Yup. If you wanted to lol.
I'm sure they may persuade you not to haha but as far as I know you could.
It's a dream.
The XL is a great phone in it's own right. But a 6" screen is far too big for me to comfortably carry around unless I have a handbag or something to throw it into day to day.

. Which I do not.
The screen is better on the smaller model and there is nothing you are losing other than battery (and the battery is very good) and obviously, larger screen.
Everyone's tastes are different and that's why it's good to have choice. I toyed with the idea of a 2XL but it's just far too big. I felt validated in that decision when I was out with a work mate last night who has an S8 Plus which isn't too dissimilar in size to a 2 XL.
That size is just all kinds of wrong for me now. I love using my phone one handed. And dat kinda blue.