I don’t know. The LG V30 seems good for some people. But you had one and didn’t much care for it, right?
I did kind of wonder how Google was going to manage to put out a phone this year when for months we didn’t hear many solid rumors about them locking down a manufacturer. I wasn’t even expecting a Pixel release this year. I was pleasantly surprised when it happened, but now deeply disappointed with how things have played out for most of us who gave it a good faith effort at a Pixel 2.
About the iPhone X displays, are you all aware of the thread about some MR forum members having to give up their iPhone X’s due to unusual eye strain on the mild end and debilitating migraines at the extreme end? I’m a migraine sufferer who can get a variant that’s so severe it resembles an extended grand mal seizure. A really bad one can render me unable to speak, read, write or even comprehend speech for hours to days. Fortunately, over time I’ve identified all of my triggers and rearranged my life to avoid them as much as humanly possible. There is one grocery store I can’t shop at anymore because they redid their lighting and I need be in there for only a few minutes and lose the ability to speak. Jeez!

Yet at worse with the X, I get some eye strain and find it a bit difficult to focus on text. There’s a subtle flicker to the display. Pulse width modulation I think is what the more technology fluent members said it was and it causes people who have never before had a migraine to end up at the doctors office in great pain and suffering. Wow. Oddly enough my distance vision has noticeably improved since I got my X. I can now get around small rooms fine without my glasses. I’ve been like Mr. Magoo for over 20 years (super nearsighted cartoon character for you Millennials who never heard of him) so this is a rather odd development for me. Tech and the human body work in mysterious ways!
Some folks there on that thread say the LG displays don’t use pwm. So I suppose there’s that to be thankful for.
So what do you all think is going to happen with the Pixel2/XL line? It was released only in October/November so I wonder if it is still way too soon for Google to give up on it and leave the output as trouble prone as it is. I know from how it worked out for my family and IPhone 7 Plus that Apple hustled pretty fast to ensure the batches sold around Christmas didn’t have the issues that plagued the 7’s at release. None of our 7 Plus phones nor those of friends who bought way after the preorders had the trouble with hiss and whatever else people were reporting about their early release units.
Do you think Google is going to be able to tighten up quality control for the next batches and get LG to up their game on the display issues? Or has that ship sailed and they’re just going to focus on Pixel 3 now?