That sounds like a nice thing to do with your funds. If you can’t enjoy the apples, it‘s nice that someone you love can.
Totally get you on the iPP 11 situation. I maaaay hold off because I don’t need it right now, and it might just be healthy to enjoy what I have.
…which brings us to phones.
I’m still experimenting.
But I’m doing better with the 14PM now that I’m not keeping max brightness and almost max RWP. Having RWP between 65-75% and letting autobrightness do its thing seems to help. That’s something I couldn’t do with previous OLED iPhones, so that feels like improvement.
I still make wishes in fountains every chance I get that I can find my way back to an LCD screen. And I still might return this 14PM, but I’m exhausted and struggle at the thought of returning yet another phone.
Definitely know that in future, I want to try to only try new phones during holiday return period because not stressing about figuring everything out in 14 days really helps the examination. And it feels respectful to Apple.
However, I still have my 11. That cliché about cold dead hands comes to mind.
Have you found a way to make your 7+ feel new again? Or made peace with it?