Are you guys really that sensitive about updates, whilst I sympathize from my up to date S7

is it that really significant better smoother than had I not received the update that it would force me to consider lessor alternatives
Whilst I agree we are not typical users and have an above average interests and I have used many HTC devices even before when they were branded as Imate's, would you not be equally frustrated by these lessor spec devices.
100% with you on this.
I think immediate software updates are an overblown advantage and used mainly as a talking point for Apple to rail against Android and fragmentation. No one denies Apple does it the fastest (notice I didn't necessarily say the best) and longest. The way Apple updates is truly great especially for people who don't update their hardware for years.
But the way Android updates is not a deal breaker at all once you factor in the bigger picture.
Firstly, Nexus devices get updates quickly, too. And monthly security patches. Plus, they roll updates out in waves to mitigate any widespread software glitches. I like this safety measure; I don't need an update bricking my device or causing general issues with my daily driver. There's a joke that Nexus users are beta testers, and funny or not, I rather not be part of that.
Secondly, in the Android world, updates often mean you get the whole shebang. Very rarely do you get updated to the latest Android software and you're missing key features. On iOS, depending on how old your device is, sometimes the updates are missing the main new software feature! That sucks.
Thirdly, OEMs are actually getting better and faster at updates. Look at Motorola and HTC and even Sony. Samsung, too, have improved. And if you're fortunate to be on a carrier that isn't a jerk about updates (like Tmobile; I love them), the process is fine.
Fourthly, Google updates their core apps via the Play Store frequently. And they do this all year round usually regardless of which device and software version you're on (unless it's super old, of course). I much prefer this model because it means my device is being improved year round.
Fifthly, I don't remember what else. ;P
But the point is, I agree. I'm all for faster/better updates in the Android world. I'm all for less interference from carriers. But it's far from a deal breaker. The advantages the Android world offers lead to day to day gains, versus that once-a-year immediate update.