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Ya same here. It gives me a headache in the evening. No issues on my partners silver. I think the belkin inviglass makes it worse to be honest.

But your screen looks well balanced in colour temp

Yes my screen itself is balanced. The OLED tint shift is just so easy to do I was expecting better. But hey what do I know I am used to LCD's on my iPhone's prior. Just seems like a weird compromise for OLED. I don't know how I feel. Cause I love the new features and how it feels and the size. But man that screen is just meh.
I get a tint even at a 1 degree motion:

Debating returning it. It really stresses the eyes.

Mine is much more extreme than yours. Even just tilting maybe 5 degrees left or right causes an almost instant shift to blue. It's not a gradual transition to blue. At the extreme angles its pretty similar to yours. Its annoying. If you use your phone one handed, you have to shift it more than that to reach the top left of the screen. Its always reminding me its there, especially at night.

Ive tried calibrating it every which way, but it still happens. I can get rid of the piss yellow screen, and it looks pretty darn good, but the changing color as I use it normally is not good for a $1200 device. One thats supposed to have the best screen out there..

Its not just me either. I had a couple people hold it and they see the same thing as I do.
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Mine is much more extreme than yours. Even just tilting maybe 5 degrees left or right causes an almost instant shift to blue. It's not a gradual transition to blue. At the extreme angles its pretty similar to yours. Its annoying. If you use your phone one handed, you have to shift it more than that to reach the top left of the screen. Its always reminding me its there, especially at night.

Ive tried calibrating it every which way, but it still happens. I can get rid of the piss yellow screen, and it looks pretty darn good, but the changing color as I use it normally is not good for a $1200 device. One thats supposed to have the best screen out there..

Its not just me either. I had a couple people hold it and they see the same thing as I do.

The video doesn't really show it as much as the eye, 1 degree tilt any direction and it shifts. That is what bothers me. Makes your eyes freak out.
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Mine is absolutely terrible. Head on it’s yellow and turns white when viewed at an angle. My second x also has the exact same issue.

Does anyone have a screen that is pure white when seen head on?
Mine is much more extreme than yours. Even just tilting maybe 5 degrees left or right causes an almost instant shift to blue. It's not a gradual transition to blue. At the extreme angles its pretty similar to yours. Its annoying. If you use your phone one handed, you have to shift it more than that to reach the top left of the screen. Its always reminding me its there, especially at night.

Ive tried calibrating it every which way, but it still happens. I can get rid of the piss yellow screen, and it looks pretty darn good, but the changing color as I use it normally is not good for a $1200 device. One thats supposed to have the best screen out there..

Its not just me either. I had a couple people hold it and they see the same thing as I do.

Mine is same as yours
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So I spent a few hours today at the Genius bar trying to figure out what to do about this yellow screen issue on the iphone X. Have to give credit where credit is due, and say that their customer care was pretty accommodating.

So essentially I spent an hour with their manager. They actually opened up another replacement box (the 2nd time) but it looked the same as the one I had. Then we lined up like six different iPhone Xs, including their display models, and they all looked pretty similar if I was being honest. It’s really hard to tell the subtle difference under their bright lights. She said I can still return if decide I don’t want to keep. I decided I will look at my cousins when he comes in a few days and then decide based on that.

The problem is, as soon as I got home, the piss yellow screen was super noticeable again...but very hard to discern under the bright lights at the Apple Store itself. Now, I am wondering if this is just how ALL the iphone Xs are?

Will hold off returning for now and hope that Apple will address this issue within the next few days before the return period ends.
I'd day mine looks very similar. Thanks for uploading video for others to see.

i read about the problem. Tried it. Noticed it. Thats how OLED works. Feel sorry for those who rage about changes.
You even realize that reading is WAY WAY easier with a warm white? Thats how it is supposed to be. Not Cold WHITE.
Ever visited a TV Calibration Site? They ALWAYS change the optimal Settings to Warm Colors. Cause this is color how it has to be. Poor Screens from the past told us something else. We are familiar with cold. The new generation wont.

ps. if there are real defective units some of you are using. i feel really sorry for the stress.
However 90% in here are jumping the bandwagon without defect. Cause their eye is oldschool and likes cold white.

Touch ID -> Face ID
Homebutton -> No Homebutton
Headphonejack -> Blutooth
Cold White standard -> Warm White standard
I’ve seen many screens and concluded that most of the screens are fine with minimal color shift which is normal. OLED has a filter layer that causes this.

However, from 5 iPhone Xs laying around in my office I’ve encountered 3 types of screens.

3 of them are pretty good, minimal shift, good viewing angle and uniformity.
1 of them has noticeable blue shift, but screen is uniform.
1 of them has a pink shift, and not very uniform screen due to the shift.

Here’s some side by side examples with same settings and various angles.

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I’ve seen many screens and concluded that most of the screens are fine with minimal color shift which is normal. OLED has a filter layer that causes this.

However, from 5 iPhone Xs laying around in my office I’ve encountered 3 types of screens.

3 of them are pretty good, minimal shift, good viewing angle and uniformity.
1 of them has noticeable blue shift, but screen is uniform.
1 of them has a pink shift, and not very uniform screen due to the shift.

Here’s some side by side examples with same settings and various angles.



1st pic - right one
2nd pic - left on image
3rd pic - left one.

Which model is which in pictures?

Prefer the pink shift compared with the yellow one in these pics. Better contrast between white and grey.
i read about the problem. Tried it. Noticed it. Thats how OLED works. Feel sorry for those who rage about changes.
You even realize that reading is WAY WAY easier with a warm white? Thats how it is supposed to be. Not Cold WHITE.
Ever visited a TV Calibration Site? They ALWAYS change the optimal Settings to Warm Colors. Cause this is color how it has to be. Poor Screens from the past told us something else. We are familiar with cold. The new generation wont.

ps. if there are real defective units some of you are using. i feel really sorry for the stress.
However 90% in here are jumping the bandwagon without defect. Cause their eye is oldschool and likes cold white.

Touch ID -> Face ID
Homebutton -> No Homebutton
Headphonejack -> Blutooth
Cold White standard -> Warm White standard

Not really sure why your coming with such rage? People are seeing issues and comparing models there are differences. Just because you don't see a problem you feel the need to say we're wrong. Or maybe because you think that's how the display should look your now trying to convince others? Look at the evidence. Move along, this is not the thread your looking for.
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I’ve seen many screens and concluded that most of the screens are fine with minimal color shift which is normal. OLED has a filter layer that causes this.

However, from 5 iPhone Xs laying around in my office I’ve encountered 3 types of screens.

3 of them are pretty good, minimal shift, good viewing angle and uniformity.
1 of them has noticeable blue shift, but screen is uniform.
1 of them has a pink shift, and not very uniform screen due to the shift.

Here’s some side by side examples with same settings and various angles.


I’m really impressed with this post. Only conclusive evidence that there are screen discrepancies with the X. Do these all have the same settings?! That’s crazy! I think I’m in the noticeable blue shift category. I guess there is no way of identifying these from serial number etc. If not, then it really is a panel lottery. Which I’m not playing with a £1000 phone. Your post should be front page on this site. But it won’t. Because that’s negative. And it’s Apple.
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I got my "X" yesterday. Overall amazing phone, great using experience (very responsive, good ergonomics), but the screen is some kind of mistake. Holding it in my hand and slightly moving/tilting gives me a headache/dizzy sensation because of the color shifting. It's enough to change the angle by a few cm and half of the screen looks blue, the other half creamy/yellow. I don't think it's something I want to accept as a compromise after so many years of having solid LCD iPhones with minimal color/contrast switch when looking from angles...

The worst is actually when I tilt the phone a bit in up/down position (not sideways). That's how I often look at the screen and it just gives me that glittering/shimmering effect that hurts my eyes. True tone is some disaster - works like night shift.


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don't expect MR to talk about the problem ; even if this is one of the most commented topic in their news & forum, it's obviously under embargo of some sort.
[doublepost=1510146789][/doublepost]I've just sent another mail to Mr Cook & Federighi, the two previous ones obviously got no answer.

Appointment set up at genius bar - if no exchange , the iphone X returns for refund.
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Yup to all...that's OLED for ya. Have myself experienced these OLED screen anomalies on many Samsung phones in the past.

Keeping my iPhone 8 Plus :)
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I got my "X" yesterday. Overall amazing phone, great using experience (very responsive, good ergonomics), but the screen is some kind of mistake. Holding it in my hand and slightly moving/tilting gives me a headache/dizzy sensation because of the color shifting. It's enough to change the angle by a few cm and half of the screen looks blue, the other half creamy/yellow. I don't think it's something I want to accept as a compromise after so many years of having solid LCD iPhones with minimal color/contrast switch when looking from angles...

The worst is actually when I tilt the phone a bit in up/down position (not sideways). That's how I often look at the screen and it just gives me that glittering/shimmering effect that hurts my eyes. True tone is some disaster - works like night shift.
Nailed it - "glittering/shimmering effect". Perfect description.
It would be an "OLED problem" if there was only one kind of iphone X

But there are clearly MAJOR VARIANCES ( tolerances ?) in what's beeing put on the streets.

Lucky owners & pissed off owners. That's what exchange & quality programs at apple are for. If we fight for them.
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I honestly doubt Apple will address it and its going to be either you keep the device or return it. I noticed it but I’m not going to make a fuss about it. I’m sure my eyes will get use to it. Still like the device.
Mine is not as bad as others but it is noticeable when you are viewing at 45 degrees or more. It turns a blueish yellowish tint over all. Doesn't bug me too much since I don't really view at that angle but....
Right and they are talking about DisplayMate rating the X a screen over the Note 8 and I’m like um no.

Indeed. I've lost faith in Display Mate a while ago after each and every new Samsung phone again had apparently upped the bar on each and every single characteristic. While my eyes could not determine these great leaps myself seeing the screen on the new phone (I've had them all from the S6 onwards, and also swapped many a S6 and S7 due to screen problems ; non uniformity, green/blue/pink hue, color shifting). remains a lottery is my conclusion.
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