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Oh, come on, it's not a POS :), but just not very good. When i bought S6 last year after around 3 days of using it i was sitting in my office with the phone lying on the table and i was like hmmmm. Actually i felt like i was robbed, because it is most certainly not worth the money they are selling it for. Very mediocre experience.

I can understand this, it's the experience I get when using an iPhone every new cycle. Beautiful hardware, I get sucked in every single year and purchase a shiny brand new one. After using it for a few weeks I realize the lack of functionality (once again in how I use it, not others) is hurting my flow. I always, every single year end up back at the Note series. I do feel robbed with the iPhone, but thankfully the resale is very high so I don't lose that much. But it's definitely a very mediocre experience, it does the basics well but doesn't excel past that and many aspects of its design seem aesthetically and functionally behind the times.
I found mods are reasonable to act on overly personal postings, pedrom just managed to stay on the line IMO

Had he/she some new and refreshing POV based on personal experience maybe we could of had a discussion but just the same old stuff followed by self vindication because most could not be bothered to reply to this old rhetoric, was the only enjoyable part

Doesn't he get banned often? I'm curious to see how it plays out. I'm surprised there isn't a perma ban after a certain amount of bannings.
I decided to camp out over here on MR to geek out on the S7, because in general the android forum clientele is not for me. This poster is showing the kind of blind brand loyalty, and raiding of other subsections that I try to avoid.

People are mentioning it still has Touchwiz lag.

But add this guy to the list of reviewers with zero credibility because he said something not glowingly positive about this phone I guess. Which is sad because this is a very crispy review (I think he is associate with MKBHD somehow).

Not trying to dissuade anyone but that's Jon Morrison. Him mkbhd and Austin Evans are all pretty good imo, pretty honest too. They're critical of any brand, probably why they're so popular.
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Has anybody actually put their own S7/S7 edge in water? I damn sure haven't tried yet.

Yes. I can't resist this kind of thing.

I washed it in the sink, just to get a reaction out of the wife. She said "your ridiculous, and a dork". I love her.

I laid it in the shower, next to the soap, so that I could hear my podcast better.

I jokingly drop it in a glass of water, fully submerged, while some friends last night. They were visiting with us, having a board game night. I got the reaction I was looking for.

Following the above, one said friend, who had indulging on my own home brewed beer fully dunk my s7 edge in a pint of beer of said beer. I took the phone back, washed it off, and went back to enjoying the night.

It works fine, no problems or worries. Seems to be what it is advertised to be, not that I am recommending you do what I have.
Yes. I can't resist this kind of thing.

I washed it in the sink, just to get a reaction out of the wife. She said "your ridiculous, and a dork". I love her.

I laid it in the shower, next to the soap, so that I could hear my podcast better.

I jokingly drop it in a glass of water, fully submerged, while some friends last night. They were visiting with us, having a board game night. I got the reaction I was looking for.

Following the above, one said friend, who had indulging on my own home brewed beer fully dunk my s7 edge in a pint of beer of said beer. I took the phone back, washed it off, and went back to enjoying the night.

It works fine, no problems or worries. Seems to be what it is advertised to be, not that I am recommending you do what I have.

I'll wait until the newness factor dies out. I always baby my devices for the first several weeks.
I didn't preorder and still can get one in hand tomorrow if I want. Guess supply will be plentiful initially.
That said, I don't think anyone here is testing fairly either. Look at the list of packages and bloat that have been disabled in this thread! The fact that there is even a pretty much mandatory app called "package disabler" is kind of crazy. No wonder people who try to switch to Android get frustrated so quickly. That should not have to be a part of setting up your phone to make it run smooth and reflects poorly on the Android experience. It is like the Ask Jeeves toolbar being packaged with Java by default frustrating.

So if you guys all have debloated phones, it won't compare with what the reviewers are running (which rightfully it should not). So it is hard to trust the reviews here. (and sorry I said 'you guys' again).

You need to remember a lot of these free app inclusions are related to the USA only, the majority android phones do not have this.

When I lived in the US and had AT&T S3/S4 phones for work I choose to remove disable or ignore these additions, my wife phone had them all and she though it was nice AT&T included them, I suspect many do and it's more us with over above average interest that dislike it.

As ever with Android it's all about choices if you are a user like my wife having these extra apps made no difference to her setup and I hazard a guess many users in the US are the same else the US carriers help lines would inundated and customer feedback would have a greater impact on what apps are bundled.
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You need to remember a lot of these free app inclusions are related to the USA only, the majority android phones do not have this.

When I lived in the US and had ATT S3/S4 phones for work I choose to remove disable or ignore these additions, my wife phone had them all and she though it was nice ATT included them, I suspect many do and it's more us with over above average interest that dislike it.

As ever with Android it's all about choices if you are a user like my wife having these extra apps made no difference to her setup and I hazard a guess many users in the US are the same else the US carriers help lines would inundated and customer feedback would have a greater impact on what apps are bundled.
Great points here.

Hell, some of my family loves the included navigator GPS apps and cloud storage apps. They are none the wiser there are better, free alterntsives....but also, They would have never known to look for such apps to begin with.
The T-mobile app is something I kept enabled. I disabled T-mobile's Voice Mail and TV app, but the main T-mobile app has vastly improved and is no longer a ram hog and battery killer. Plus it's the easiest way to keep on top of my 7gb tethering usage. I don't use the notification widget.

The T-mobile app on the S6 edge was completely horrible on every level, I had it disabled.
  • The 6s and 6s Plus are priced competitively, against the respective competition. Same for retina Macbooks Pros, Workstations, iPads and so on. Meanwhile, for the same price, Apple software is way more capable and affordable;
Sorry, but Windows 10 is a free upgrade, and Linux and Ubuntu are free. Not sure how you can come to the conclusion that OSX is more affordable or even more capable? Makes zero sense.

  • Apple has a fantastic design philosophy. Some amateurish things like the ports on the latest Samsung devices, that also borrow a lot from the look of iPhones, makes them a no-go, for me;
Ever looked at the inside of the S7 phone to see why the USB port is lower from the display than the audio jack and speaker holes (which BTW, do line up)? Has nothing to do with a design philosophy and more to do with hardware build. Specifically, how the S7 was waterproofed internally. But good to know how you feel about this, so when Apple switches to OLED, waterproofing and wireless charging and the ports no longer line up, we know you won't buy iPhones any longer. Assuming you don't flip flop on your opinion, simply because of the Apple logo. o_O

Some people have trouble swallowing this, but the fact is that even when Apple isn't the direct inventor of something, they are the ones that make the product viable for competition by bringing the tech to the market in enough numbers, with the best implementation. See high PPI displays, aluminium and magnesium in laptops, laptops in general, high precision trackpads, fingerprint scanners, GUI, Mouse, you name it;
Like Apple maps, Apple watch, iTunes (the worst software ever made!) or soldered RAM to motherboards (Apple is just being a complete ass by doing stuff like that. They crippled the latest Mac Mini on purpose!!!) Just because people buy Apple products in droves, doesn't mean it is the best. Hell, pet rocks sold tens of millions, did it mean the pet rock was better than a regular rock? I know what you are trying to get at here and I do agree that in general, Apple has a way of dragging the market along with how they do things. Apple was the first to dump the optical drive and move to streaming/download services. Apple was the first to use reversible USB connectors with faster data transfer rates (even helped to develop the new USB-C standard).

  • Google Talk/hangouts/messages/ChatON is a stupid useless mess. iMessage was revolutionary and a fantastic product. Another example? Apple pay. Touch ID.
Yep, Google sucks at messaging and Hangouts is horrible. Doubt you will find anyone arguing against this. If iiMessage and Facetime came to Android, you would have a lot of happy Android users.
But iMessage was revolutionary?? LOL. Apparently, you weren't aware that Apple literally stole the entire thing from Blackberry. imessage is just a cheap copy of BBM. Next you'll tell me Apple invented the idea of live Photo's.

Apple's support is unmatched. Apple apps like iMovie, iMessage, App Store, Mobile Safari also bring value that any other mobile platform can't match;
  • iOS has the best apps as exclusives or iOS-first. Most users have the latest APIs available. Since Apple provides the best tools, users use the latest OSes, the hardware is uniform, we know why dev interest is so much higher in iOS. Even Google's interest for iOS makes Android look like a second class citizen, like it is.
  • If you do like everybody else is doing, and buy flagship devices based on ecosystem, Android isn't even an option. It is non-existent in good tablets and can't compete with iOS + Mac on any level.
Mobile safari... LOL. Chrome smokes Safari (both regular and mobile Safari). Extensions alone leaves Safari in the dust.

As for ecosystem, Android is an option if you prefer to have "options" and flexibility. I have a Windows 10 PC with a NAS server running Plex (and Kodi) and Amazon TV boxes (along with Chromecasts) connected to my TV's. Not only can I do more with my setup, than an all Apple ecosystem can, I also have access to a ton more content than Apple can get. If you are stuck with an all Apple ecosystem, you aren't even a second class citizen. You are a slave to Apple. Period. Sad thing is, people like you can't even see it.

But I'll play devil's advocate. Name 5 things that an all Apple ecosystem can do that my setup can't. If you can't name 5 things, just name 2. I say 2, because you are likely to only name 1 thing and that is play iTunes garbage.
The T-mobile app is something I kept enabled. I disabled T-mobile's Voice Mail and TV app, but the main T-mobile app has vastly improved and is no longer a ram hog and battery killer. Plus it's the easiest way to keep on top of my 7gb tethering usage. I don't use the notification widget.

The T-mobile app on the S6 edge was completely horrible on every level, I had it disabled.

Yes, I was pleasantly surprised by the t-mobile app it's actually very nice. I had it on my iPhone and it was terrible.
I'll play devil's advocate. Name 5 things that an all Apple ecosystem can do that my setup can't. If you can't name 5 things, just name 2. I say 2, because you are likely to only name 1 thing and that is play iTunes garbage.

Look I have a very diverse setup, and am eagerly awaiting my S7, but you too are being a fanboy.

Things that apple excels at over android, PC etc.


Being able to receive phone calls, and texts seamlessly on a Mac will be greatly missed once I switch over. I am sure there is some hack way to get it to kinda work on other setups, but it is seamless on Mac.

2.Solid device restore options.

This will be my first android since the note 3, but in the past I have had to spend considerable time setting up any replacement devices. iCloud is a very reliable backup method. The same goes for their time machine implementation. This has saved my ass so many times.


This is getting better, but having the ability to go to Apple Store is a feature Samsung, and Microsoft have yet to match.


The silver lining of a walled garden is that the trains always run on time in iOS. Despite world class hardware I anticipate doing a few factory fresh installs on my S7 over my time with it. Not a big deal for me, but you would be disingenuous if you said android were nearly as stable.


This too is a narrower margin of victory, but it still stands that the apple App Store has a better quality, and more updated selection of apps. Developers are better these days, but they know that the profit margins are higher on iOS. It is still not uncommon to hear of a new app appearing on iOS, with a android release date scheduled for the future.

I'm with you though. 5 years ago I was 100% apple. I owned one of almost every single product that they produced. I have been on Apple computers since pre iOS 9 days.

After getting rid of my iPhone I w I'll be down to only the products that they dominate in still IMO. Retina MacBook Pro, iPad Air 2, and 27 inch retina Imac.

I have moved from Apple TV to nvidia shield, and I am actually considering replacing the Imac at some point with a 32 inch 4K monitor connected to a beast gaming rig.

I am a tinkerer though. The virtues I listed are more then enough to keep many people happily in the apple Eco system.

To each their own though. Live and let live. There is no wrong or right. Just use the products that suit you best.
I'm so raging with my carrier right now. They have been advertising all along and still do 'free gear VR', however it now emerges this was whilst stocks last, which actually expired on 24th February and was limited to 50 units !!! Yes 50 !!!!

Yet even now they still have pre-order with free Gear VR on their site.

I wonder if I can have them done for false advertising with the trading standards council ....
Look I have a very diverse setup, and am eagerly awaiting my S7, but you too are being a fanboy.

Things that apple excels at over android, PC etc.


Being able to receive phone calls, and texts seamlessly on a Mac will be greatly missed once I switch over. I am sure there is some hack way to get it to kinda work on other setups, but it is seamless on Mac.

2.Solid device restore options.

This will be my first android since the note 3, but in the past I have had to spend considerable time setting up any replacement devices. iCloud is a very reliable backup method. The same goes for their time machine implementation. This has saved my ass so many times.


This is getting better, but having the ability to go to Apple Store is a feature Samsung, and Microsoft have yet to match.


The silver lining of a walled garden is that the trains always run on time in iOS. Despite world class hardware I anticipate doing a few factory fresh installs on my S7 over my time with it. Not a big deal for me, but you would be disingenuous if you said android were nearly as stable.


This too is a narrower margin of victory, but it still stands that the apple App Store has a better quality, and more updated selection of apps. Developers are better these days, but they know that the profit margins are higher on iOS. It is still not uncommon to hear of a new app appearing on iOS, with a android release date scheduled for the future.

I'm with you though. 5 years ago I was 100% apple. I owned one of almost every single product that they produced. I have been on Apple computers since pre iOS 9 days.

After getting rid of my iPhone I w I'll be down to only the products that they dominate in still IMO. Retina MacBook Pro, iPad Air 2, and 27 inch retina Imac.

I have moved from Apple TV to nvidia shield, and I am actually considering replacing the Imac at some point with a 32 inch 4K monitor connected to a beast gaming rig.

I am a tinkerer though. The virtues I listed are more then enough to keep many people happily in the apple Eco system.

To each their own though. Live and let live. There is no wrong or right. Just use the products that suit you best.

How dependable apple products are is a huge plus. How it syncs from all your devices is a big plus for me. Consistent updates is great to have.

There are many reasons why having Apple products is good to have. S7 is a great device and Samsung are making some outstanding phones.
At least my wireless charger and case have arrived.

And you know the worst part, Mods do nothing about it. Now, God forbid you crap on iOS or iPhone cause then here come the Mod warnings and deleting one person's post/opinion. The bias on this site is strong.
I wonder how many of us reported them? I wonder if anything was done at all.
I'm so raging with my carrier right now. They have been advertising all along and still do 'free gear VR', however it now emerges this was whilst stocks last, which actually expired on 24th February and was limited to 50 units !!! Yes 50 !!!!

Yet even now they still have pre-order with free Gear VR on their site.

I wonder if I can have them done for false advertising with the trading standards council ....

Not good.

What carrier was that with? Hoping Carphone warehouse don't play the same game with me.
Not good.

What carrier was that with? Hoping Carphone warehouse don't play the same game with me.


Yeah I only discovered this 50 unit when looking on their Facebook site and someone was complaining and they answered that this was indeed the case. So I actually feel really cheated that I cancelled one order to order through them thinking I would get the Gear VR and even when I placed the order directly to the sales rep on the phone, they made no mention that the headsets were gone.
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