Seems good, but I don't think $600 is worth it for a phone especially now that the Nexus line does everything I was looking for more or less (Band 12, Wi-Fi Calling, VoLTE, Multi-Window, Quick-Charge, high end camera).
I truly appreciated what the S7 Edge did as a phone, but the price isn't worth it to me, so I parted ways with it for $750 including my VR headset, wireless charger, 8GB SD card, screen protectors, and case. It will go to better use since the person I sold it to was using an old Blackberry and iPhone 4 as their main devices.
I just like how much choice Android has because there is something for everyone. I will still probably buy the iPhone 7 Plus, but maybe not at launch. Hard to drop significant $ on phones these days when they're relatively similar and not so significant upgrades.
Yes with Samsung. Their phones are often filled with annoying bugs at launch, so it really gets to annoy me when my keyboard screws up with the Edge screens. Furthermore, I have had Samsung for many generations. I have been screwed over w/ updates going through carriers. They also don't sell a fully unlocked device like HTC either.
I have own pretty much all the phones and am a gadget guy.
I have always carried two smartphones (sometimes there if working)
I took the Samsung test drive late last year with Galaxy s6 edge plus and the curve screen drove me crazy after a couple of days.
That's why I went for the regular s7 a couple of days ago. Got $200 Best Buy gift card trade in for my junk Windows Verizon Nokia lunia 822 that who's charging port was broken. So it was worthless. I managed to get the charged by holding it tight and pressing on it with a heavy book and left it alone until it was charged.
Or else I wouldn't have gotten the I s7.
I agree. I will get the iPhone 7 as well (also currently own iPhone 6S plus). I paid $850 plus taxes full price for it but this time will wait A couple of months. Last year all the stores around November were having $200-300 gift card promo for iPhones. Gift cards are like cash to me anyways.
So since att took away the subsides (I have old grandfather unlimited data plans). By the way it's still cheaper to stay with my current plans to to even with to direct tv unlimited data att promo (I have direct tv as well).
But since subsides are gone. It's in my best interest to game the att next installment game. Like I will intend to pay off my s7 next month anhways so will be eligible for att next promo again. And wait to November or so and get iPhone 7 for $200-300 gift card promos.
That way it lessens the impact of paying "full
Price for iPhones and samsungs.
Nexus 6p is like $499 msrp ($50 off this weekend).
So I can justify my Samsung Galaxy s7 by saying it cost me $694 (plus bogus $20 att next fee) plus taxes. Minus $200 gift card.
So my galaxy s7 cost me roughly $520 (factoring in gift card which is like cash to me)
That's how you play the game.
I have had the nexus 1-5. Skipped the past 2 nexus. Just something about nexus. Always missing something despite the fastest software update. The screen on the nexus 6p pales in comparison to (in my opinion) iPhone despite lower resolution. And Galaxy phones have great screens. Plus camera is getting much better but still a step below Galaxy and iPhones (in my opinion).