at the conference calls) changed his voice and pronunciation while reading the sentence: "...with Deutsche Bank reporting more Apple Pay activations in one week, than for android in an entire year".

Specially his "one week" and "entire year". He sounded really excited :p

Tim, you could have had your "enthusiastic" moment years before, we Germans were always ready :D
New informaton on Barclaycard.
Just got an response to an apple pay request:

„...Wir können aktuell noch keinen Termin mitteilen, wann Barclaycard an Apple Pay teilnimmt. Die Einführung von Apple Pay ist bei uns in Planung. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis. Sobald es Neuigkeiten zu diesem Thema gibt, informieren wir Sie...“

Before that, they denied apple pay like it was in the UK. Now they are planning to offer it.

Good idea Barclaycard, what took you so long?
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New informaton on Barclaycard.
Just got an response to an apple pay request:

„...Wir können aktuell noch keinen Termin mitteilen, wann Barclaycard an Apple Pay teilnimmt. Die Einführung von Apple Pay ist bei uns in Planung. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis. Sobald es Neuigkeiten zu diesem Thema gibt, informieren wir Sie...“

Before that, they denied apple pay like it was in the UK. Now they are planning to offer it.

Good idea Barclaycard, what took you so long?

The new app should be in place by March/April. So I’m hoping it won’t take too long after that.
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"Dies unterschreibt auch Rüdiger Mause von der Hanseatic Bank. Für sein Haus war es ein logischer Schritt bei Apple Pay von der ersten Stunde an dabei zu sein. Rückläufige Bargeldzahlungen im Einzelhandel und eine Verdopplung der Smartphone-User in den letzten fünf Jahren waren Indizien, um sich dem neuen Service anzuschließen (...) Sein Haus verzeichne unter allen Kunden durch Apple Pay eine deutlich höhere Nutzung der Kreditkarten sowie höhere Transaktionsvolumina. Dies ginge einher mit einem enormen positiven Zugewinn in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung, „den wir als kleines Haus so nie hätten bezahlen können.“"
Offizieller Apple Pay Deutschland Sammelthread

Hello friends, I Need your help as I wrote about my problem in another thread. Please give me a Hand with that

It could only have to do something with this:

Sofort-Verfügungsrahmen bis zu 2.500 €
Nach Abschicken des Antrags erhalten Sie von uns sofort eine Rückmeldung zu Ihrem persönlichen Kartenverfügungsrahmen.

Anfänglich kann dieser bis zu 2.500 € betragen. Diesen finanziellen Spielraum können Sie sich jederzeit bequem auf Ihr Girokonto überweisen.
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Q-Park, Düsseldorf has got the Apple Pay badge. I saw it yesterday in Maps. I reported that to Apple.

So it helps to report stuff.
So what did they say...?

That I checked this amount of cash when starting to request a credit card on their site.

Strange, never seen that twice. I need more experiences from other Customers of Hanseatic about this
Did you expect something else? There is no rumor anymore. Banks did say that they will bring ApplePay like DKB and Ing.
Only rumor for me is at the moment that VR is talking with Apple, maybe because they underestimated the success. And Sparkasse, don't know about them. They even post very strange stuff on Twitter. Like Girocard is the only card helping you anywhere etc.
answered them with the question: rental cars? Online payment?
Both can only be done if you discuss (rental cars) or get some ways around like Paydirect (which dies in small pieces?) or stuff like sofortüberweisung which I don't like at all.
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