Thanks y’all,

why on earth would Apple move it to there? That makes no sense, none at all. It isn’t a feature for special needs which is what I thought accessibility is supposed to imply. It’s a display setting. It should be there. I don’t get this sheer stupidity. Why move it? Whatever happened to if it ain’t broke—don’t fix it.
I never run auto brightness, not intentionally anyway. I didn’t realize my iOS devices were doing this. I guess one of the updates overrode my original override of auto brightness. Well don’t I feel stupid for failing to notice this.
Thanks so much. Now maybe I can go back to better battery life.
I admit my faith in Apple is shaken by such a little thing. The seeming lack of deep thought about impacts to the end user on decisions like the notch, refusal to offer any Touch ID option on X, and moving user settings for no apparent reason into an illogical category choice worries me. I am also struggling to adjust to the changes to my virtual keyboard since installing the new iOS to my iPad mini.
I think before I decide to spend any more money on something like HomePod I’d better put more thought into evaluating iOS vs Google/Android when my Pixel gets here.
I was thinking of that one but also playing around with making my own live case with a photo. I might also draw something on my iPad Pro. I used to be a decent artist but I’m very rusty. I might try to do something to match the color scheme of the Panda Pixel.