Yeah it's essentially Note 5 meets S7Edge. I don't think this is an issue created by external design changes, but clearly the internal changes whether specific part alone or combination of parts thereof are to blame only Samsung know, but it does seem more random than just isolated to a certain batch / manufacturing date.Yeah...I don't see the Note 7 as a major redesign at all. It is a refinement of the S6 and S6 edge and S7 edge.
Then by all accounts the problems was with a USB C to micro USB connector and the battery.
In an ideal scenario (if there can be one) Samsung will discover it affects only devices manufacturered between certain dates, however the fact they have suspended sales and it appears in all variants exynos and snapdragon which wouldn't be manufacturered together one assumes, means it seems much broader and potentially encompassing.
It will undoubtedly be resolved in time, hopefully sooner rather than later, but it's still unfortunate both for consumers and Samsung.