Jamerz, any unwanted palm presses during extensive one handed use? I tried a lot while at the store but you can obviously do more real world testing.
How's finger print speed?
Is tw still constantly alerting you about the app optimizations? I've already read the volume warning is still there. Anyway to turn off warnings and tips?
Can you get rid of the Samsung quick search thing from the notification pull down like you could from T-Mobile galaxy phones last year?
How is the speaker? Louder than last generation's would you say?
Thanks and congrats.
Super fast roll out by T-Mobile. Amazing.
Edit: I see others are getting theirs, too. Chime in!
That sounds promising. However, it seems like their monthly security updates aren't exactly monthly. Have they been skipping some of those? I could live with the larger updates getting delayed a bit as long as the security updates get delivered on time.
Samsung pushed out the February update a few days ago. Whether your carrier gets it or not is a different story.
Luckily if you don't install any unknown sources or apps, and use only the play store, and don't click on links from strange texts, then your phone will be fine. In most cases, it really requires human consent for malware and such to wreak havoc on your phone.
Having said that, everyone involved (Google, OEMs, and carriers) should do their best at rolling out these updates.