Appreciate your insight into the many devices you've used. Sorry you've had little luck in finding 'the one', but hoping the Pixel stands up for you.
Also, you're not grumpy at all.
Lol, thanks. Yeah usually I’m pretty laid back. I’ll get grumpy or squirrelly sometimes, though, because...poop happens. But generally, I’m a pretty happy person otherwise, very blessed and grateful for everything.
I feel so very fortunate and floating on clouds, actually, to have such a good team with my IPhone 8 Plus, Pixel 2 and S8+. No one by itself is my ultimate, but I pick up whichever one is the best for a given task. The S8+ is a great entertainment device. I love VR though I haven’t had a chance to use it for that in a while. I am trying to get my home office finished, which is slow going.
Lol, trust me, I haven’t always been able to own so many expensive phones at once. It started in 2016 when I had a 6s Plus and got an SE for pocketabilty. That’s probably the first time I could afford to do that. My husband made a few good jumps in his career in very recent years and works for a new company with better benefits and compensation, so we can finally breathe a bit better. I’m still very frugal in most other areas of my life, so here I am with “the team.”
Anyway, I’ve always only had one iPhone at a time and traded the old one on AT&T Next a lot of the times before. Though sometimes I passed an older phone on to family.
It’s pretty awesome to be able to test these phones out. Unfortunately the gravy train isn’t going to run indefinitely. When the college tuitions hit and we are living on the retirement income rather than the current paychecks, my phone hobby will have to come to an end. I’ll have to pick a platform, pick a manufacturer, pick a phone and hold onto it more than a year.
As an iPhone user of many years and an “ecosystem” dweller of theirs, I had been rooting for Apple. However, “they’re emphasizing things that may not match well with my needs going forward” is probably the fairest way of putting it.
And it’s a gray January day and I’m a bit worn out from being sick for weeks so I was feeling a bit sad that I don’t feel the same way about Apple as I have for so many happy years when choosing them was a no-brainer.
That's... very dramatic. Sorry, I do know it's a legitimate issue that has been brought up by others in the past but this is the first time I've seen someone explain it in this fashion. Try an RMA.
Yeah but that’s like the replacement of the replacement of the replacement he’s talking about. So, not dramatic at all. Many folks on this thread and others are on their third or fourth replacements. There’s a bit of a QC problem for the Pixel 2 the understatement of the week.