Well, I know you would like to see amazing features for M1 iPP... But I know you don’t see nothing groundbreaking happening for iPadOS 15. However, all this chatter about M1 iPP users need help in justifying their purchases, it kind of goes both ways… IMO. You don’t think Apple wants to make sure M1 iPP software features are well received.
Apple have Tim Cook come out in this thief-like grand style way while showing how amazing M1 is on iPP… they go on and on about this in the presentation. And you don’t see nothing groundbreaking happening for iPadOS 15 (in regards to M1 IPP)? Of course, we are all speculating here.
My thought process is… why would Apple go through all that trouble announcing the M1, advertising RAM on the website… to only give us a mediocre iPadOS 15.