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macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2004
ok, paladin finished sending an e-mail. looks like we are all in for a big surprise He's been a busy more said...will wait


macrumors regular
May 27, 2004
Seattle Wa.
humefear said:
ok, paladin finished sending an e-mail. looks like we are all in for a big surprise He's been a busy more said...will wait
i'm breathless with anticipation, perhaps he should post it himself *cough*

Rower--thanks for leaving the thread :)



macrumors regular
May 27, 2004
Seattle Wa.
humefear said:

"We operate a virtual showroom on this website for your convenience. Should you need to see us in person, please contact us to arrange an appointment."

"We have been selling, supporting and repairing Macs for seven years"

Hmmmmm....sounds familiar

all the rest of the site is different besides the seven years thing, and from what my limited searching found, the prices are exactly the same as the canadian apple store. also, they give phone numbers on their main page; phone, fax, and toll free. none of the other scam websites gave phone numbers. theres no "free shipping", and the mac maniacz website is still up. perhaps someone can try calling one of the phone numbers tomorrow, i would now but it's midnight in my time zone.
Edit: i feel the need to clarify on a point. all the other websites followed the same format with links to; home, about, FAQ's, news and contact, at the top of the page. the home, contact, and about always differed slightly, the FAQ's were always the same, and news never had anything. this site clearly doesn't follow that format.
Edit again: they give a location that isn't a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. anyone live in Toronto that could go check it out?



macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2004
aplasticspork said:
all the rest of the site is different besides the seven years thing, and from what my limited searching found, the prices are exactly the same as the canadian apple store. also, they give phone numbers on their main page; phone, fax, and toll free. none of the other scam websites gave phone numbers. theres no "free shipping", and the mac maniacz website is still up. perhaps someone can try calling one of the phone numbers tomorrow, i would now but it's midnight in my time zone.
Edit: i feel the need to clarify on a point. all the other websites followed the same format with links to; home, about, FAQ's, news and contact, at the top of the page. the home, contact, and about always differed slightly, the FAQ's were always the same, and news never had anything. this site clearly doesn't follow that format.
Edit again: they give a location that isn't a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. anyone live in Toronto that could go check it out?


you're right it doesn't follow the same format and no "free shipping". I did find mac maniacz phone numbers
maybe a new look... guess they put together enough of our money to hire a real webdesigner.


Can you give us more details?


macrumors newbie
Nov 10, 2004
bluefeatherfl said:
too late! David Collin has ripped me off too! damn lost $4000 bucks!!!, wired money to Bank of Montreal account
help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! police say they can't do much more that take my report.

Hey there,
I have worked for Digital Prototypes (DPImac) for over 5 years. If there is a problem, please let me know. I don't know anything about a wire transfer. All our contact info can found on our site. Please give us a call so we can figure out where the problem lies. I haven't read the rest of the thread as i wanted to get this reply up as soon as I saw it. There is no David Collin in our operation.


macrumors 68040
Apr 3, 2003
bluefeatherfl said:
too late! David Collin has ripped me off too! damn lost $4000 bucks!!!, wired money to Bank of Montreal account
help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! police say they can't do much more that take my report.

sorry, but this looks like an empty claim without further proof. the prices listed on the site is no better than regular retail prices. (as others have already mentioned.) if there are no apparent "benefits," how are scammers expect to lure people? if prices were the same, why would someone not order directly from apple?

please clarify how you did the business with them, what you ordered, etc.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 18, 2002
humefear said:
ok, paladin finished sending an e-mail. looks like we are all in for a big surprise He's been a busy more said...will wait

...yet still no proof arises...

Personally, I do not trust the fact that you and paladin showed up at the same time, especially after doing a search for all your posts and seeing that ALL of them were in support of him and his accusations against long standing members of this forum who's intentions are good.

My guess... we will see no 'surprise evidence' or any bombshell that supports his claims against long time members. And I believe you and him to be one and the same... but thats all i'll say on the matter. I'm a long standing member here and do not wish to be banned.


macrumors 68020
Feb 18, 2003
aplasticspork said:
Edit again: they give a location that isn't a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. anyone live in Toronto that could go check it out?


I can get there on Saturday or Sunday this weekend, the address:
230 Brown's Line
Toronto, On
M8W 3T4

The postal code checks out, it's listed in and it's just above lakeshore on the map, so even though there's a higher concentration of commercial / industrial business in the area, it's really not "in the middle of nowhere".

I think this store is legit, but I've never been. I'll find out either way, at best we can save people from getting scammed, at worst I've found another store that will tempt me into spending more money. :)

<edit> Damn I found out through dpi's "Contact Us" link they aren't open on the weekend. Regardless I'll be making a drive by (and maybe a peek in the window) to see what's up. ...mind you this just confirms that the store exists, and implies nothing to the problems mentioned. </edit>


macrumors 68040
Apr 3, 2003
whois listing on checks out.

and this store is listed on apple canada as one of authorized resellers in toronto.

no such info can be found on any of macwhiz variants when you check authorized resellers on or

i think is safe. macwhiz and variants aren't.

bluefeatherfl - you owe a bit of an explanation/clarification here, i believe.

(one thing i am happy about as a result of this thread and other's considerable effort is that this scammer is running out of names. i mean, 'macmaniacz'? WTF? i hope he gets busted some time, though.)


macrumors newbie
Nov 10, 2004
Hey folks me again,

We are definitely real. I was pointed to this thread by someone on another Mac board I frequent. PM me if you want the link and you can verify I am a long time member and frequent poster.

I really don't know where the confusion lies. I thought this would get cleared up very easily but I still see people are nervous. If bluefeatherfl thinks he has been ripped off, I would really like the details. We do not have anyone working with us by the name of David Collin. We do have a Bank of Montreal account but it is not used for any sort of wire transactions. For the few email transfer's we have accepted, we only use our TD/Canada Trust account.

If someone out there is using our name to rip people off, we will gladly do anything we can to help put them behind bars. Please PM me with any information you have and we will call the police.

If this is just an error I would encourage bluefeatherfl to please post a reply stating so.

As far as stopping by, anyone and everyone is welcome. We do not open on weekends anymore as retail isn't our main focus and we weren't getting enough traffic to make it worth while. We do stay open till 7:00 on Thursdays for anyone not able to make it during business hours. You won't be able to peak in the windows after hours though. We bought an old bank and installed roll down shutters on all windows. Our area is getting cleaned up but there are still some shady characters that come out at night sometimes. We had a break in attemp not long after we moved in so we weren't going to take anymore chances.

If anyone has any questions about DPImac or any concerns, let me help put your mind at ease.

edit: I have PM'd bluefeatherfl and am awaiting his response. The message has not been read yet.


macrumors regular
Feb 27, 2004
New Orleans

Rower_CPU said:

Infighting amongst ourselves and throwing around accusations without providing proof accomplishes nothing. I understand how those who've been ripped off are anxious to track down the ones who did it and extract compensation. But, the way people have been doing it in this thread lately accomplishes nothing more than satisfying the need to attack someone because of what happened to you.

I suggest everyone re-read Raid's post and re-think pursuing official/legal action rather than slander fellow posters without providing any evidence as to why.
I have received numerous spam emails from the obvious perpetrator who has reassured me of his identity. He believes he has found a loophole in the laws governing international commerce and is playing it for what it is worth. He is the reason for this thread and the object of our rage. Alas, I was not a victim and the authorities will not take my complaint. My input has been influential in dissuading anyone from doing "business" with these entities.
I have been diagnosed with a brain tumor and may not post again for a while. Please keep your focus as we get closer to this menace.


macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2004
would really like to hear from bluefeather and more details about his encounter with David Collins. Also were is SVENR? has anyone been in touch with him... sent him a few e-mails about updating his site and no reply.


macrumors 68000
Jan 8, 2003
timsq, on behalf of (some) other members here, thanks for your help. I wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing new posts in the not-too-distant future.




macrumors regular
May 27, 2004
Seattle Wa.
Squire said:
timsq, on behalf of (some) other members here, thanks for your help. I wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing new posts in the not-too-distant future.


I second that :) good luck, and thanks for your help.



macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2004
hello........ anyone home?

no response from bluefeather or svner.
sent multiple e-mails to paladin about posting his new found information has not replied either.

paladin - post the information you promised! we are waiting.

is anyone around hello?


macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2004
BTW: called DPIMAC and they actually answered the phone and seem to be a real company. someone here said they would stop by the office, please post your findings.


macrumors 68040
Apr 3, 2003
svenr hasn't been to MR in almost a month. (he was last here early Oct.)

you can check his website. the link is in this thread somewhere.


macrumors regular
Feb 27, 2004
New Orleans
Pigs and spam

the following unpaid advertisment is not for macmastershop who lured me to the brink of being taken, or macwhiz for whom this thread is named, or macfanaticshop who proved that copyright infringement is a doddle, or even the new and illustrious macmaniacz is nothing more than a house of Spam®, further clenching tightly to the level of class and service you have never known. Play nice in traffic with a frozen skipole electrified by the ire of your victims oh bringer of the FBI and other mercenaries to your doorstep. Keep it up. You're right it's just the beginning, the beginning of your end.
For those joining us late, mac(rip-you-off) has been reduced to idle threats and penny ante tactics. We only hope their cell mates will stinge on the thermal paste. In other news, those who were responcible for the sacking are greatly appreciated. The proof you want is being manufactured by they very originators of this thread. Those who without, we might be discussing something more worthy than how a lamer with an angle on Mac users is devisively scamming money from unwitting eshoppers.
I propose a vote. Post my user name if you want me to stay (status counts). Post "ENOUGH" and I will be gone.
That is all.
Mod rights reserved. Namaste.


macrumors regular
May 27, 2004
Seattle Wa.
timsq said:
the following unpaid advertisment is not for macmastershop who lured me to the brink of being taken, or macwhiz for whom this thread is named, or macfanaticshop who proved that copyright infringement is a doddle, or even the new and illustrious macmaniacz is nothing more than a house of Spam®, further clenching tightly to the level of class and service you have never known. Play nice in traffic with a frozen skipole electrified by the ire of your victims oh bringer of the FBI and other mercenaries to your doorstep. Keep it up. You're right it's just the beginning, the beginning of your end.
For those joining us late, mac(rip-you-off) has been reduced to idle threats and penny ante tactics. We only hope their cell mates will stinge on the thermal paste. In other news, those who were responcible for the sacking are greatly appreciated. The proof you want is being manufactured by they very originators of this thread. Those who without, we might be discussing something more worthy than how a lamer with an angle on Mac users is devisively scamming money from unwitting eshoppers.
I propose a vote. Post my user name if you want me to stay (status counts). Post "ENOUGH" and I will be gone.
That is all.
Mod rights reserved. Namaste.
timsq, if you leave because some losers are accusing you falsely of running those websites.....

sorry i got distracted by something shiny, moving on. i would be severely pissed if you were to leave because of people like paladin55. :( :mad:
so basically dont leave



macrumors newbie
Dec 10, 2003
Medford, OR
TIMSQ... PLEASE DON'T LEAVE! I am one of the original victims and have been on this long enough to know whose who, and I have also been in contact with SVNR and others behind the scenes trying to get info.
You have bigger worries than this scumbag who thinks he is untouchable...his time will come...and my prayers are with you as you endure your own challenge of getting well. I wish your treatments to be a complete success and your recovery to be speedy.

I hope to hear from you, as I'm sure others do also, in regards to how you're doing, either in this forum or privately. We will try to keep up the good fight to get justice, you keep up the fight too. We need you...we all need each other to bring this creep to justice.

SVNR emailed me awhile back that he wasn't going to have much time to stay on top of the website, that he was really busy with work. He did an incredible job trying to log the history and important contacts for this case.
We can't expect him to carry the ball by himself.

I'm getting really sick of meesages questionsing the intentions of people who are really trying to help get this guy. When we turn on each other, all we are doing is taking the focus off of Derald and his goons. If you want to vent-take it out on the idiot who deserves it, not those of us who don't!


macrumors newbie
Oct 9, 2004
Post #362 contains a link to a satellite image of 5500 Hovander Rd in Ferndale, WA.

After making some calls, I was able to find out that 5500 Hovander Rd does exist, however #4 5500 Hovander Rd probably does not exist.

There are 2 buildings at the address. One is empty, but was recently used by Samuels Furniture. Samuels is a local store in Ferndale, WA. The other building is shared by International Vision Direct and Chuckanut Cheesecake. This information is from the store manager at Samuels.
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