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Captain Obvious, is that you?

Hey man, where you been, and what’s with the “IllIllIll” stuff?

I just wanted to tell you what a big fan I am. Once upon a time, the obvious went unsaid, but not anymore. Gosh no. Now, people who are otherwise fairly ordinary and average can hop online and tickle their dopamine receptors by going around and authoritatively stating the obvious. You know, it makes them sound like they’ve got it all together, have life all figure out.

Problem is, when I walk outside in the morning, I look around, and all I see are normal, everyday, somewhat homely, slightly overweight people who do things like trip over curbs, and jaywalk, and litter ... and I always wonder ... where are all of the together people I meet on the Internet? These Uber-confident people who state the overtly obvious as if it’s some kind of personal Yoda-like insight. Independently wealthy people with awesome jobs and perfect credit scores. Hey did you know that everyone pays off their credit cards in full every month.

It’s true! It’s totally true! I know because they tell everyone.

And they have no patience for those not as together as they are, no sir-ee bob!

Yet, I walk outside, and most people won’t even make eye contact!

I bet I know what it is. I bet the best people stay inside, perfect the rest of the population one person at a time. They don’t have time to go anywhere. Telling other people the way things are is a full time job.

Anyway, I didn’t mean to go on so much, I’m just really happy that you’re doing well, Captain Obvious.

Than you for all that you do for us. Without you, I just don’t know what we would do. Probably cross the street without looking, or go outside in the cold without a coat, or buy expensive consumer goods that cost more than we have.

Let’s face it, the word “hero” may be over-used, but in your case, it’s appropriate.

Thanks again, CO!

Talk to you later.

You’re welcome!
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I had thought people were making money out of these devices, ie: ‘pro’s’...or at the very least pursuing a hobby.
Although I’d rather Apple stuff were cheaper (doh!) my first gen 12.9 has paid its way so I’ll be looking at getting the new model and passing on the old.

The current iPad at £319 seems a good buy for consuming content and also taking notes with the pencil addition.
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Neither are mutually exclusive, sure. But doing both makes you look stupid because nobody's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to buy anything. Voluntarily shelling out $ for an item that you think is too expensive is simply dumb.

Believe me, the feeling is mutual.

So because I think it's ~$150 too expensive, I'm "dumb" for buying?

The problem with your statements is that you're hyperbolizing everything. The only pitchforks, guns and force in this thread are from you belittling anyone who criticizes the price or product. I've literally only said that Apple is quickly raising prices, and it's starting to become a lot of money to spend on tech. That makes me dumb and stupid?
So because I think it's ~$150 too expensive, I'm "dumb" for buying?

The problem with your statements is that you're hyperbolizing everything. The only pitchforks, guns and force in this thread are from you belittling anyone who criticizes the price or product. I've literally only said that Apple is quickly raising prices, and it's starting to become a lot of money to spend on tech. That makes me dumb and stupid?

LOL, who’s being defensive now, hmm?

Take a look at the other posts here and determine for yourself whether others fit the picture I’ve conveniently drawn for you. Why aren’t you lambasting the OP for suggesting that “Apple should be arrested for daylight robbery” if you’re really sincere about crusading against hyperbole?
Why not look at last years model for $649? Or better yet the hundreds of used ones online? I can’t afford a new Range Rover but I’m in the market for a used one and I’m not complaining one bit.
I am an apple fan but damn the new prices made me rethink my new purchases

Agreed I love Apple products and was really excited about the update... but there's no way I can justify $2,036 Canadian for the iPad (12.9", WiFi, pencil, smart folio and Apple Care).

It seems that Apple has really gone after the professional market with the newest iPad Pro's, which makes sense. Sadly I don't have any uses that would justify the price, and now that I've seen the beautiful new hardware I absolutely can't buy the base iPad with a home button.

I'll just stick with my 4 year old iPad Air 2 until it dies and hopefully by then the edge to edge screen with facial recognition will be available in the base model. (Unless I can figure out some use beyond watching movies, writing notes, reading and playing games that would justify dropping a couple grand - suggestions are welcome ).

P.S. - It's crazy how the incremental prices add up. I'd talked myself into spending up to $1200 and could have gone a little higher – which is the base price of the new 12.9" iPad Pro – but holy cow how things ramp up with a little memory and forget about the accessories.
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I’m also shocked at how much their plastic/polyurethane cases cost, why £99 for a plastic case?
LOL, who’s being defensive now, hmm?

Take a look at the other posts here and determine for yourself whether others fit the picture I’ve conveniently drawn for you. Why aren’t you lambasting the OP for suggesting that “Apple should be arrested for daylight robbery” if you’re really sincere about crusading against hyperbole?

I've made my purchase, have my reasons as to why, and stand by it. I have the money for it, and I spent it on a great product. If your inability to understand why paints me as "defensive" then so be it.

...and to your other point, because the OP isn't quoting every one of my posts in responses. Never said I agree with him either. Just because other people are up in arms in this thread doesn't mean I'm holding a pitchfork.
I've made my purchase, have my reasons as to why, and stand by it. I have the money for it, and I spent it on a great product. If your inability to understand why paints me as "defensive" then so be it.

...and to your other point, because the OP isn't quoting every one of my posts in responses. Never said I agree with him either. Just because other people are up in arms in this thread doesn't mean I'm holding a pitchfork.
Of course you are.
What’s so unfair about it? It’s not like an iPad is essential for life.

Hey Mr. Empathetic, we get it. Price is no object for you. But think about something. If everyone were like you, you’d have no one to be superior to. So how about a little appreciation for those who keep your self-esteem out of the dumpster?

For someone as smooth, and let’s face it, cool as hell as you are, it is a little bit disappointing that you can’t understand why people might react to news like this.

A great many people have paid hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars to buy software that runs on only certain devices. A lot of people have made a significant investment in the walled-garden. Sure, they could walk away, but they’d be losing quite a bit of investment. And given that all iDevices are essentially disposable, you have to continue to pay year after year to continue enjoying the other things you’ve already purchased.

Artists have years of artwork contained in proprietary formats. They have thousands of dollars in purchased music. To wake up one day and find that the cost of staying in the tribe has shot up, it’s human nature to be really miffed. It’s not cheap to buy the shiny new stuff, but neither is it cheap to walk away.

So you don’t need to worry about any of this. I think we all got it now. I really do.

You are better than we are, and we fully acknowledge it. You can buy whatever you want, and can’t understand people who get upset when the cost of maintaining their digital assets increase.

Duly noted.

Congratulations for having such financial freedom. Everybody notices and they are impressed. You should feel good about this for many weeks to come.

Well done.
I had thought people were making money out of these devices, ie: ‘pro’s’...or at the very least pursuing a hobby.

Most Apple users are not pros, and this price policy alienates the use of these devices for business purposes.

If a company has 10,000 employees using the iPad Pro for work, then it could be in serious trouble. It would have paid USD 5,990,000 for those iPad Pros in 2016, but it would now have to disburse USD 7,990,000 for the same amount of iPad Pros. This additional USD 2 million could make a difference to the company.

Businesses need predictability. Apple is unpredictable, it wants to surprise people, and charge a premium for the "wow" factor. Businesses do not buy into that because it will eat into their profits. Consumers buy it because they do not care, they are "wowed", they think it does not really make a difference to pay a little bit more for one product, they do not think long term, or just because they are stupid, or a combination of these reasons or others.

Honestly, I do not buy it anymore as well. I am tired of increasingly higher prices, year after year. The iPad Pro was already premium when its price was USD 599. It is not "more premium" now that it costs USD 799, because the components get cheaper as technology advances. I do not want a company testing my limits.
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Hey Mr. Empathetic, we get it. Price is no object for you. But think about something. If everyone were like you, you’d have no one to be superior to. So how about a little appreciation for those who keep your self-esteem out of the dumpster?

For someone as smooth, and let’s face it, cool as hell as you are, it is a little bit disappointing that you can’t understand why people might react to news like this.

A great many people have paid hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars to buy software that runs on only certain devices. A lot of people have made a significant investment in the walled-garden. Sure, they could walk away, but they’d be losing quite a bit of investment. And given that all iDevices are essentially disposable, you have to continue to pay year after year to continue enjoying the other things you’ve already purchased.

Artists have years of artwork contained in proprietary formats. They have thousands of dollars in purchased music. To wake up one day and find that the cost of staying in the tribe has shot up, it’s human nature to be really miffed. It’s not cheap to buy the shiny new stuff, but neither is it cheap to walk away.

So you don’t need to worry about any of this. I think we all got it now. I really do.

You are better than we are, and we fully acknowledge it. You can buy whatever you want, and can’t understand people who get upset when the cost of maintaining their digital assets increase.

Duly noted.

Congratulations for having such financial freedom. Everybody notices and they are impressed. You should feel good about this for many weeks to come.

Well done.
Thank you. Your acknowledgment means a lot to me. Really.

Seems to me you’re making a lot of assumptions of everyone's financial status as the basis for their discontent, as well as assuming that anyone who dares to question the sincerity is a millionaire. You do you, Robin Hood. Captain Obvious approves!
Most Apple users are not pros, and this price policy alienates the use of these devices for business purposes.

If a company has 10,000 employees using the iPad Pro for work, then it could be in serious trouble. It would have paid USD 5,990,000 for those iPad Pros in 2016, but it would now have to disburse USD 7,990,000 for the same amount of iPad Pros. This additional USD 2 million could make a difference to the company.

Businesses need predictability. Apple is unpredictable, it wants to surprise people, and charge a premium for the "wow" factor. Businesses do not buy into that because it will eat into their profits. Consumers buy it because they do not care, they are "wowed", they think it does not really make a difference to pay a little bit more for one product, they do not think long term, or just because they are stupid, or a combination of these reasons or others.

Honestly, I do not buy it anymore as well. I am tired of increasingly higher prices, year after year. The iPad Pro was already premium when its price was USD 599. It is not "more premium" now that it costs USD 799, because the components get cheaper as technology advances. I do not want a company testing my limits.
Apple's quarterly revenues, market capitalization, and stock price do not validate your assertion.
Every year people complain about the 64gb devices. How can it insult you when you can buy a larger size. There are some who will enjoy the iPad with 64gb and be a great deal for them. Some do not use as a computer. It is good as it will never be one.

I'm skeptical that there are many who can get by with 64GB. Even my 83 year old mother in law uses more than that with photos.

My bemusement with the 64GB is that: i) It seems like a cheap way to offer a lower starting price (which is very smart business); ii) They skip the 128GB size that would actually work quite well at least for me; iii) the extra cost of going from 64GB to 256GB seems higher than it needs to be (memory is kind of a commodity now).

I'm not really upset as I agree Apple that Apple is free to set it's prices, and individuals are free to buy or not buy. I just wanted to justify the person who initially made the insult comment.
Apple's quarterly revenues, market capitalization, and stock price do not validate your assertion.

Yes, they do. Apple sells its products to consumers, who just buy them. Apple is good at "wowing" people. But businesses are not the main buyers.
Yes, they do. Apple sells its products to consumers, who just buy them. Apple is good at "wowing" people. But businesses are not the main buyers.
Why does that matter if Apple became the company with the world's largest market cap built on the power of purchases by consumers, then?

The point is, Apple doesn’t care if it’s individuals or businesses that are buying their products. The end result is the same.

Your hypothetical about a company with 10000 employees spending more on new Apple equipment is faulty, by the way. For a company requiring 10000 of its employees to use their own iPad, $2M would be a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things. Terrible example.
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I think $800 is insane for the base model 11" iPad Pro. They should have dropped the price on the 10.5" iPad Pro by $100 and started the 11" iPad Pro at $650 or $700 at most.
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Previously I'd be in the "prices are increasing because Apple is adding new features" crowd but today I'm done.

Historically Apple would reduce the price for their older stuff whose R&D is paid for and using old technology. Now what they've done is keep the old iPad Pro at THE SAME PRICE with the SOLE PURPOSE of launching the new product at a higher price !!!!!

There is NO REASON AT ALL to not drop the price on their old products other than A) they expect demand to stay the same or B) the gains coming from selling fewer units at a higher price outweigh those they'd have selling more units at a lower price.

This is monopolistic behavior, which is very weird because Apple is not a monopolist. Nevertheless I'm increasingly pissed at them because this has been going on since the iPhone 8 launch last year. And happened across their product line (Mac, Watch, iPhone). I wonder what's the price point that will force people to switch.
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I think $800 is insane for the base model 11" iPad Pro. They should have dropped the price on the 10.5" iPad Pro by $100 and started the 11" iPad Pro at $650 or $700 at most.

Yes, it is insane. The iPad Pro was released for USD 600, and USD 800 was the initial price of the 12.9" model. Now the cheapest model is USD 800. Next year, it will be USD 900? And USD 1,000 in 2020? Where does this end?
I see a lot of blah blah blah. I’m not an iPad “pro” user. It’s a compliment. But that doesn’t mean I want their entry level iPad garbage. I want the nice screen and smaller form factor too. And do a bit of amateur drawing. But I won’t pay full price for it. As usual I’ll get around 300-400 off in a week or two of release and easily find some additional income or savings elsewhere to pay the rest off.

Others sweating the prices already know deep down they can’t afford all these gadgets. It’s fine. That’s how “most people” live even if they think otherwise.
The solution for this -- as with all disappointments at Apple -- is to stop buying the iPads. I've stopped buying their MacBook Pros for the same reason. There's no message clearer to Apple than a refusal to buy. Either Apple will finally start releasing products we want or they'll find new customers who enjoy these products at these prices (and we'll have moved on to something else as well).
Apple and "reducing" in the same sentence only makes sense if you are talking about reducing options, such as removing the headphone jack.

Don't count me among the iSheeple willing to pay more and more each year, for ridiculous improvements that don't justify the price.

If one day they improve the 10 hour battery that's another thing, that's what I call IMPROVEMENT, until then GTFO, Apple. I'll buy the Galaxy Tab S4 from Samsung or anything this or any other company release instead. Or keep my IPP 10.5.

Enough of this scam. Boycott.
I was holding out hoping for a new iMac.... Considering the only updated option is a Mac mini for $799 with an i3 or $1099 with an i5-8500 I am considering switching over to a windows pc.

I mean I can get a windows gaming laptop with a 6 core 8300h for $800. I am very surprised by Apple's prices
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Yes, it is insane. The iPad Pro was released for USD 600, and USD 800 was the initial price of the 12.9" model. Now the cheapest model is USD 800. Next year, it will be USD 900? And USD 1,000 in 2020? Where does this end?
Easy. It’ll end when sales start decreasing, followed by revenue. Until then, it won’t end. Guaranteed.

So do your part and vote with your money by spending it elsewhere, or not spending at all. If enough people feel and act the same way as you do, Apple will get the message and adjust their pricing and business strategy accordingly.
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