Hello, everyone! Hows everybody doing?
Recently I purchased a Mac Pro (4.1, early 2009 model) with the following technical specifications: 2x Intel Xeon Quad 2,26ghz, 16gb RAM, 2 GeForce GT 120 graphics cards, both with 512MB each. It is running the current OSX 10.8.3 version.
I work mostly with FinalCut 7, Final Cut X and After Effects CS6. But with my GT120 graphics cards, things can get quite difficult. I think theyre extremely slow for what the kind of work I need to do.
I have been searching for a better upgrade for my 2 current graphics cards. Should I upgrade them for another two better cards, or just one much better one? I have come across the 2GB EVGA GTX 660.
But I still have lots of questions and I am not sure the process would work. From what I have read so far, it should work, but I wanted a few more opinions before I make my final decision.
Would my internal power supply be able to support new graphic card?
Would it be enough to install this new driver -
http://www.nvidia.com/object/macosx-cuda-5.0.45-driver.html - and install the graphics cards and have it all work perfectly?
Is this the PCIE cable I need to buy?
I appreciate the help! Thank you so much!