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Dear Wayne and ML4All,

You guys are great and thank you for fixing my little glitch from before.

But I encountered one small problem. After successfully installing 10.8.4 into a partition I went to install the patches and other fixes. So I rebooted my computer and clicked the MLPF menu and chose the (10.8.4) radio button.

But then trouble settled in. I've been siting in front of my computer for over 2 hours waiting for the "Patching Kernel" and progress bar to change/move. But it's been stuck there, endlessly. :confused:

Please help me out, and thanks for the great work in MLPF. :)

I believe you're supposed to install from the Install drive and then apply MLPF from the Utilities menu to the drive you just installed on, as opposed to rebooting and then applying.
Thank you and Good Night!

Ty Needleroozer! That's the fix.

In about 3 minutes the progress bar loaded and completed! :) :)

--- Reporting Feedback ---

Fast even without Quartz 2D Extreme / Quartz GL on.

But, Pixelmator 2.1.x ~ 2.2, iMovie, iPhoto, Photoshop, and Aperture are all God awful slow. And I'm getting familiar with the "spinning beach ball" effect every time I try to manipulate photos... But everything else, Youtube on Chrome v28 and Safari 6.0.5 / 6.1 worked fine.

Great Hack, but it's not cutting it for me, Sorry.

Keep working on it ML4ALL and Wayne! Please make it faster, in terms of graphics, thanks! :eek:

-- Computer Used --

- iMac 5,2 -
1.83 GHz (Core 2 Duo)
GMA 950
2 GB RAM [Maxed]
I believe there is a bug in v0.3.

I'm using a MacBook 4,1 white and the kext cd9660.kext is not 32bit compatible.
This results in the inability to mount DMG-images, or at least I couldn't mount a DMG image from an application that I downloaded.

But the fix is simple: Backup the ML-kext just in case, delete it, and replace it with the one from Lion. I took the one from 10.7.3. Works perfectly.

Don't forget to do a
"sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/cd9660.kext"
and a
"sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions/
and a
"sudo reboot"

After that, it should work.
ML running on MacPro 1,1, but lagging video. Suggestions?

OK, on my macpro 1,1 upgraded to 8 cores, after MLPF & ML install, and upgrade to a 1GB Nvidia GT120 -- seems to be running just fine. BUT, when I start even a basic YouTube video… the system crawls very slowly, and barely plays the video back. With only a YT video running, all 8 cores go to +75%, and then will max out. Suggestions? How do I test to make sure that the re-run of ML Post Factor completed properly after the ML installation? You know when you re-run it afterwards to finish up? Is there any way to confirm that the installation completed ok, other than ML running on the machine? Suggestions? Video lagging is a big deal for my usage of the system. Thanks.
MLPF on an unsupported Mac Pro...

OK, on my macpro 1,1 upgraded to 8 cores, after MLPF & ML install, and upgrade to a 1GB Nvidia GT120 -- seems to be running just fine. BUT, when I start even a basic YouTube video… the system crawls very slowly, and barely plays the video back. With only a YT video running, all 8 cores go to +75%, and then will max out. Suggestions? How do I test to make sure that the re-run of ML Post Factor completed properly after the ML installation? You know when you re-run it afterwards to finish up? Is there any way to confirm that the installation completed ok, other than ML running on the machine? Suggestions? Video lagging is a big deal for my usage of the system. Thanks.

With all due respect, MLPF is not the best option for installing/running Mountain Lion on your/anyones unsupported Mac Pro. The "bootloader" method (ie Chameleon) might seem a bit more complicated however there is no comparison as to the level of effectiveness, thoroughness, and stability that is achieved when using this method on a Mac Pro. Just stating a fact.
With all due respect, MLPF is not the best option for installing/running Mountain Lion on your/anyones unsupported Mac Pro. The "bootloader" method (ie Chameleon) might seem a bit more complicated however there is no comparison as to the level of effectiveness, thoroughness, and stability that is achieved when using this method on a Mac Pro. Just stating a fact.

Can you please provide more details on this "bootloader"-method?

Do you think it would be better to use the bootloader method on a MacBook 4,1?

With all due respect, MLPF is not the best option for installing/running Mountain Lion on your/anyones unsupported Mac Pro. The "bootloader" method (ie Chameleon) might seem a bit more complicated however there is no comparison as to the level of effectiveness, thoroughness, and stability that is achieved when using this method on a Mac Pro. Just stating a fact.

Can you install Windows without Bootcamp using Chameleon?
Can you please provide more details on this "bootloader"-method?

Do you think it would be better to use the bootloader method on a MacBook 4,1?


Firstly, as I noted in my initial statement, the following link/method is for an unsupported Mac Pro (and what I did not mention initially) with an Upgraded Graphics Card:

Theoretically this method should also work on other unsupported macs provided that the install is constructed and performed separately and then cloned over to the unsupported Macs hard drive formatted in MBR and into two partitions (one the boot drive with Chameleon installed on it the other the OS X 10.8.4 64 bit system) however my attempt in doing so on an unsupported iMac with ATI X1600 resulted in the OS never being able to get the graphics working in the least no matter what I tried (i.e. patched Open GL AND CL frameworks as well as the appropriate ATI kexts).


Can you install Windows without Bootcamp using Chameleon?

Actually provided you install Windows on its own dedicated hard drive, neither are needed. There a several guides out there that basically do what this link describes however I went with this one as it made the most sense too me:
MLPostFactor update

Hi, I am currently using MLPostFactor V0.3 successfully on my Mac Pro 1,1 10.8.4, but I would really like to have the 64bit version. Could you give us an update on whether you plan on updating it or waiting until Mavericks comes out. Thanks
Hi, I am currently using MLPostFactor V0.3 successfully on my Mac Pro 1,1 10.8.4, but I would really like to have the 64bit version. Could you give us an update on whether you plan on updating it or waiting until Mavericks comes out. Thanks

There is no MLPF 64 bit version and according to a very reliable member here "RV-ABZ" and the discussion that took place just a week ago (to view it go back a page in this thread to page 124) regarding this specific topic a 64 bit version simply is just not going to happen. I am getting the impression that as far as MLPF goes, a 64 bit version is not likely (ever) and may in fact not be possible. Any unsupported Mac Pro folks that haven't taken the plunge thus far will simply have to "bite the bullet" and use a bootloader while following the "jabbawok" method to accomplish this.
Hast anyone tested filevault?

Just tested myself, it doesn't work, you cannot encrypt the system disk. Mac os tells you right away your disk doesn't support Filevault.

I'm very surprise to be the first to report this, :confused: because that is uber problematic, we all know that laptop are easily stolen yet it contain so many private informations and the basic password protection is no protection at al since all you need is a Mac Os install disk CD to reset it.

Any chance to solve this issue or it's a no go? That's pretty much a deal breaker to me. I'm going to look into alternatives such as truecrypt and macfort and report back.
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Unfortunately, I believe this thread and project is dead. Since the announcement of V0.3 this thread hasn't been updated. So it's back to everyone for himself... Too bad... :(
Because he must be working on maverick support ;)

So here's my report:
*truecrypt: cannot encrypt system disk
*macfort: seems to work fine, however it cost 25 bucks. They say they offer discounts for multiple purchases so post here if you are interested and we'll see what we can get.
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Unfortunately, I believe this thread and project is dead. Since the announcement of V0.3 this thread hasn't been updated. So it's back to everyone for himself... Too bad... :(

While I agree for it to be unfortunate, I think it need be said and I would venture to guess that the stand still in this project is not due to any lack of interest or abandonment rather (and I am fairly confident to state this) it (this project) has most likely been taken as far as it will go. The only unsupported machine that might merit further development as far as this project goes is the Mac Pro and frankly I seriously doubt any better results could be achieved from what is already out there.

For those who are unaware the base of MLPF and/or it's core in what it has been based upon functionality wise and what makes it "tick" has been accomplished primary through (while not diminishing the many other modifications also) the utilization of the components from very first OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion Developer preview. And as those who have put forth there valuable time and knowledge on this project have expressed, a 32 bit OS X 10.8 system is the best they can do. With all the whack unsupported graphics that needed to be dealt with in an "all in one" application like MLPF, I honestly believe that a 64 bit version is impossible.

If there is a future in the development of OS X hacks for unsupported Macs, I believe it will come in the form of either a Mac specific boot loader and/or even a "real" mac distro (ex: iAtkos) of which there is already one for unsupported Intel Core Duo machines and OS X 10.7 Lion.
I'm very surprise to be the first to report this, :confused: because that is uber problematic, we all know that laptop are easily stolen yet it contain so many private informations and the basic password protection is no protection at al since all you need is a Mac Os install disk CD to reset it.
You want security on a hacked system? Wow...
You want security on a hacked system? Wow...

This is non-sequitur logic.

It's been said that Chrome V25 works better than the current, it's true but nobody provided a DL link so here's one:

I've tried extendedly the Time machine and it works flawlessly. I made time capsule copy of my ML disk, installed a new HDD, booted with a lion usb disk and selected "restore from time machine" to clone back my ML disk and voila :)
iATKOS MLM Mountain Lion 10.8.1

Yesterday I wrote that perhaps iATKOS (a fairly well known Mac OS X "Distro" more commonly used in the Hackintosh community) would perhaps produce a version for "real" macs. Low and behold (albeit 10.8.1) one already exist:


- This is designed for Apple computers.

- iATKOS MLM >> iATKOS ML for Macs >> Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.1 installer for Macs (Mac Pro, iMac, MacBook Pro, Mac Mini, etc.)

- Only 64bit capable Intel Macs are supported.
• iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
• MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
• MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
• Xserve (Early 2009)
• MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
• Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
• Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)

- No recovery partition by installing 10.8.1 on your Mac using iATKOS MLM

- Additional iATKOS artwork and Apple's hidden wallpapers

- Installation process is way faster than the retail one

Burn the dmg file to DVD DL/Blu-Ray or restore it to a USB/Internal Storage using Disk Utility, boot it, install it and use it on your own risk ;)
Yesterday I wrote that perhaps iATKOS (a fairly well known Mac OS X "Distro" more commonly used in the Hackintosh community) would perhaps produce a version for "real" macs. Low and behold (albeit 10.8.1) one already exist:


- This is designed for Apple computers.

- iATKOS MLM >> iATKOS ML for Macs >> Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.1 installer for Macs (Mac Pro, iMac, MacBook Pro, Mac Mini, etc.)

- Only 64bit capable Intel Macs are supported.
• iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
• MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
• MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
• Xserve (Early 2009)
• MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
• Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
• Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)

- No recovery partition by installing 10.8.1 on your Mac using iATKOS MLM

- Additional iATKOS artwork and Apple's hidden wallpapers

- Installation process is way faster than the retail one

Burn the dmg file to DVD DL/Blu-Ray or restore it to a USB/Internal Storage using Disk Utility, boot it, install it and use it on your own risk ;)

Note however that it list only supported Macs as compatible...interesting
What would be some reasons someone would install a hacked version of Mountain Lion on a Mac that already natively supports it?

An absolute brilliant question...of which for the life of me I haven't a clue

On another note, I would love to know if anyone has ever tried iATKOS MLM Mountain Lion 10.8.1 or for that matter any of the other of there Mountain Lion releases on an (unsupported) REAL Mac and I would be even more interested in knowing there findings after doing so.
Unfortunately, I believe this thread and project is dead. Since the announcement of V0.3 this thread hasn't been updated. So it's back to everyone for himself... Too bad... :(
Like gpatpandp said, this thing has most definitely gone as far as it were possible to go. Like it or not, that's life. It's not as if things had just been abandonned all of a sudden and right in the middle.

  • ML moved to higher version of OpenGL/OpenCL
  • Mav moved to ever higher version of OpenGL/OpenCL
  • Older graphics chips like GMA950/X3100, ATI X1600 or NV 7300 are not capable to support those
  • There never were any 64bit kexts for those chips (except beta & buggy ones), X1600 excluded
  • ML and Mav are 64bit kernel only

Hackerwayne very specifically said he would not release anything like v0.3 64bit until Mavericks GM was out. This, because he has hopes to get 10.9 (fully) running on those unsupported platforms. He said several times that if it did not work for 10.9, he would release things for ML. However and as I said before, getting (stable and usable) 64bit kexts for those old graphics chip remains wishful thinking as far as I'm concerned.

At that stage, if you've befriended Jesus Christ or any other Super Star, you're more than welcome to call them. After all, what was achieved so far was already a mini-miracle!
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