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True, and neither are any of the newer iPhones... but if someone's going to whine about a grand for an electronic device they don't need, they should at least stick with the cheaper version that's slightly more affordable.
so you are of the "if you dislike the price you must be poor" camp. There are plenty of us who can easily afford the new iPad Pros but don't find them to be a good value. That has nothing to do with being poor.
Choosing to not buy something because the value doesn't make sense doesn't mean someone doesn't want it. And I don't think being cost sensitive means someone is disqualified from participating in a discussion.

Agreed. Do I really want a new 12.9 iPad (never owned one)? sure. Am I going to drop $999 for a toy (even using it for work a litte)? No. Could I write it off as a work expense? Sure. Still have to pay for it up-front though; plus tax plus some sort of case and keyboard. And not paying tax on $1,000 of income isnt near the same amount as laying out $1,000 cash; it's not dollar for dollar equivalent despite popular contention to just write it off.

Despite popular conception most "moderately wealthy" (not ultra wealthy multi-millionaire, us schmoes worth under $1 million in cash and stocks/retirement accounts) dont stay comfortable by making frivolous purchases.

After all, only 39% of Americans could come up with that $1,000 ipad cost in an emergency by the studies.
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I really don't understand this mentality. People are acting like Apple owes them something. First and foremost, Apple is a business. Businesses exist to make money. They are making money.

I think since the rise of iPhones which led to way more people joining the Apple ecosystem, people have forgotten that Apple is and has always been a premium product company. Apple's products were always more expensive than the competitor's counterpart. You paid the premium for the quality of the product and for its easy of use and interconnection across all your other Apple devices.

If you're outraged by the price of an iPad, you need to re-evaluate your life priorities.
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True, and neither are any of the newer iPhones... but if someone's going to whine about a grand for an electronic device they don't need, they should at least stick with the cheaper version that's slightly more affordable.
I agree if you don’t need the higher priced iPadPro and the items it has, buy the one that best fits you’re needs and pocket book.
Well... Apple has just released their new iPad Pro and I’m speechless, if you were going to use this iPad as a computer you would need to get the bigger size, the keyboard case and the Apple Pencil, all of this would cost £1,287, yet I can go buy the new MacBook Air for £1,199 and that has a bigger display, a physical keyboard, Touch ID, 2 USB C ports compared to 1 and 128gb compared to the base model iPad Pro 12.9” at 64gb. This is absolutely outrageous Apple are charging more money for their iPads than for their laptops, I can’t tell you how angry I am, I feel like Apple are trying to rob me, they should of at least included the Appl pencil and or the keyboard case in the box, this makes me feel sick.

The Apple Air and the iPad pro are total deferent animals the iPad pro will not replace my MBP at list not at this time
the iPad pro with the pencil is a nice device at stand alone totally deferent use for me at list
and price yes you are right
I really don't understand this mentality. People are acting like Apple owes them something. First and foremost, Apple is a business. Businesses exist to make money. They are making money.

Tell me about it. There is huge sense entitlement amongst some members here that Apple should sell them the lastest top of the range devices at the most affordable price possible.

However Apple still has older devices available for purchase. You don’t need the latest iPad Pro to consume media or draw as much as you don’t need the most expensive Audi to drive from A to B.:D

As I have mentioned before, iPads and phones should be looked at the same way as we do computers. Incremental improvements are getting very expensive and you don’t need the very latest device unless you are at the very edge of maximising the computing power.
You computers battery doesn't last as long, your computer is much heavier and takes up a lot more room in a backpack, your computer you can't write on to take notes, your computer doesn't take photos in the middle of class as well, your computer doesn't connect directly to the internet, there are many reasons for me that an iPad, (and that goes both ways)is much better than a laptop. I have MacBook Pro that runs great, but I don't ever touch it because the versatility of an iPad. I'm willing to pay for the iPad because in my case the pro's hands down out weigh the MacBook.
Well, aside from the battery life, my “computer” does everything else that you listed, including the touchscreen.
Lol, I think I recall paying that much at amusement parks. :p
And at airport concession stands!
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Oh I can afford it alright, but do I really want to spend £1,287 on a base model iPad Pro 12.9”... no

Sure, who wouldn't prefer to pay a lower price, for anything? The only way most businesses can successfully sell higher-priced goods is to convince consumers that they are getting a superior product and that the consumer believes he/she needs what that superior product offers.

There are plenty of superior products out there that I admire but won't buy, because a cheaper, less-superior product is all I need, or I don't need it at all. That's OK; the company makes its decisions, I make mine. That's how a marketplace works. I don't feel the need to criticize a company because I don't need what they're offering, at the price they're asking. My purchasing decision is my vote. The whole "Apple is too expensive" meme is a ridiculous bore.

Now, if I need what the company is offering, my decision is harder - if the price is outside my budget I have to wait for a sale price to come along, or I have to justify a modification to my budget on an economic basis (buying a tool that allows me to earn more, for example).

When's the last time you handed a merchant an extra 10% because you thought their product was worth more than the price charged? If you were in bidding situation, would you start your bidding at the highest price you could afford to pay, or would you start by offering something less?
Is it going to be the same post every time Apple releases something?

Yes. Someone should write the same complaints leaving a ___ for the prices before each Apple release just to save time lol.

I’m going to upgrade from a 12.9” gen 1 iPad Pro to the current 12.9” Pro. It’s 3 years old and inflation over 3 years is about 10% (in round numbers in the US) so the price increase above inflation is about 10% (that doesn’t mean that I don’t still have to pay for inflation of course, but inflation is not within any manufacturer’s control). I think the new form and features are worth 10% over inflation.

But others may understandably feel different. If you cannot justify the cost, don’t buy it.

And if you’re in the US, Apple products may well increase by 20% or so soon. Current prices could be ‘20% off’ for us.
[doublepost=1541093532][/doublepost]I’ve also noted many criticisms fall into 2 categories, other than technical criticisms, troll posts, and OCD (which could be trolls).

One is ‘I cannot justify the cost, therefore the price is too high’. Valid and completely understandable comment. We all judge things according to our own circumstances, an understandably human thing to do. However, the comment is wrong as evidenced by Apple’s sales numbers, the high end iOS hardware is selling like gangbusters.

The other seems to be something like ‘I don’t want a newfangled phone and don’t want to pay for it, I want TouchID and a headphone jack at the old price!’. This type of comment is to me not understandable. If this is your position, Apple is the wrong company for you - they've always advanced rapidly, sometimes uncomfortably so, even for me.

Prices of anything are not going down, and Apple is not going backwards.
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I have a 4 year old Air 2 I paid less than $200 for because I traded a previous ipad and my playstation 3. It's time for an upgrade because this is what I was waiting for from an ipad AND the battery on my Air 2 isn't the best anymore.

Where did you trade in your air 1 to net you $180? Thank you.
Best Buy had a promotion a while back.
SO RIDDLE ME THIS! Now that the benchmarks have leaked and you are getting near 2018 15" macbook pro performance out of the ipad pro, is it still a bad deal considering what a macbook pro costs? I dont wanna hear about what you can or cant do. They both have things the other cant do but overall the ipad is more versatile and can handle word processing, email, browsing like a macbook can. Its only weakness would be video editing if thats your kind of thing.
...overall the ipad is more versatile and can handle word processing, email, browsing like a macbook can.

Word processing, email, and browsing are all basic tasks which don't require high performance hardware at all. What good are impressive synthetic benchmarks if you're only going to be performing activities which can be done perfectly well on pretty much any system? It's a bad deal if you can't actually put the performance to good use on tasks which require that kind of performance.

Its only weakness would be video editing if thats your kind of thing.

"Only" weakness? That's a bit of a reach. There are plenty of tasks which are either impossible or painfully inefficient in iOS. Notably software development, complex spreadsheets, virtualization, and audio engineering (among many others mentioned upthread).
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I believe that they are different and it depends at least somewhat on what you’re doing with them. My French teacher and I (I am 62 years BTW) both use iOS and MacOS. He uses Microsoft Office and according to him, it’s better on MacOS than iOS. I personally can’t say, but his comment is reasonable. Microsoft Office was designed for a desktop/laptop and has had a long and extensive development for that platform. If MS Office is business-critical, I’d say go for the MacBook based on his comment. This isn’t because Apple’s iPad Pros are deficient, even my old gen 1 is quite speedy, but because of what software developers have well, developed for.

The new iPad Pro that can handle large file sizes in Photoshop is an interesting change. Adobe seems comitted to making its software work on iOS other than just getting by like Office, so your comment is indeed interesting. One of Steve Jobs criticisms of Flash was that it was designed to work on a desktop and many Flash features needed the precision of a mouse pointer which iOS does not have. Until now? The new pencil seems to have the capacity at least to provide a precision pointing device, IOW, could it maybe perform like a long skinny mouse? Lol.
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it this a joke? to get 6gb tablet , pencil, case and apple care is 2500$ USD? um no i can buy a HP zbook x2 with 16gb ram, or a wacom mobile studio pro for that price. I cant even open half my paintings on 6gb ram computer. epic fail apple. epic fail.
The regular iPad is not for poor people either.

Darn straight.

I’d have very little to complain about if I did not have to eat several thousand dollars since 2014 in iDevices going belly up months in, not years. Sure, I’d grumble about the price hikes because they are insane, but lesson learned.

I do not need the bells and whistles on the new iPPs or iPhones, so I’ll probably pick up a 10.5” on sale and pray it’s as solid as my 7+ has been. Might pick up another 7+ too next year if I do not get the battery swapped in this one.

I know what I need and want. I’d rather spend the extra money on something important like my education than hand it over to Apple given their quality control issues and gimping.
And not paying tax on $1,000 of income isnt near the same amount as laying out $1,000 cash; it's not dollar for dollar equivalent despite popular contention to just write it off.
True. Something I have to explain when helping family with their tax returns as to why a tax credit is better than a tax deduction.
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SO RIDDLE ME THIS! Now that the benchmarks have leaked and you are getting near 2018 15" macbook pro performance out of the ipad pro, is it still a bad deal considering what a macbook pro costs? I dont wanna hear about what you can or cant do. They both have things the other cant do but overall the ipad is more versatile and can handle word processing, email, browsing like a macbook can. Its only weakness would be video editing if thats your kind of thing.

I guarantee you its not as fast as a MBP. Just because a chip is optimized for a benchmark does not make it fast for productivity. ive had ipad pro's since 2015 and they are NEVER as fast or productive as a good laptop. They are nice for being a mobile low powered device though!

I believe that they are different and it depends at least somewhat on what you’re doing with them. My French teacher and I (I am 62 years BTW) both use iOS and MacOS. He uses Microsoft Office and according to him, it’s better on MacOS than iOS. I personally can’t say, but his comment is reasonable. Microsoft Office was designed for a desktop/laptop and has had a long and extensive development for that platform. If MS Office is business-critical, I’d say go for the MacBook based on his comment. This isn’t because Apple’s iPad Pros are deficient, even my old gen 1 is quite speedy, but because of what software developers have well, developed for.

The new iPad Pro that can handle large file sizes in Photoshop is an interesting change. Adobe seems comitted to making its software work on iOS other than just getting by like Office, so your comment is indeed interesting. One of Steve Jobs criticisms of Flash was that it was designed to work on a desktop and many Flash features needed the precision of a mouse pointer which iOS does not have. Until now? The new pencil seems to have the capacity at least to provide a precision pointing device, IOW, could it maybe perform like a long skinny mouse? Lol.

No way 6gb is enough for large files in photoshop. your dreaming. minimum system specs for photoshop is 8gb ram. My computer i use photoshop every day on has 64 GB ram. i could do sketching on 6gb or low rez stuff for web, but thats about it. I am stoked to be able to run photoshop, but i know 75% of my work wont even open on the tablet.
it this a joke? to get 6gb tablet , pencil, case and apple care is 2500$ USD? um no i can buy a HP zbook x2 with 16gb ram, or a wacom mobile studio pro for that price. I cant even open half my paintings on 6gb ram computer. epic fail apple. epic fail.

What tablet would you suggest instead? It sounds like any tablet is not suitable for your purposes?
I guarantee you its not as fast as a MBP. Just because a chip is optimized for a benchmark does not make it fast for productivity. ive had ipad pro's since 2015 and they are NEVER as fast or productive as a good laptop. They are nice for being a mobile low powered device though!

No way 6gb is enough for large files in photoshop. your dreaming. minimum system specs for photoshop is 8gb ram. My computer i use photoshop every day on has 64 GB ram. i could do sketching on 6gb or low rez stuff for web, but thats about it. I am stoked to be able to run photoshop, but i know 75% of my work wont even open on the tablet.

Could well be, but let’s see when they ship - large file performance isn’t just dependent on memory, though I understand your point very well and deal with large files in Photoshop at least on an infrequent basis. Adobe also writes good code.

My comment was based on the presentation showing what was reported to be a 9 foot by 9 foot image running in Photoshop (non-optimized at this point I assume) on an iPad Pro. Even at 72 dpi that’s a good-sized file. I know this is a presentation (basically an advertisement) so maybe all isn’t what it seems to be, but Apple generally doesn’t just fall too flat on what they pitch.

I’m not disputing your reply to my comment, I’m just interested to see what a new iPad Pro really does when the ‘rubber meets the road’!

Just another thought, computers generally needed ‘memory’ (RAM) as a fast ‘place’ to perform operations that mechanical hard drives were too slow to perform without intolerable lag. Time marches on. So how fast do SSDs need to be before they’re as fast as RAM and RAM becomes superfluous? In the case that the combination of super fast processors, GPUs, and SSDs, and optimized code, far less memory is needed for large file sizes? IDK, but maybe with the A12X, GPU, neural engine 6 GB is fine?
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Well... Apple has just released their new iPad Pro and I’m speechless, ... , I can’t tell you how angry I am, I feel like Apple are trying to rob me, they should of at least included the Appl pencil and or the keyboard case in the box, this makes me feel sick.

Please provide some insight into why Apple should not raise prices?
Just chiming in here. There is a bigger picture of Apple raising the prices on all of there new products. As an Apple consumer and user since 2003, pretty much after Steve Jobs came back, I have worked on their machines and devices for years. I’ve invested time and money into their products. They were good, the software wasn’t nearly as buggy as Windows, and they looked great. The click-wheel iPod, iBook (not that great of a product really), then MacBook Pro, Air.... iPhone 4-4s.... most of these were great products, premium, but not outrageously priced. Maybe the MacBook Pro, but I bought a refurbished one.

Now. There is not one product in their lineup that I would pay full price for up front. Not one. Their design chops has slide down hill - ****** keyboards, battery issues, camera bumps.... Then there’s the ssd prices....the peripherals in general...crazy stupid pricing.

Apple priced me out. I was able to get a deal on the XS’s for me and my wife, but that’s because of low demand from the carriers. As for computers or tablets, not buying new is the way to go if you need to stay with Apple. But I’m looking into if I don’t have to stay with them and can do my work with another company’s software. If I can’t, working on 3-4 year old hardware will have to do, I suppose.

Apple is like a car company. Let someone else take the appreciation hit.

PS - As I am sitting here in an Apple Store, waiting for a battery replacement for an SE I’m giving to a family member, there is no advertisements for Macs. Just iPhones and Watches...just sayin.
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