I found the video I was referring to:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtDotqLx6nA# (At 21:30 and the kicker comes at 22:10)
It makes absolutely no sense to me. (Only 30+ years earning my living with a camera - any camera!)
In the first few minutes 12/35mm f2.8 full frame lens does NOT perform as a 24/70mm f2.8 lens on a 2 times crop sensor/camera. ???
My old olympus E3 plus with 12/60 mm lens gave exactly (within limit of me being able to stand exactly in the same place and a fixed subject) the same image size (not shape) as my canon 5D with a 24/105 mm ef lens with olympus set at 50mm and canon at 100mm. So what am I missing??
It is only field of view he is on about I assume all other things being infinitely variable