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But I was also insulted for my PowerMac, iBook, iPod, MacBook, iPhone, and iMac.

People care way too much... I have a preference for a brand of technology... just like that other dude might have a preference for a brand of jeans. I don't see why its such a big deal. *shrugs*
It's envy. Pure, green envy.

Apple products by their very nature threaten the established IT crowd, anyway. And now, they're afraid that tech has finally progressed to where *everyone* can be equally competent with it. The Average Joe enabled and empowered to this degree by tech (thus not needing anyone to explain things) is a threat to the general Windows-geek-IT establishment.

This isn't "early days" anymore. The time for amateur tinkering under the hood is drawing to a close. It's time for personal computing to grow up and be made useful for everyone. Apple's torn down the walls and let everybody in to the private golf course.
It's envy. Pure, green envy.

Your insistence on this thread after thread is just as "harmful" as those that criticize. Stop thinking people bash a product or criticize or even QUESTION because they are jealous or envious. Some might be. But others, and perhaps the majority - who can say - might sincerely see no value in the iPad for themselves.

Saying they're jealous or envious implies they want the device, can't afford the device or whatever the reason. And you need to to realize that's simply not true as a rule.

It's furthermore obnoxious to believe it's envy because it makes the person saying it's envy look pretentious, arrogant and several other words.
The next time someone hates on the iPad, give them this link -

If a cat found it entertaining and useful for longer than a couple of minutes, then it's worth taking a look at. :D

At work, I find others like the idea of the iPad but often want to debate why I want one. I explain 1 of my use cases, then they ask why I need the 3G model. Gets more annoying than anything else. I work hard for my $$, I should get which ever model I want without having to submit to a debate.
Your insistence on this thread after thread is just as "harmful" as those that criticize. Stop thinking people bash a product or criticize or even QUESTION because they are jealous or envious. Some might be. But others, and perhaps the majority - who can say - might sincerely see no value in the iPad for themselves.

Saying they're jealous or envious implies they want the device, can't afford the device or whatever the reason. And you need to to realize that's simply not true as a rule.

It's furthermore obnoxious to believe it's envy because it makes the person saying it's envy look pretentious, arrogant and several other words.

You're just jealous. ;)
Even now, there is an app for even the most aggressive haters.

The world will understand the value of the iPad, but still it won't be considered something serious for business guys.
Or load Epicurious

Or load a slideshow of photos

Or pull up Excel spreadsheets and thumb through them

Or open Winnie the Pooh

Or open advertising's latest PDF

Or start typing an email at 50wpm with the big keyboard

Or show them labrynith or scrabble.

I really like my iPad. So do others... Is it the be-all end all, no. Would it work as my only computer, no.

But it does a lot and it does it blinding fast.

I really don't care what others think.

My only problem is that people oooh and ahh over the iPad when I bring it to a meeting.

Apple haters are few and far between. In fact most people are really interested in the iPad and have tons of questions and want to see it in action.

Most are surprised at the size and screen quality. Also a lot of people I know with iPhone 3Gs (myself included) are amazed how quick the iPad is compared to the iPhone 3G.

The iPhone 4G, if it takes anything from the iPad, is going to be magnificent.

Actually the best way to shut up an apple hater, pull out the Netflix app and start watching a movie over wifi. Screw flash, I have a large library of recent movies at my finger tips that can all start within a few seconds of launching the Netflix app. I've shut one apple hater up with this and he stared at the iPad in awe as WAL-E played on such a nice screen.
I just reply to every criticism with "It's magical." This works especially well when people pester me about specs. I'll just say "It's doesn't need's magical." They get tired of it real quick. :D
OIt is because the internet is filled with literally millions of people who like to act tough from the comfort of their bedroom/computer screen, but aren't so tough in real life. It is easy to trash talk and insult people when there is no consequence to your actions/words. These same people would pee their pants if you were able to confront them face-to-face.

100% correct. These forums are an interesting sociological experiment of how people would act if there were no consequences. It's quite scary if you think about it.
I have one guy here at my work that went on a rant about how Apple is a "fad" - but he has never used an Apple product nor does he know much about any of the OS's/products. When I told him I bought an iPad he called me a dork and told me that I needed to grow up and stop wasting my money buying a big iTouch. This is the same guy that just bought the new Nintendo DS with a bigger screen. :rolleyes:

Another employee I work with... is a mixed bag. He's one of those guys that drops money at a whim on silly things and always has to have the best of the best. To him, Apple does and always will suck since he has always used PCs and you can build PCs for less $$. Then he comes up with silly ideas like looking into buying an iPhone just so he can try to make money creating/selling apps.
OK, so people ask me why I want whatever it is that I want. My reply is "Because I do." I don't owe anyone, including my wife, an explanation. If you've earned the money and you're not hurting anyone, neither do you.
I've been a member of a popular eReader forum for a couple years and they are bashing iPad owners now. Calling us sheep, snobby, ignorant, lemmings, etc., and aren't just attacking the iPad, they're actually attacking the owners. The company even made an app for the iPad and started a discussion to announce it, and they attack people on that thread, too. I really don't understand such strong hatred...I think they must be a little crazy to carry on the way they do.
I was an iPad hater. I was very vocal on this forum against the iPad's lack of Flash. I still wish I had the option to view Flash on the iPad. I'm still finding too many sites that use Flash for navigation and have to open up my MacBook Pro. Time will see these sites changing, but it's not going to be tomorrow. None the less, I do like my iPad. I'm giving a class on CAD/CAM technology this weekend and have the presentation already loaded on my iPad. I'm excited about using the iPad's Keynote for the presentation. The iPad iWorks apps aren't without their faults, but that's another thread. On the plane, I had two stewardesses and one passenger ask about the iPad (I was watching movies - two 2-hour movies and still had over 60% battery remaining). Everyone seemed genuinely excited to see it. I have heard only one negative comment - lack of Flash. But this device is so much more than a web surfer that I can almost forgive Apple for their Apple-Adobe spat. The price is right for this toy. I don't regret getting it at all.
I get made fun of by the same guy who doesnt think twice about dropping a couple grand on tires and rims.
i get made fun of regularly on another forum I use because they are a predominately PC crowd who happen also to be android fanatics. It doesn't bother me though, I'm not one to really care what people think about my personal choices :)
I've been a member of a popular eReader forum for a couple years and they are bashing iPad owners now. Calling us sheep, snobby, ignorant, lemmings, etc., and aren't just attacking the iPad, they're actually attacking the owners. The company even made an app for the iPad and started a discussion to announce it, and they attack people on that thread, too. I really don't understand such strong hatred...I think they must be a little crazy to carry on the way they do.

That always makes me laugh at how we are the snobs who think we are better than everyone else, but it is those people who are the ones running around saying they are better than us because they are smart enough to not buy Apple products. sigh :rolleyes:
I've been a member of a popular eReader forum for a couple years and they are bashing iPad owners now. Calling us sheep, snobby, ignorant, lemmings, etc., and aren't just attacking the iPad, they're actually attacking the owners. The company even made an app for the iPad and started a discussion to announce it, and they attack people on that thread, too. I really don't understand such strong hatred...I think they must be a little crazy to carry on the way they do.

I thought I understood this phenomenon until you folks started bringing these forum examples. I guess the hatred is a little more virulent than I was prepared to admit. I can *sort of* understand it on an eReader forum--if people seem to be switching to a different device than the one you use, you feel compelled to defend your choice and bash the competitor. It's pretty hard for even reasonably intelligent, self-aware people to override that reflex.

But still. This stuff is pretty nuts. Mob mentality once they start to pile on.
I've been a member of a popular eReader forum for a couple years and they are bashing iPad owners now. Calling us sheep, snobby, ignorant, lemmings, etc., and aren't just attacking the iPad, they're actually attacking the owners. The company even made an app for the iPad and started a discussion to announce it, and they attack people on that thread, too. I really don't understand such strong hatred...I think they must be a little crazy to carry on the way they do.

Look at the e-reader demographic that actually bothers to participate in a forum about them. ;)

It's all corporate IT or those who have a stake in keeping tech above everyday understanding. MacRumors is full of them. These people have and always will feel threatened by Apple products. That's because Apple empowers and enables the average user, making the "technically inclined" individuals less relevant.

They're afraid that tech has finally progressed to where *everyone* can be equally competent with it. The Average Joe enabled and empowered to this degree by tech (thus not needing anyone to explain things) is a threat to the general Windows-geek-IT establishment.
That particular cliche has got to burn itself out in another few months. Please god. Don't people realize that they sound like the ones who are the actual sheep, repeating some stupid soundbite?
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