What watch do you think he is wearing?
Can we all agree that this style (and Apple's) of keynote addresses are INFINITELY better than the garbage Samsung threw out there for the GS4 release?
Cool graphics for the activations announcement.
Anybody else see the "fortunately fu*****" comment? Nice, Google.
Synced notifications.....that needs to happen on iOS as well.
Yes! I'd love that.
I can't even get my iMessages to sync though.
Synced notifications.....that needs to happen on iOS as well.
Is that what everyone laughed about?
Synced notifications.....that needs to happen on iOS as well.
First cock up of the show! LOL.
Man, now a teleprompter failure. Hugo's not having a good morning.
Did they not have rehearsals for this thing ?
He's winging it! Damn that must be uncomfortable.
in fairness even winging it - it can't ever get as disastrous as the samsung s4 launch event.... :d