Doesn't matter. Apple has been showing stellar financial results since Tim took top position, while everyone was waiting for apple to implode. The iphone x edition, might produce stellar profits it people like it and buy it. But it would be inline with what apple has already earned. I don't know who this mythical entire iphone customer base you are referring to, unless it's the 20 people here on MR.
Apple's iPhone 8 Y2D is going to make all quarters since 2014 look like down quarters
Apple has priced the OLED iPhone at 1000 because it knows people are going to buy it. If people are willing to buy the most expensive phone on the planet just for a curved edge OLED display,it seems that there was a pent up demand for the phone.
I don't feel like I'm being milked dry, so if you do, you have some great alternatives out there.
At $1300 I sure as hell feels so. I bought my 7 Plus for 900 last year. Now I have to pay $400 more if I want a real upgrade. Some years later will it be $1700,$1800?
The note 8 is a value buy to you not me. This is always evidenced by the fact each of us has a different price/value equation. The SD card is a meaningless feature to me and wouldn't affect my buying decision one way or another.
I use apple cloud services and like them better than the competition. If I really had no cell signal, I would take along my companion ipod, no biggie, but then there are other issues to be considered.
The Note 8 also has cloud services. It gives me an option as to whether I want to use an SD card or cloud storage. However I am sure no amount of cloud storage is going to prove enough for my 120GB custom music library and that's not including the tons of videos and movies I have on my phone.
I don't have an iPod and don't plan to buy one. Its so irrelevant Apple doesn't even mention it in the iOS relese notes. How much does an iPod cost vs an SD card again?
If allegedly apple will drop the finger print scanner from the iphone x edition, they will replace the functionality with some equivalent and better.
TBH I never found TouchID reliable as when my fingers are greasy or wet it never worked for me so facial recognition is a definite plus. But now you have lost the ability wherein the phone used to get unlocked the second it was out of your pocket. You will have to hold the phone in front of your face to unlock it.
Note 8 has both features
so now you are blaming apple for the price of the s8? That's rich.
Like it or not Apple has just established a precedent that a company can get away by charging $1300 for a phone. When Google Pixel launched it was priced close to the iPhone. So was the S7 and S7 Edge. Now Apple raised the bar to 1k plus, Samsung just found an opportunity to make a killing and not stir up a storm.
Under normal circumstances if the iPhone was priced at $799 as usual, Samsung would have been crucified for this obnoxious pricing. However now that we know how much the iPhone 8 costs, the Note 8 doesn't seem like a bad deal which is exactly what Samsung was hoping for. I expect Google to price their Pixel at the same price in the near future and so will the other manufacturers. Consumers are left with a big hole in their pockets.
This is exactly what happened in the GPU arena. NVIDIA's 1080ti was an insult to customers because those who bought the TitanXP for $1400 were fleeced because the Ti offered the same performance for $680. However even the 1080ti was regarded as a very overpriced and an expensive card as NVIDIA jacked up Pascal's prices $100 all over their lineup compared to Maxwell.Guess what? When AMD came up with Vega they priced the Vega Liquid at $680 making the 1080ti seem like a value buy and set all prices close to the prices of Pascal.
Industry Collusion ftw
So according to your logic a Ferrari and Civic are the same, because they share exactly the same features: wheels, tires, brakes, engine, radio etc?
The Ferrari has better performing components for a higher price. The iPhone 8 has similar performing components for a higher price
I'm not sure what excessively means, surely a value call based on individual circumstances.
As far as the fingerprint scanner, no one knows what apple is doing until they announce it. I feel confident in saying, whatever they do, it will be the same on the rumored 7s to the current generation and the same or better on the iphone x edition to the current generation. I like touch id myself, it works so seamlessly(for me) other unlock methods are not really needed (imo).
What value call? $300 almost gets me a GTX 1070 the third fastest GPU on the planet or A Samsung 840 EVO SSD, or a full fledged i7 7700k processor.