If you think 9.0 isn't laggy, then maybe you've used it for too long and forgot what the OS is supposed to run like.
If you think iOS 9.0 GM is perfectly smooth, then I invite you to downgrade to iOS 8.4.1 and feel the difference for yourself. It's like night and day different.
Don't even tell me "Your iPhone is indexing... it takes a few days to be smooth again"... Yeah, more like "It takes a few days for you to get used to how slow it goes".
All in all, iOS 9 is a DOWNGRADE from 8.4.1 and this is CRAP. Get your crap together Apple because this is truly frustrating. Also, don't tell me that I need to let it index because I updated on top of a fresh iOS 8.4.1 install (so no funny business happening) so there's not much to index here.
I'm even running this on Apple's latest iPhone (iPhone 6).