After owning a iPhone 3GS/4/4S/5/5S/6/6S I thought let's give the Samsung S7 a chance.
This cause of the good reviews of the S7 and I felt iOS has become very very dull and most important; closed system with hardly any customazation.
After 2 weeks in use now;
I must say its quite hard to switch over to Android after all the iPhone's I owned, but wow! I am really very very impressed by this Samsung S7. Samsung really hitted the bull's eye with this smartphone.
Photo's are a real beauty, software, TouchWiz, is pretty good ( I am using the Nova Launcher).
But most important to me; the level of customazation with Android really ''impresses'' me. As Apple is nearly completely closed. That's why I looked at alternatives and came to the Samsung S7.
Further, this S7 is really fast in daily use and master in multi tasking.
As a iPhone junkie I am sold to this piece of ''art'' by Samsung