I cannot use OLED iPhones after iPhone X. I have tried the 11 pro, 12 and 13. Symptoms are the same: nausea, headache, migraine. I recently discovered that I have very slight astigmatism and received prescription glasses for it. I could not adjust to the new glasses - same symptom as the OLED screens. I believe that these screens are causing motion sickness for those who are sensitive to it.
Let's hope the display on the iPhone 14 is an improvement. I have also seen the option to replace the OLED screen on the 12 pro with an InCell LCD screen which uses a backlight instead of PWM.
Replace a scratched or cracked front panel glass digitizer screen or a malfunctioning OLED display.
Has anyone tried this? That's going to be my next option if the 14 pro does not work out.