How does mine fare? Max brightness TT off
Is the home button on the left?
How does mine fare? Max brightness TT off
Settle for an okay screen on my 9th unit. Life goes on. Maybe next year we'll have an OLED panel that won't suffer from this ****.
Yep. I actually should've kept my 1st or 2nd DL units but they had some backlight bleed which I thought I couldn't live with and very very faint tint issues, barely imperceptible now compared to the subsequent others.9th unit?
Dang that stinks
Guys excellent news!
Trying out a 12.9 64gb wifi, and the screen is BEAUTIFUL
More bright (not insanely so, but brighter than 9.7 pro), uniform tint, no yellow band, and off axis looks noticeably better than the 10.5's I tried
I wont state there aren't dud 12.9 I'm positive there probably are,
But I got a good one
NOW I just hope I like the 12.9 enough to keep it cause I don't wanna play lottery anymore
And serial is DL, also
What I have in front of me is how a screen should look
Text is smooth too not crunchy or lacking crispness
Save yourself the headache. Sending screenshots are a horrible way to resolve the issue because this never shows well on a photograph. If the issue is faint, just ignore it and enjoy your iPad. Nitpicking will aggravate you to no end.
My iPad has a really slight faint yellowing near the home button on the left bottom when in portrait but you really need to look for it. 3 out of the 4 iPads in the Apple Store had the same if not worse effect, so chances are if you replace the screen it most likely will have some degree of this issue. Which in most cases normal users wouldn’t see. I just happen to see it because I use the iPad to draw on a white background for extended periods. My iPad is also dead pixel/particle and dust free and honestly that would bother me way’s a toss up. Not sure I want to play the exchange game anymore.
Honestly I am beginning to think this is normal as LCD screens can never truly be uniform. Dead Pixels and dust particles can be prevented but screen uniformity is never perfect - look at other manufacturers tablets and they have a lot worse uniformity and backlight bleed.
See picture for my display (home Button on right) and tell me what you think:
View attachment 707848
Again, Apple sources panels from LG. LG makes cheaper panels than say a company like Samsung. When you're buying a cheaper product, that means cheaper materials, and translates to more variances.
This shouldn't be considered normal.
Also my 12.9 gen 2 is absolutely gorgeous. I am floored by this screen I’m typing on right now
Do you have evidence they are using LG primarily this go round ?
Also LG is main/only supplier of beautiful retina iMac 5k screens
yields might not be good, but LG alone isn’t crap. They can and do make nice displays.
And LG Display’s OLED tv panels, they’re still the only ones that make them (including the panel in Sony’s first OLED, A1E)
Also my 12.9 gen 2 is absolutely gorgeous. I am floored by this screen I’m typing on right now
Japan display, Samsung, and LG are the primary suppliers for Apple. The iPhones use primarily LG and japan display with some samsung. iPads have been a mix of Samsung and mostly LG in the past. Given Apple likes to not rely on a sole supplier, its is likely they use both.
Now if you recall the image retention iPad mini users suffered years back and also the yellow screens faced on MacBook pros, you could go into the computer settings and find out if the panel was made by LG or Samsung. Samsung displays were cooler temperatures and didn't have the IR issues. LG panels on the other hand did.
And with OLEDS, yes, LG has the market on large panels and Samsung on AMOLED. And to your point, the LG panels have vigneting in the corners for OLEDS and the Sony A1E doesn't. Why, when they use the same panel. Processing and better voltage regulation across the panel to ensure better uniformity and the X1 Extereme processor the Sony uses also produces better natural motion without inducing the soap opera effect. In general, LG I feel cuts corners in the name of better profits or maybe they just aren't as good at R&D as Sony and Apple.
I probably over answered your question and I'm sure if you google what I'm saying you will find supporting posts. I'm just not a big LG fan and given they used to be Goldstar, we all know the quality that name brought, so much so they renamed themselves LG.
I don't have anything definitive to conclude LG makes these panels. But going from the past several models and how things have typically gone, I'd wager LG.
And I don't think LG would cherry pick panels for Sony. They would want their own product to shine above the competition. So I think it has more to do with Sonys QC and less a panel lottery. Several forum members went into one of the NY resellers who had several A1E on breaking in for calibration and said the vignetting was almost nonexistent. Whereas you can still see on the C-G7 series panels from LG.
LG does have some good tech. But I also personally hold a belief that they cut corners and respect you may have a different opinion. This is mine from my research and personal experience.
I doubt LG is too concerned about being better than the competition since the iPad doesn't say "LG Inside". They are selling to a company that uses their screens anonymously. If the iPad was an LG product, then they would probably pay more attention to the quality.
What makes you believe, that they are sold as "refurbished".Yes, they may not care. But Apple gets to see all the returns and sell the product again as a refurb.
Resuming this thread, which model is better/higher probability of having a good display?
DM or DL?