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Galaxy Gear smart watch, Galaxy Note 3? I have to admit that note 3 is pretty unbelievable. The smart watch is cool but I hate the design, not liking the screws. I do however love the faux leather backing of the Note 3. Oh and it can record 4k video and has 3gb of ram. That is amazing.

Let's be honest. It has 3Gb ram because it needs 3gb ram in order to function properly. Maybe I'll be more excited with the ability to record 4k video if a) there were affordable displays that would be able to display it and b) if the image sensor recorded proper 4k video rather than the grainy washed out mess it's likely to be.

What do you all think? Looks like Samsung raised the bar even further. Apple really has to come out with something on the 10th and it better not be just a fingerprint reader and colors.

I'd hardly call anything announced today 'raising the bar even further'!

A 'smart' watch that doesn't work without a Bluetooth 4 enabled device, which has enough battery power to last a day.

Apple have already been halfway there with a smart watch with the iPod nano 6th gen. Camera is for voyeurs, all Apple need to do is bring back the 6G nano, add Bluetooth, a microphone, and a software upgrade.

I agree that innovation has to take place somewhere, but it does make me laugh that people assume that Samsung is the one innovating. You can bet your ass they had no plans for a smart watch until the rumour mill started with Apple's watch. It's then a case of 'let's hurry up and get it out before Apple do it'.

Biometrics are the way forward for mobile devices. You watch, the 5S will be ridiculed for it, until the S5 puts it in!
Agreed, everything they make is the perfect size, until it isn't.

Uhh, how is this different from ANY OTHER COMPANY?

What companies do you know that go around saying "Well, this is the best thing around, but its alright. Here ya go world."

Hell look at the way Samsung is characterizing the its from the future and some huge new thing that's going to take the world by storm.....when the reality is completely the opposite.

Companies market their products. Its HILARIOUS that people think this is some Apple-specific phenomenon.....perhaps that sentiment speaks to how truly ubiquitous and powerful Apple has become.....
You can bet your ass they had no plans for a smart watch until the rumour mill started with Apple's watch. It's then a case of 'let's hurry up and get it out before Apple do it'.

I bet that those claims are not really believed, I bet that people doesn't believe that all the tech world revolves around Apple.
I bet that those claims are not really believed, I bet that people doesn't believe that all the tech world revolves around Apple.

Seems far too coincidental for two of the biggest companies in mobile tech to both think of creating a smart watch at the same time.

Conspiracy theories have been formed from much less.
Seems far too coincidental for two of the biggest companies in mobile tech to both think of creating a smart watch at the same time.

Conspiracy theories have been formed from much less.

Yes, yes, yes. There is a rumor about an Apple hygienic paper and all the companies rush to make its paper :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Yap, and people still believe that the man has not been on the Moon
Uhh, how is this different from ANY OTHER COMPANY?

What companies do you know that go around saying "Well, this is the best thing around, but its alright. Here ya go world."

Hell look at the way Samsung is characterizing the its from the future and some huge new thing that's going to take the world by storm.....when the reality is completely the opposite.

Companies market their products. Its HILARIOUS that people think this is some Apple-specific phenomenon.....perhaps that sentiment speaks to how truly ubiquitous and powerful Apple has become.....

Mainly because people can accept, yeah this can be better, whereas Apple fans will said no. No this is perfect. I even remember the first iPod Touch (which I bought), I said this would be much better if it had a speaker like the iPhone. Everyone in here was saying, oh no Apple tested that and decided it wasn't right, you're better off listening with headphones, it's perfect the way it is now. Next iteration, speakers included, oh Apple knew what they were doing all along, (yeah right). Denying tech to be incrementally added later is now a feature (lol).

And Apple fans aren't open to criticism, if it's not perfect then it's open to criticism and nothing's perfect.
I bet that those claims are not really believed, I bet that people doesn't believe that all the tech world revolves around Apple.

Ehh I think the fact Samsung released the Gear now and with the feature set it has is proof they care a great deal about what Apple is doing.....

As well as they've done in the smartphone market, with cool (albeit somewhat gimmicky) features, I find it shocking they couldn't come up with some more than this.

I think it was a rush to be FIRST, because they knew they couldn't compete toe-to-toe with Apple.

Just my opinions of course.


Regardless of what the iWatch can do, or can't do, it will be hailed as innovative.

If everyone decides to get one and the smart watch industry becomes huge and booms, you bet it will - as it should be.

I also think if Apple releases a smart watch similar to what Samsung released, it'll be a failure - albeit they might sell more than Samsung if it looks just won't cause the smart watch industry to grow and won't be an innovation. And IMO, that would be seen as failure at Apple.
Ehh I think the fact Samsung released the Gear now and with the feature set it has is proof they care a great deal about what Apple is doing.....

As well as they've done in the smartphone market, with cool (albeit somewhat gimmicky) features, I find it shocking they couldn't come up with some more than this.

I think it was a rush to be FIRST, because they knew they couldn't compete toe-to-toe with Apple.

Just my opinions of course.


If everyone decides to get one and the smart watch industry becomes huge and booms, you bet it will - as it should be.

I also think if Apple releases a smart watch similar to what Samsung released, it'll be a failure - albeit they might sell more than Samsung if it looks just won't cause the smart watch industry to grow and won't be an innovation. And IMO, that would be seen as failure at Apple.

Selling a lot doesn't make it innovative.

Selling a lot means the company making it is popular.
Yes, nobody can compete with Apple. It is a fact of life :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I didn't say that. You did. I merely stated an opinion based on Samsung's lackluster smart watch offering.

Feel free to lump me in using generalizations all you want - much easier than constructing a reasoned argument, I know.


Selling a lot doesn't make it innovative.

Selling a lot means the company making it is popular.

How about completing that thought as you're taking HALF of what I said and ignoring the other half.

Selling alot alone doesn't make something innovative. But if Apple sells a boat load of iWatches and in turn it effects the entire industry, leading to a boom in smart watch production and the idea that everyone needs a smart watch.....then yes, its innovative.

The innovation comes as a result of the device's effect on the industry and the populace. The iPhone was an innovation in that it sparked an entirely new era of mobile phones. Others came before it, none had any real impact.

An innovation cannot be a great idea that never sees the light or day or has little impact. An innovation changes how we live our daily lives.
I agree with couch here. I've learned that there are people who see Samsung's tactics in a positive way, and those (myself included) who see them in a negative way. The proponents and opponents are talking past each other at this point. In normal spirits, however, I will say these three words: pink plastic leather.
Uhh, how is this different from ANY OTHER COMPANY?

What companies do you know that go around saying "Well, this is the best thing around, but its alright. Here ya go world."

Again, you're digging at an argument that isn't there. When was the last time Samsung said a specific screen size was "perfect"? How could they even get away with saying that considering they offer so many screen sizes?

No one is expecting companies to sell their products short. However, Apple takes praising their own things to another level. No one is trying to stop them, but a little humility wouldn't hurt. A little humility in their fans wouldn't hurt, either.

"It just works" anyone? That slogan has done more harm than good to Apple. I've argued this before so I won't bore everyone again. In short, it creates a false expectation that things are perfect.

Hey, I get marketing. And Apple usually has brilliant marketing.

But please, don't compare other companies to Apple like they're pulling the same bag of tricks. Who else users terms -- and uses them seriously -- like it's "magic" or "it just works" as a slogan?

I'm not even a fan of Samsung, but Samsung can get away with more because they're offering more. They don't have to claim nor sell people that so and so size is the perfect size because they offer so many.

Apple could take a page out of Google, too. Anytime you see an interview of Googlers, you just get a sense of more humility and down-to-earth-ness. I still shutter when I think of Tim Cook on the stage saying "This is incredible!" It just feels so forced and fake. Ditto other Apple heads. I actually like Tim Cook, too. But when you watch their videos, it's pretty sad.

Conversely, when you watch Google videos/interviews, you get people saying "Android isn't finished." I forgot the exact wording the Google head used, but he said Android is only 2/5's done. There's still more to go. No where does he claim this is the "world's most advanced smartphone OS." I forgot who it was again, but some other Google head admitted Nexus cameras suck and has vowed that they'd pay attention for the next iteration. This is humility. This is confidence. This is a company truly interested in improving the experience unafraid of "fragmentation" and maximizing profits.

Anyway... my fingers are tired from typing all this. It just isn't the same, Jrz. Apple is, for better or worse, its own beast. Much of them is respectable, and some of it isn't. Their fanboyism and hypocrisy is definitely not.
I didn't say that. You did. I merely stated an opinion based on Samsung's lackluster smart watch offering.

Feel free to lump me in using generalizations all you want - much easier than constructing a reasoned argument, I know.

You did say that the moment that you stating that Samsung can't compete with Apple with an unreleased, nonexistent device. Do you know what Apple is doing? Do you know if they will release anything? No and no but you can claim that Samsung has made an smart watch because fear of Apple and you claim that it can compete with that inexistent device

Reasoned, constructing argument? I bet that that from you is not one of them.
This is one that is always mentioned, but the reality is that statement means absolutely NOTHING.

Full HD is a marketing term coined and adopted as a standard meaning 1080p for TV displays.

The translation to smartphone displays doesn't exist. PPI/Retina is a better measure of a smartphone display's crispness and quality and while current smartphones are higher than the iPhone, the iPhone 5's display is every bit as high definition as those are.

Despite the smaller display size, I really noticed little quality difference between my iPhone 5, HTC One and GS4, despite the fact the iPhone 5 isn't "HD".

As for the rest of it, the iPhone 5S will have the obligatory spec bumps, speed wise, camera update some display improvements, battery life improvement etc...

I fail to see how Samsung is so much more innovative.
Well, if you play full HD content on a HTC One or GS4 and play that same content in an iPhone 5, there will be a noticeable difference in picture quality. Information will be lost when down converting a 1920x1080 image down to 1136x640 and the image will undoubtedly look softer. It's not a complete marketing term as there is an actual improvement between these resolutions.

Of course, viewing distance is very important and you have to be looking for these things. A lot of people will say DVD is just fine and can't tell a difference between it and true HD, while others can't tell a difference between streaming HD and Blu-ray and say that streaming HD is "just fine."

While the ppi help blend in the picture nicely so it can look very smooth, that still doesn't make up for the loss of detail and that it's resolution isn't HD. It will show if you're looking for it.
Mainly because people can accept, yeah this can be better, whereas Apple fans will said no. No this is perfect. I even remember the first iPod Touch (which I bought), I said this would be much better if it had a speaker like the iPhone. Everyone in here was saying, oh no Apple tested that and decided it wasn't right, you're better off listening with headphones, it's perfect the way it is now. Next iteration, speakers included, oh Apple knew what they were doing all along, (yeah right). Denying tech to be incrementally added later is now a feature (lol).

And Apple fans aren't open to criticism, if it's not perfect then it's open to criticism and nothing's perfect.

You nailed it. That is the difference between an Apple fan and a Fanboy. True Apple fans recognize when things are executed perfectly and are also highly critical when things are not. Fanboys are just blinded by their love and admiration of Apple, as if they were hypnotized by Apple's PR Team.

That's why I just ignore Fanboy comments, it's not even worth en-lighting them, it's a lost cause.
Mainly because people can accept, yeah this can be better, whereas Apple fans will said no. No this is perfect. I even remember the first iPod Touch (which I bought), I said this would be much better if it had a speaker like the iPhone. Everyone in here was saying, oh no Apple tested that and decided it wasn't right, you're better off listening with headphones, it's perfect the way it is now. Next iteration, speakers included, oh Apple knew what they were doing all along, (yeah right). Denying tech to be incrementally added later is now a feature (lol).

And Apple fans aren't open to criticism, if it's not perfect then it's open to criticism and nothing's perfect.

Again, generalizations. I know, they're much easier than actually speaking one-on-one and constructing reasoned arguments based on ONE person's comments, but they get old and are extremely repetitive and frankly don't apply to a MAJORITY of Apple/iOS users.

Really they just make the person who uses them look like a fool. And what you don't realize, is in your argument you are doing the very same thing you claim Apple fans do. Assuming Apple DIDN'T know what they were doing.
You did say that the moment that you stating that Samsung can't compete with Apple with an unreleased, nonexistent device. Do you know what Apple is doing? Do you know if they will release anything? No and no but you can claim that Samsung has made an smart watch because fear of Apple and you claim that it can compete with that inexistent device

Reasoned, constructing argument? I bet that that from you is not one of them.

*sigh*......Let me spell it out.

I said, I BELIEVE (MY OPINION IS) Samsung doesn't think IT (not everyone) can compete with Apple toe-to-toe in the market (as in go up against product for product, sales-wise) so they released a half-assed smart watch so they could claim they were first.

Where do you get EVERYONE and that I know exactly what Apple is doing? Hell, Samsung knows more about what Apple is doing than I do. I trust what I see from them.

Do you understand now?
This is one that is always mentioned, but the reality is that statement means absolutely NOTHING.

I don't know if an upgrade from a 5.5" 720p (267ppi) to a 5.7" 1080p (386ppi) screen is considered "NOTHING".

As for the rest of it, the iPhone 5S will have the obligatory spec bumps, speed wise, camera update some display improvements, battery life improvement etc...

What will apple do to their display in the next iPhone where you consider it an improvement compared to what Samsung did and you call it NOTHING.

I'd agree what Samsung did wasn't innovative but its more of an upgrade than what the iPhone will get.
Apparently you did see the need for a larger phone that's why you got an htc one. Anything from 4.7 to 5" is perfect. Anything less than 6" to 5.5 is great for blind people like me. Anything over 6" is a tablet in my opinion. Anything under 4.7 is a joke and a 4" iphone is just comedy.

Yes, screen size was a determining factor for me switching from my iPhone to the One. That said, I don't want anything larger than what I currently have. What is perfect for me, differs from what is perfect for others, and apparently I'm not as arrogant as you are to tell them their choice of device is "just comedy.":rolleyes:
I didn't say that. You did. I merely stated an opinion based on Samsung's lackluster smart watch offering.

Feel free to lump me in using generalizations all you want - much easier than constructing a reasoned argument, I know.


How about completing that thought as you're taking HALF of what I said and ignoring the other half.

Selling alot alone doesn't make something innovative. But if Apple sells a boat load of iWatches and in turn it effects the entire industry, leading to a boom in smart watch production and the idea that everyone needs a smart watch.....then yes, its innovative.

The innovation comes as a result of the device's effect on the industry and the populace. The iPhone was an innovation in that it sparked an entirely new era of mobile phones. Others came before it, none had any real impact.

An innovation cannot be a great idea that never sees the light or day or has little impact. An innovation changes how we live our daily lives.

But you're still wrong. I don't think you know what innovation is.
You nailed it. That is the difference between an Apple fan and a Fanboy. True Apple fans recognize when things are executed perfectly and are also highly critical when things are not. Fanboys are just blinded by their love and admiration of Apple, as if they were hypnotized by Apple's PR Team.

That's why I just ignore Fanboy comments, it's not even worth en-lighting them, it's a lost cause.

I have to agree. At the risk of sounding conceited, I'd argue that I'm a far better, far more realistic, and far more healthier-for-Apple fan than their fanboys who can't admit the failings and shortcomings. I actually love Apple products (multiple Macs at home including rMBP, Thunderbolt Display, Airport Express, etc.).

Likewise, I'm a Google fan that is capable of criticizing Google and its associated partners. Check my thread history. I tear HTC a new one every chance I can regarding the shortcomings of HTC One and Sense. Ditto Android.
Again, generalizations. I know, they're much easier than actually speaking one-on-one and constructing reasoned arguments based on ONE person's comments, but they get old and are extremely repetitive and frankly don't apply to a MAJORITY of Apple/iOS users.

Really they just make the person who uses them look like a fool. And what you don't realize, is in your argument you are doing the very same thing you claim Apple fans do. Assuming Apple DIDN'T know what they were doing.

It's based off one person's comments and reading here for years.
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