Note 7 sales to resume early October...
Replacement being issued as of next week.
No one is banned from flying with a Note, it just has to be off.
They're not stopping making Notes, why would they?
Samsung made the phablet category popular, they're not going to give up the Note name, that would be madness, on a marketing level.
The expediency in sorting the issue will be the deciding factor for a lot of people, current Note users are generally happy with how things are playing out from what I've seen.
I hAvent seen much about the Note in the mainstream media apart from the FAA suggestions.
Some people will be receiving their replacements before some iPhone 7 owners will receive their preorders.
Is that not a quick solution?
Of course, the U.S might be a bit different if the govt get involved and red tape the issue but the rest of the world will be fine.
If course this is all my opinion and I could be totally wrong, but there will be a Note 8 imo...
People aren't suggesting there won't be a Note successor, only there may be a culling of the Note name. Possibly replace it and relaunch it alongside the S8 as an S8 Stylus version.
Mainstream media has covered it a lot here and it's simply referred to as 'the exploding phone'. RTE our equivalent of BBC has had half a dozen articles about it since the 2nd and all of them negative.
Our national radio news channel as mentioned it in a number of its tech spots, all increasingly negative.
Even likes of Sky News ran it on its ticker feeds for a day or two. More coverage than many world affairs issues.
Each time it's popped up on news feeds it has been negative news followed by negative news.
All of them have one aspect in common, essentially branding it as 'the exploding phone'. Sensationalist or not, that's really bad for the device and the 'legacy' it would have to carry going forward here.
People are saying existing Note owners seem happy enough to wait, and whilst some are - it's also evident from this fora alone many are not and are exchanging for other devices. Not good for the Note brand.
Likewise and this is the really important part ......
These 'early' adopters of the devices are NOT the ones going forward Samsung need to convince to buy it's device. It's the average Joe who isn't the one queueing up at launch, but may have considered the device when they fell for an upgrade sometime in the future. If they have seen or read any of the news and the casual references to 'the exploding phone' that consideration of the device as a future purchase may be irrevocably lost.
That is the real challenge for Samsung PR team. Undoing 'the exploding' association once planted. Convincing people the device is safe and trying to wipe that negative media which has plagued it since early after its launch or prevented it from launching in the first place.
The cost of undoing that damage may be the 'note' name. It's a lot of baggage to have to carry forward if not, and it may be far easier and more opportunist right now faced with very expensive recall and even greater 'marketing budgets' to relaunch it to severe the ties that bind it going forward into 2017.