Strange...Apple Pay has (unofficially) launched! ... in Saudi Arabia. Users on twitter sharing pictures with their cards activated with Raydh Bank. Great, and what’s happened to the German launch?
Strange...Apple Pay has (unofficially) launched! ... in Saudi Arabia. Users on twitter sharing pictures with their cards activated with Raydh Bank. Great, and what’s happened to the German launch?
True. No new regions there. Maybe later. I think a lot of stuff happens bout 1900 our time. But don’t know about Apple Pay.
Same with AmexJust checked to add my DKB Visa. Not possible yet
The first picture with the apple pay cash card on the iPhone is definetly new, if you compare that to the archived version:
This is super strange... maybe someone wanted to activate Germany and did it on Saudi Arabia ;-)Saudi banks have deactivated all Apple Pay cards, so it seems like it was a mistake after all.
I would think that they have probably started a closed beta test of Apple Pay but somehow someone forgot to restrict the test to specific cards only and users found out by trying to add their cards.
And it’s nothing unusual that they’ve deactivated the cards, probably would get a lot of **** from Apple if they just left everything open.