Any LCD screen of apple’s that touts “Wide gamut” color or “billions” of colors is using a cheat to fool the eyes into thinking they’re seeing colors that don’t actually exist.
That technique (cheat) is referred to as Temporal Dithering. (TD).
Much like PWM brightness dimming in OLED displays, TD flashes (flickers) adjacent colors on and off at a very high frequency to fool the eyes into seeing a color that’s sort of the average of the two. Example, flash an adjacent red and blue pixel on and of and the eyes see purple.
The screen isn’t projecting purple- just the eyes think their seeing purple.
To do this cheat requires color flickering. Most people can not detect it, while some people experience negative nervous system effects due to the high frequency flickering.
@MICHAELSD mentioned above that the 11” iPad Pro doesn’t bother him at all — so maybe check that model out.
That technique (cheat) is referred to as Temporal Dithering. (TD).
Much like PWM brightness dimming in OLED displays, TD flashes (flickers) adjacent colors on and off at a very high frequency to fool the eyes into seeing a color that’s sort of the average of the two. Example, flash an adjacent red and blue pixel on and of and the eyes see purple.
The screen isn’t projecting purple- just the eyes think their seeing purple.
To do this cheat requires color flickering. Most people can not detect it, while some people experience negative nervous system effects due to the high frequency flickering.
@MICHAELSD mentioned above that the 11” iPad Pro doesn’t bother him at all — so maybe check that model out.