And…?I have never had a corrupted file with FileBrowser Pro whereas I ran into it with the built-in Files app. I use it with two different Samsung SSDs.
A lot of people around the World has never experienced Covid, but even if you haven’t either, will that help those, who do? The people left behind the millions, that have ended up in graves?
OK, formulated a bit harsh, but still. Will do as a.n analogy ;-)
Will it help anybody, who has lost data using the Files App, that you have not lost data (or discovered the loss, yet ;-)
I have used both Files App and the FE File Explorer Pro App for years. The File Explorer Pro for both iOS (now 14.8) and Android (now 11). The latter even allows a kind of Air Drop like operation between iOS and Android - far more reliable, than anything involving the Apple Files App for transfers/copy to ”anywhere”. Especially if large amounts of data is involved, like the 20-50GB or more of video and stills coming from your “big camera” each day during travel.
The File App has never been reliable (from iPhone, iPad or iPad Pro over my home WiFi 6 to anywhere - including local NAS - or to external drives (powered or via a powered USB Hub). File Explorer Pro is far more reliable (NOT 100%, I have experienced “oddities”, but not on a regular basis).
The biggest problem is, that there is no way to verify, that a transfer went, as it should. This means, that you have no practical way to check, if your data is safe, if your transfer includes large amounts of large files, when only iOS or ipadOS is involved during travel.
If backups of photos, videos and audio recordings from a trip of a lifetime is involved, I would never, ever rely on iOS/ipadOS based gear, when alternatives are available at far lower costs. All my iPads (Pro or not) are now only used for browsing, and some editing via Affinity Apps (I subscribe to Adobes tools, but they are only usable on PC and Mac for my use).
I’m not forking serious money out for a crippled MacBook Air called iPad Pro M1 ;-)
I do not use iCloud, OneDrive or Google One for any serious target store (this moment, iCloud stores 4.5 megabyte, and I have no longer any subscription to storage); they do NOT guarantee anything worth while for non-commercial accounts, and if they experience an “oops moment”, tough luck on you. Maybe they apologize, but your data may still be gone forever.
I own an old Microsoft Surface Pro 4 (late 2015), and for travel it is far, far better (and there is lots of software, also verifying backups to anywhere). Speed wise it still runs rings (at 5 Gigabit USB-A) around any iPad Pro when USB-C (up to 10 gigabit) is involved. I have never, ever experienced a simple data loss on my old (or new) Windows or Mac(book) machinery. Very few times, once a year maybe, the verify process discovers an error in the tens and tens of terabytes transferred here, there and everywhere each year. With Files App it nearly happens on a daily basis while traveling, that something untoward happens. Missing files. Missing connections to shares. Missing drives. Damaged drive content etc.
Same gear does not exhibit that behavior, when used on my Samsung smartphone or any of my Windows or Mac machines. That - at least - tells me something ;-)
Using iPhones is out. They’re horribly slow. My late 2020 iPhone 12 Pro 256 GByte has trouble copying data to an external SSD (powered) at 1/10 the speed, that I get when using my late 2019 Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus 512GB (250-275 megabyte per second) that also easily outperforms my iPads (pro or not).
Your mileage may vary, but is your data really safe?