Doesn't matter what I think ...
Well that's something everyone on MacRumors can agree on ......
Doesn't matter what I think ...
Excellent design and removable batteries arent mutually exclusive.The LG V20 is a good looking device yet manages to keep a removable battery.It doesnt look any worse than the iPhone 7 plus.Samsung would have saved a ton of PR and costs if only the Note 7 had an removable batteryDo people really want plastic Polycarbonate backs on phones again when designs have achieved such nice aesthetics in recent years? I can't imagine many people carrying spare batteries around in this day and age.
What's official from another manufacturer that people should follow your example on?Wow I feel so special that everyone is so concerned for my well being. Although I did respond a few pages back. With that being said, I'm not so blindly loyal to to say I will still use my Note 7. But I'm also not quick to spread fud. I've always said, I'll wait till things are official. Which they now are. Too bad others can't do the same when it comes to another manufacturer.
What's official from another manufacturer that people should follow your example on?
Excellent design and removable batteries arent mutually exclusive.The LG V20 is a good looking device yet manages to keep a removable battery.It doesnt look any worse than the iPhone 7 plus.Samsung would have saved a ton of PR and costs if only the Note 7 had an removable battery
On another note,with an estimated impact of much more than $7,000,000,000 when their 2015 profit itself was 23B,its a definite hit on Samsung's finances.I really hope they recover and pull out all the straws for the S8 and go over it with a fine tooth comb for the amount of scrutiny its gonna get.They do make some outstanding hardware
What's official from another manufacturer that people should follow your example on?
Yeah, it's such a shame as it was an incredible phone. I'm very disappointed that it seems the cause was Samsung rushing out to beat the iPhone to market. Because after it was announced, I had been wishing Samsung would've waited until October (now) to release. Remember, up until the Note 5 October had been it release frame, then last year it came out late august and early august this year. Had they just been patient with it, we could've had a non exploding phone with nougat and the sd821.
Yeah, I don't understand the rush. The S7/edge had killed it, and everyone was really liking them. Everyone said the Note 7 was going to crush it. What did beating Apple to market gain them? It was never going to over shadow the iPhone, but if they had waited, then people would be talking about how great it was, and it could have stood on a stage by itself after the iPhone buzz was over. Also we would still have a Note 7 now.
Maybe it wasn't just to avoid the iPhone release but also the Pixel---I'm sure Google shared info with Samsung about this device, at least their plans to 'officially' produce their own line of phones. Yes, the Pixel is still a small fish in a big pond, but I wouldn't want to have to battle for page space with both Apple and Google. Just a thought.
Maybe it wasn't just to avoid the iPhone release but also the Pixel---I'm sure Google shared info with Samsung about this device, at least their plans to 'officially' produce their own line of phones. Yes, the Pixel is still a small fish in a big pond, but I wouldn't want to have to battle for page space with both Apple and Google. Just a thought.
Wow I feel so special that everyone is so concerned for my well being. Although I did respond a few pages back. With that being said, I'm not so blindly loyal to to say I will still use my Note 7. But I'm also not quick to spread fud. I've always said, I'll wait till things are official. Which they now are. Too bad others can't do the same when it comes to another manufacturer.
So far, he's seen that most Android operating system customers are very loyal to it, and so Samsung's other phone, the Galaxy S7, and Google's Pixel, are both selling. Apple has also seen a small boost, he said, but people "aren't flocking away from Samsung."
And just where exactly have Samsung claimed 'we have killed off the Note 7 permanently' when they have only stated to investors they have 'stopped production'.
They need to state it themselves for it to be true I think and so far they have not.
It isn't official, no one from.Samsung has been interviewed about it? All I've seen the media report on is a statement they investors, and they did NOT state they have permanently stopped production in the quotes I've seen so far.
Here's Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam's take on Note 7 impact.
If, as the hyperbolic media would have you believe, they have killed if for good the Note 7, then just why do they state on their official statement and press release website they have stopped whilst they investigate further:
And just where exactly have Samsung claimed 'we have killed off the Note 7 permanently' when they have only stated to investors they have 'stopped production'.
They need to state it themselves for it to be true I think and so far they have not.
It isn't official, no one from.Samsung has been interviewed about it? All I've seen the media report on is a statement they investors, and they did NOT state they have permanently stopped production in the quotes I've seen so far.
As I write this, Samsung’s official press office replied to my request for a quote with the following:
“We can confirm the report that Samsung has permanently discontinued the production of Galaxy Note7.”
If that's the line of the Official press office, I think you can call that Official...
I don't know what you mean as I've bought iPhones recently. I've had a few hardware failures and they've been replaced without needing to sue anybody. Apple have never had to deal with anything the size of the Note 7 debacle though.My point is, consumers should never have to go way of class action to resolve an issue with their hardware. The manufacturer should come clean and do what's right. Samsung called it quits and I get my money back. It sucks, they f'd up, but I get my money back. Can't imagine having defective hardware and the manufacturer not taking accountability. Meanwhile, I'm left with a class action, and a device that doesn't work and I'm out $900+ just like that. Know what I mean?
I don't know what you mean as I've bought iPhones recently. I've had a few hardware failures and they've been replaced without needing to sue anybody. Apple have never had to deal with anything the size of the Note 7 debacle though.
Hmmmm they have just quoted Engadget, they didnt get the statement themselves.
I think Samsung needs to make an official statement on it on its press site.
I think they have. They had to offer replacements for faulty batteries in the iPod Nano 1 as it was a fire risk, they've had endless yellow screen replacement programmes and they've replaced more laptops due to faulty GPUs then they probably sold new!
The only difference is they don't get mass media coverage although when they mess up iOS updates they do. Especially the alarm bug.
That is not really true. Apple gets some pretty heavy converse when they screw up. Remember antenna gate, scratch gate, or bend gate. Those were things that got talked about for months. The difference is, none of them endangered people. The Note 7 has the potential to.
Exactly--if this was happening to Apple the media coverage would be 100 fold greater than what the Note coverage had been.
At this point, the level of apologizing for Samsung by anyone in this thread is perplexing.Same goes for the continuing deflection to any completely unrelated Apple issues.