Again, I'm stuck at a white screen. I used VBE7, save the original ROM as a Legacy, patched it with your direction, flashed it back with ATIFlash. WTF... Should I give up now? lol.
Here's the Term's log.
TNMP51:~ tn$ cd /Volumes/EFI
TNMP51:EFI tn$ ./ --efifile=7950mac.efi --romfile=efiromheader.rom --originalrom=card1.r9280x.s1.legacy.rom --devid=6798
running on 7950mac.efi, efiromheader.rom with devid 6798
Patching files 7950mac.efi, efiromheader.rom for device-id 0x6798
Successfully patched efi file
Successfully patched efi rom file
Orig Size = 125440
Comp Size = 47591
47591+0 records in
47591+0 records out
47591 bytes transferred in 0.126929 secs (374942 bytes/sec)
EFI part is ready at 6798.efipart.rom
orig size - 65536
65536+0 records in
65536+0 records out
65536 bytes transferred in 0.172807 secs (379244 bytes/sec)
OpRom (size=65536, indicator_offset=0x255, indicator=0x80, checksum=0x0)
OpRom (size=48128, indicator_offset=0x31, indicator=0x80, checksum=0x0)
RawData (size=17408)
OpRom (size=65536, indicator_offset=0x255, indicator=0x0, checksum=0x80)
OpRom (size=48128, indicator_offset=0x31, indicator=0x80, checksum=0x36)
RawData (size=17408)
the rom is ready at card1.r9280x.s1.legacy.rom.efi.rom