The idea that one is better than the other 🙄. "Oh I heard the standard 15 is better, I read the 15PM is best". The numbers and others accounts ain't gonna help. You have to try it (or don't).
The 15PM felt absolutely fine for the couple of hours I used it. It even had me thinking: "yes, finally"! The next day was awful and 4 days later my eyes and brain still hurt. Clearly I'm on the very sensitive end of the scale, but to be feeling this bad days later is very concerning to me.
I say this to not necessarily put you off, but I can't help but feel that if your sensitive to this stuff, no amount of fiddling at the edges or swapping out models is ever going to make it “just right” sadly.
(Yes, I sound and am defeated).
I’m sorry you’re still suffering. That’s very concerning!
I do wonder why we are sensitive and so many millions of others aren’t. Even if a growing number of people are sensitive, we are still a minority.
And we’re a minority that unlike protected classes or people with other recognized disabilities, won’t have legally required accommodations made for jobs or education. I’m still seeing in just about every discussion on the subject a person or several people chime in that it’s psychological not neurological.
With that a popular belief, it will be difficult to have our problems recognized by medical professionals and lawyers and lawmakers who could advocate for us to have the necessary resources and protections to remain active participants in society.
~~~~~TL/DR rant of my worries:
The way society and even families work these days, if you’re not connected you’re treated like you don’t exist. So I’m terribly worried about where this will all lead for us as we struggle to find devices that will still work safely for us yet are still current.
I’ve already faced consequences I never anticipated over what I saw as a simple decision to remove myself from Mark Zuckerberg’s pernicious influence.
I’m literally dead to a significant number of my friends and extended family because I left Facebook several years ago. Some of them were mad enough about it to literally treat me like I’m dead to them when I attempted to stay in contact via email or other means. My husband has an account but rarely posts so even he was culled from friends lists of extended family he financially supported. That means for instance we no longer know about great nieces we kept fed or sent to camp and so forth.
And because my children’s schools and even my mother’s assisted living puts a significant amount of information exclusively on their social media pages, namely FB and Instagram, I’m left completely in the dark about crucial things unless a connected friend or my husband tells me about it.
So, I’m very concerned about enduring further consequences of being exiled from iOS.
If I’m not on iMessages it’s extremely inconvenient for my immediate family members to let me know they’re going to be late for dinner or bringing friends over. I’m even on good terms with their friends and so kids that used to visit mine, but who now have gone off to college still occasionally send me a photo and quick hello on iMessage.
I find it easier to conduct transactions using Face ID as an authenticator than the stupid in screen Touch ID that infests Android devices now. Those things fail more. Pixel had excellent Touch ID buttons once upon a time. Now it’s a toss up whether or not my fingerprints will be recognized when I’m trying to get into my accounts.
So even though I like and use Androids, as an American I’m kind of screwed if I end up having to give up on iOS entirely. I can’t drag an iPad mini everywhere with me. I need these blasted iPhones to just work without sending me to my sick bed.