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Ive had the App TuneIn radio on my phone for a long time that has always worked. Is that the same thing we are talking about here?
No that is streaming radio. This is actual over the air FM radio and there's no data used. Same as if you used your FM car radio or home stereo.
I really like my Apple watch because I don't always need to have my phone with me. So I go to the gym, I just need to park close enough that my phone picks up the wifi, then I can leave it in the car and just go with the watch. I have my Bluetooth headphones synced to my watch so I can listen to music and if I get a call or text I'll still get it over the wifi and can answer if needed.

I can't wait for the day watches are slim enough with celluar radio to work everywhere and last a couple of days. Then I wouldn't have to carry my phone everywhere, and with features such as Samsung or Apple pay I could even leave my wallet. I want the watch to be the center of the hub and spread out from there, so I can pick up my phone when I want a larger screen but not needed.
Why can't Samsung use a home button that tucks inside, just like Meizu.



Ok this is weird

When I charged my phone with the wireless charging stand my battery life was not very good yesterday but via the plug today battery life is great

Unless it was just a one off
Just realized why I didn't get the update lol, forgot I froze AT&T bloat with Ez Package Disabler Pro. Love the phone and for the first time don't really care about rooting an Android device, but seems there's people working on root. It is annoying going into the Playstore and seeing all the stuff that wants to be updated that I don't want/use but cant remove without root.
I've just the last 2 days started to re use my s7e after thinking about getting rid of it. I'm glad I didn't now, battery life is excellent on this phone. I'm on 7hr 27min sot with 4% remaining, impressive
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I've just the last 2 days started to re use my s7e after thinking about getting rid of it. I'm glad I didn't now, battery life is excellent on this phone. I'm on 7hr 27min sot with 4% remaining, impressive
Unless u got a promo sale or something. U will lose a lot of money trying to resell the s7e 2 months later.
I love how I can display all my pictures onto my Samsung TV. Easy to show family my recent hiking and off reading pictures.
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I love the gasps and ooooohs and aaaaahs I get when I'm pool side and have no disregard for safety with the S7E. Such an awesome addition for the Texas summers with the kids and pools and splash pads.

Can get such amazing shots
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I love how I can display all my pictures onto my Samsung TV. Easy to show family my recent hiking and off reading pictures.

Out of my 3 TVs, one of them is a recent Samsung smart 4K TV. Love how easy it is to cast or mirror my Samsung phone to it, and can also mirror the TV to my Samsung phone(great for watching TV on the toilet :p).

One of my TVs is is pretty old. I'll definitely be replacing it with a Samsung.
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I love the gasps and ooooohs and aaaaahs I get when I'm pool side and have no disregard for safety with the S7E. Such an awesome addition for the Texas summers with the kids and pools and splash pads.

Can get such amazing shots
Oh all the oooohs and aaaahs just because it looks nice too. Was showing friend a YouTube video and he was amazed how the curved screen is so immersing when watch videos.
Out of my 3 TVs, one of them is a recent Samsung smart 4K TV. Love how easy it is to cast or mirror my Samsung phone to it, and can also mirror the TV to my Samsung phone(great for watching TV on the toilet :p).

One of my TVs is is pretty old. I'll definitely be replacing it with a Samsung.
Those 4k Samsung tvs are sooooo nice!
I'd be tempted to buy a 4K tv if we had content here, but there is none and we don't have fast enough internet to get it delivered online either. 1080p can be bad enough streaming here.
Same here in Spain.

I envy those who live in the US and have like 20 times better internet speeds than me and other goodies.
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After owning a iPhone 3GS/4/4S/5/5S/6/6S I thought let's give the Samsung S7 a chance.
This cause of the good reviews of the S7 and I felt iOS has become very very dull and most important; closed system with hardly any customazation.

After 2 weeks in use now;
I must say its quite hard to switch over to Android after all the iPhone's I owned, but wow! I am really very very impressed by this Samsung S7. Samsung really hitted the bull's eye with this smartphone.
Photo's are a real beauty, software, TouchWiz, is pretty good ( I am using the Nova Launcher).
But most important to me; the level of customazation with Android really ''impresses'' me. As Apple is nearly completely closed. That's why I looked at alternatives and came to the Samsung S7.

Further, this S7 is really fast in daily use and master in multi tasking.
As a iPhone junkie I am sold to this piece of ''art'' by Samsung ;)
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