Y’all need to just try the phones before acting like it’s already going to be the same situation. What scientific correlation can you tie to the brightness controller and doubled rates? They could be completely independent of one another.I see no reason to believe that Apple’s display team didn’t couple all the new innovations with the standard PWM rates we’ve come to expect.
There is a new brightness controller for the always-on display and up to 2000nits brightness, but no indication from the presentation that there will be any PWM changes. At least last year they advertised a new brightness controller and we got doubled rates on all but the Max.
There are bound to be variations year-over-year, but we’ve done this enough times now to know not to get excited.
I have never met an actual person in real life who suffers from PWM like I do. Not one. Apple has zero reason to say anything about it in an unveiling. Sad as it may be, we are in such a vast minority that it really doesn’t warrant addressing by a trillion dollar company. Even tech bloggers who’ve ran out of things to talk about the last 5 years don’t find a need to push the PWM issue.
Sorry for my rant but man, there’s only one way to know the answer. It’s not YouTube. It’s not Notebookcheck. It’s not fiddling 15 min with a display model. It’s getting the phone and using it like you do your current one. No more, no less (for those of us fortunate to live where availability and returns are not an issue).