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How big of an issue is this actually?
I just sold my iPad Air 2 and was looking into getting one of these.
But one year warranty is just too little with the possibility of this issue.
I want to keep the iPad longer, but I don’t want to risk this issue out of warranty.
So if I get this iPad I am forced to upgrade in a year before warranty expires or be forced to live with a time bomb on my hands?
It depends. If you're a perfectionist, I recommend you to hold your decision to buy the 10.5 one because the white spot is like a time bomb, even you buy Apple Care its just a matter of time before you may get this issue in the future. But, if you are just a regular user who doesn't really care about imperfections on your Apple product, you could buy it though. Thats my answer regarding you want to keep it for a short or long time.
Not really, I don't worry about it. I'll keep an eye on it, though. Look at the all the posts on bent 11's and 12.9's with unresponsive screens - all of the issues you see on forums about lots of different electronic devices can scare you off of buying anything.
I just disappointed how Apple manage their QC on their 'best' iPad lineups right now. With a steeper price than a regular iPad, I think it is normal for us if we also want a better long term value to satisfaction ratio (this is just my opinion though)
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It depends. If you're a perfectionist, I recommend you to hold your decision to buy the 10.5 one because the white spot is like a time bomb, even you buy Apple Care its just a matter of time before you may get this issue in the future. But, if you are just a regular user who doesn't really care about imperfections on your Apple product, you could buy it though. Thats my answer regarding you want to keep it for a short or long time.
I just disappointed how Apple manage their QC on their 'best' iPad lineups right now. With a steeper price than a regular iPad, I think it is normal for us if we also want a better long term value to satisfaction ratio (this is just my opinion though)
At the least, Apple should acknowledge these issues that appear to be widespread, educate their sales and support workers on them, and handle them in a consistent manner that maximizes customer satisfaction.
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At the least, Apple should acknowledge these issues that appear to be widespread, educate their sales and support workers on them, and handle them in a consistent manner that maximizes customer satisfaction.

It seems as commonly as flexgate on MBP’s but they’re holding off on caring
Besides the bright patch i reported earlier, mine also started developing bright spots just to the right of the home button. These are literally bright like stars on the screen.
Has anyone traded in their defective 10.5 Pro at the Apple Store and gotten full value? According to Apple’s website the trade-in value for a 64GB in good condition is $351. I’m actually thinking about trading my out-of-warranty 10.5 in to downgrade to the iPad 5th gen, because the spot bothers me so much while reading.
My initial launch day (June 2017) 10.5 developed the white spot issue in two spots after 14 months and I had it replaced at an authorised repair shop. The replacement unit has a build date of June 2018, 2 months prior to the replacement date. I wasn’t told if my replacement was new or refurbished, but I guessed that since it was only 2 months old, that it was likely a new device. It’s still going strong and doesn’t show any sign of the issue. I’m wondering if anyone has experienced the issue occurring in a device manufactured on or after June 2018? Could Apple have resolved the issue or am I just lucky so far with my new 10.5?
My initial launch day (June 2017) 10.5 developed the white spot issue in two spots after 14 months and I had it replaced at an authorised repair shop. The replacement unit has a build date of June 2018, 2 months prior to the replacement date. I wasn’t told if my replacement was new or refurbished, but I guessed that since it was only 2 months old, that it was likely a new device. It’s still going strong and doesn’t show any sign of the issue. I’m wondering if anyone has experienced the issue occurring in a device manufactured on or after June 2018? Could Apple have resolved the issue or am I just lucky so far with my new 10.5?
I hope your replacement unit won't get the same defect in the future. My hypothesis is if Apple doesn't fix or change the design of its parts that may cause this problem, I think soon or later the problem will appear again some time in the future. We don't know how Apple repairs the iPad right? Nobody do an internal teardown of the defected display unit with the replacement unit. What I know right now is that some customers that already got the replacement unit ever found similar issue with theirs. In my opinion, the product production date is not too relevant with the current bright spot issue, rather it just minimize the possibility of defective display in our daily usage (think it is as you got a new brand new iPad). Just use your iPad as usual and hope it won't get the same issue, no matter when is the replacement unit was produced.
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Over a 100,000 views on this thread and no official acknowledgement? Anyone having results attempting to get a replacement out of warranty?
i just decided to buy the IPP 2017 10.5" after weeks of thinking between it and the 11"(because of the bendgate) and now this happen? i really don't know what to say...
Topic Overblown. Just enjoy it as it is. Many many people don't experience this issue, or else it would be mentioned all over used buy/sell listings.
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Over a 100,000 views on this thread and no official acknowledgement? Anyone having results attempting to get a replacement out of warranty?

What does the number of views this thread got have to do with anything? You want Apple to acknowledge that people read it? I read lots of posts about problems I don’t have.
What does the number of views this thread got have to do with anything? You want Apple to acknowledge that people read it? I read lots of posts about problems I don’t have.

Well, the number of views directly points to an issue that others are experiencing with their devices, not a one off thing. Not only do we have many people reporting an issue in the same location on the same model devices, we also have verification and pictures of the display models at their own stores experiencing it. How does that go unanswered for their premium "pro" model.

Sure is funny how many people like to come on this forum and contribute nothing but a defense for a company that charges a premium for a device that no longer has the same quality as their previous reputation once had. I've been behind Apple for many years, but it sure is getting harder to stomach the price increases across the board with devices barely making it a year before having issues. Keep defending a company that has changed, one that has been sued for intentionally slowing their devices down to force obsolescence. Look at the end result, once consumers were given a fair option to replace batteries due to the lawsuit, sales dropped, resulting in increased pricing to compensate. Ingenuity has been lacking from their end to justify a price increase, let alone quality control. The only concern is revenue these days, not what is the best interest of the consumer.

Best thing I suppose you can do is to vote with your wallet, which I have done years ago as well as this week. Just unfortunate to think a top tier tablet with the premium price tag will not make it a year without problems from a company such as Apple.
Well, the number of views directly points to an issue that others are experiencing with their devices, not a one off thing. Not only do we have many people reporting an issue in the same location on the same model devices, we also have verification and pictures of the display models at their own stores experiencing it. How does that go unanswered for their premium "pro" model.

Sure is funny how many people like to come on this forum and contribute nothing but a defense for a company that charges a premium for a device that no longer has the same quality as their previous reputation once had. I've been behind Apple for many years, but it sure is getting harder to stomach the price increases across the board with devices barely making it a year before having issues. Keep defending a company that has changed, one that has been sued for intentionally slowing their devices down to force obsolescence. Look at the end result, once consumers were given a fair option to replace batteries due to the lawsuit, sales dropped, resulting in increased pricing to compensate. Ingenuity has been lacking from their end to justify a price increase, let alone quality control. The only concern is revenue these days, not what is the best interest of the consumer.

Best thing I suppose you can do is to vote with your wallet, which I have done years ago as well as this week. Just unfortunate to think a top tier tablet with the premium price tag will not make it a year without problems from a company such as Apple.

I'm not defending Apple or anyone so don't put words in my mouth. I asked you a very simple question regarding a weird assumption by you that 'views' provide proof of something. They still don't regardless of your little rant.
A lot of people "watch" the thread too, so each time they go back, it adds views, etc.
Well, the number of views directly points to an issue that others are experiencing with their devices, not a one off thing. Not only do we have many people reporting an issue in the same location on the same model devices, we also have verification and pictures of the display models at their own stores experiencing it. How does that go unanswered for their premium "pro" model.

Sure is funny how many people like to come on this forum and contribute nothing but a defense for a company that charges a premium for a device that no longer has the same quality as their previous reputation once had. I've been behind Apple for many years, but it sure is getting harder to stomach the price increases across the board with devices barely making it a year before having issues. Keep defending a company that has changed, one that has been sued for intentionally slowing their devices down to force obsolescence. Look at the end result, once consumers were given a fair option to replace batteries due to the lawsuit, sales dropped, resulting in increased pricing to compensate. Ingenuity has been lacking from their end to justify a price increase, let alone quality control. The only concern is revenue these days, not what is the best interest of the consumer.

Best thing I suppose you can do is to vote with your wallet, which I have done years ago as well as this week. Just unfortunate to think a top tier tablet with the premium price tag will not make it a year without problems from a company such as Apple.
I ended up selling my iPad Pro 10.5 for 3/4 of its original price. And now I am holding my will to buy another iPad because of Apple poor QC right now of its product (especially those which uses 'pro' emblem behind it)
I ended up selling my iPad Pro 10.5 for 3/4 of its original price. And now I am holding my will to buy another iPad because of Apple poor QC right now of its product (especially those which uses 'pro' emblem behind it)

Me too and same here. I wasn't even impressed with the quality of the last generation IPad Pro when my volume control button broke, but that problem did not seem to be widespread like one here this and the bending issue. I switched to Samsung, Tab S4. Not as hi tech but they hold up much better.
I got the same issue even though i claimed and had the replacement at the 1st time. I had forgot to check the screen of the replacement one regularly, until one day i found the spot light again, much bigger than the 1st one, it was out off warranty then Apple offer me a screen replacement, it cost around 500 American Bucks estimation.
Haha, Apple you got to deal with this. I'm not going to pay you any buck i request for free of charge.
I ended up selling my iPad Pro 10.5 for 3/4 of its original price. And now I am holding my will to buy another iPad because of Apple poor QC right now of its product (especially those which uses 'pro' emblem behind it)
Good info and I completely understand your stance. I’m debating on trading mine in and picking up something different all together.
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I ended up trading my out-of-warranty Pro 10.5 at the Apple Store for $351 credit. The white spot was too distracting when reading. It was in almost mint condition except for the screen defect. The employee didn't bother checking - I guess it helped that their display model had the same defect.

I bought the 6th gen at Best Buy for $250 and despite it being a downgrade in every way, my family members who own the 6th gen haven't had any problems with theirs.
I ended up trading my out-of-warranty Pro 10.5 at the Apple Store for $351 credit. The white spot was too distracting when reading. It was in almost mint condition except for the screen defect. The employee didn't bother checking - I guess it helped that their display model had the same defect.

I bought the 6th gen at Best Buy for $250 and despite it being a downgrade in every way, my family members who own the 6th gen haven't had any problems with theirs.
Still waiting for the iPad refresh on March. Still undecided whether I would buy the 6th gen now or the next gen
I have an approx 1in spot on my iPad Pro screen which is brighter than the rest of the screen - it's unevenly lit. The spot is about 2in above the home button, and although it has soft edges, I'm anal about my gadgets, and the difference in brightness could be described as 'minor', it's clearly there. It looks a bit like a pressure spot or similar. I always keep it in a case with a screen protector and the Smart Keyboard, so it's well looked-after.

I can't find much about similar issues online - anyone heard anything similar? I have a Genius Bar appointment later in the week to see what Apple think (spending £800 on an iPad means I pretty much expect it to still be perfect within the warranty period).

I have the exact same problem in the exact same spot.

Any Argentinians out there that dealt with this issue satisfactorily???
If so please contact me.

Hi all!

I bought my iPad Pro 10.5" 256Gb in July 2017 at a Spanish Apple Store (far away from where I live). I noticed the bright spot some months ago, after more than one year of intensive usage. The spot doesn't really disturb me, and I don't think it has grown since then. However, after reading this thread I'm worried about touch screen becoming irresponsive in the future.

According to Spanish law, I'm still within the warranty period. However, relying on your comments I'm worried about my iPad being replaced by a "worse" iPad, that could show the bright spot in a quicker/bigger way.

Do you think that my iPad may eventually become irresponsive? Are replacements always refurbished? Is there any chance of getting some kind of refund in order to upgrade to the iPad Pro 2018 11"?

Any help really welcome, thank you very much!!
Topic Overblown. Just enjoy it as it is. Many many people don't experience this issue, or else it would be mentioned all over used buy/sell listings.
Haha really? I have 3 10.5” in my family and all of them developed bright spots within a year, but hey, keep pretending that this issue is no big deal. I know you are desperate to defend Apple, but cmon, this is ridiculous
Apple Store Replaced my launch 10.5” with no resistance earlier today, bright spot. Still under Apple Care, although under EU law it could possibly have been replaced anyway. Dunno.

Finally my brother can buy it off me - I’ve been dragging my feet, it’s been sitting in a cupboard since I got an 11”.
Welp, this is my 2ND replacement, and i saw another bright spot develop. Like legit i got my ipad replaced twich, this is basically my third ipad pro 10.5. I am stillunder warranty, i am tired of this cux the spot will get brighter and brighter. Will apple do something abt this?
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