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So I asked him if he had a driveway at his home and he said "Yeah". I asked him how long it was and he said "It's almost 25 feet". Ok! So I asked if he owned either a snow shovel or a snow thrower and he replied that he owned both. So then I ask, "When we got dumped on with 25+ inches snow during the blizzard back in February this year. Did you find it more convenient to clear your 25ft driveway with a shovel with a cost of maybe $15 or with a snow thrower with a cost of $500+?"
All he could say was "That's a good one".

+1, Priceless. :) Would love to have seen this part of your explanation go down.
Oh it's just like everyday;
,,OMFGz0rz ofrsized ipOd''
And Just smack them in the face and call insurance.
They won't flame you anymore.


I don't even answer when they say that and they will usually just walk away. Can get a bit worse if you don't answer and he keeps bugging you, but soon enough they will start to cry and leave.
I won't be getting mine for a few months and thats okay, but have already received a lot of heat/crap from my friends who are like why would you waste your money on something like that their is no use. The only one that understands the iPad and the "need" that I may feel to get one is my good friend who is also a loyal Apple subscribe. I find myself more and more everyday finding more reasons to get an iPad whether I'm doing something on my macbook pro or my iPhone 3GS and realize the convenience of that task would be on my iPad.

I also don't want to put all the people that think im crazy for getting one into one category, but I just think it is an easier purchase to rationalize when you have used an iphone since the day it was released, I got the iPhone first gen the first day it came out then upgraded to a 3GS this past summer and when you are used to something like that and what it provides, it is much easier to rationalize that then someone who has a laptop and that fills the entire need they have. and im not saying that is case with everyone just with people ive encountered and my friends. for someone who relies heavily on apple products it is an easy decision for me to see why i want an iPad.

just my $.02:D
I find it funny that the first negative thing people say about the iPad is that its too expensive...

But at the same time, they spend $500-$600 on small handheld smartphones that does alot less than the iPad, especially not as well built, awesome screen, multitouch screen etc..

I'm on the fence about buying one myself and while I was like the other ignorant people, I thought it was a big iPod touch until I actually went to the store to play with one!

IT IS NOT A GIANT IPOD TOUCH/IPHONE, its something so much different and I want one bad now!

I might break down and buy one either later tonight or tomorrow.

Do you guys know if its sold out virtually everywhere? Or should I call and ask? I want the iPad 32GB version.
I had an incident in my photography class last night.
I put the pdf manual of my camera on to my iPad [GoodReader FTW] and took it to class with me. Somewhere in this iPad forum someone mentioned that the iPad attracts the females. I can confirm that this is a true statement. 30 seconds after I got in to my seat - " Hey! Is that the iPad? ". It was chain reaction after that and the rest of the females in the class were huddled around it chirping away gleefully.
The only person who wasn't excited, was the other guy in my class [an elderly gentleman]. The first thing he asked was how much I paid for it and after I told him he asked "why would you pay so much for something like that?". I told him that I bought for both it's convenience and potential.
" What makes it so convenient? "
I explained that for me, it's more convenient than a laptop for things that don't require that much computing power. I told him that I can power it up faster than any of my laptops or desktop computers. The size makes it really convenient to have in a household - if I or my wife want to try out a recipe - install epicurious and head into the kitchen. Install the fireplace app, put it on the dining room table, turn down the lights and the wife and I can have a romantic dinner. Then I told him that I've loaded just about all of the pdf manuals for the electronic devices, component and appliances that I have in my home - now, all conveniently located on a device that can go just about anywhere.
Before I could start to tell him about the web and multimedia he says " That's a lot of money for convenience ". I said that depends on how much you value convenience. So I asked him if he had a driveway at his home and he said "Yeah". I asked him how long it was and he said "It's almost 25 feet". Ok! So I asked if he owned either a snow shovel or a snow thrower and he replied that he owned both. So then I ask, "When we got dumped on with 25+ inches snow during the blizzard back in February this year. Did you find it more convenient to clear your 25ft driveway with a shovel with a cost of maybe $15 or with a snow thrower with a cost of $500+?"
All he could say was "That's a good one". After that I showed him the Masque photography app while telling him that the iPad would be great for photographers to take out in the field with them [once Apple releases the camera kits] on shoots. He became more receptive once he started swiping pages on the USA Today and NPR apps - more so when I adjusted the font sizes for him.

Once the people with all the preconceived notions and apprehensiveness about the iPad actually get one in their hands, it doesn't take much change their outlooks on it.

Good story, and good responses!
I had an incident in my photography class last night.
I put the pdf manual of my camera on to my iPad [GoodReader FTW] and took it to class with me. Somewhere in this iPad forum someone mentioned that the iPad attracts the females. I can confirm that this is a true statement. 30 seconds after I got in to my seat - " Hey! Is that the iPad? ". It was chain reaction after that and the rest of the females in the class were huddled around it chirping away gleefully.
The only person who wasn't excited, was the other guy in my class [an elderly gentleman]. The first thing he asked was how much I paid for it and after I told him he asked "why would you pay so much for something like that?". I told him that I bought for both it's convenience and potential.
" What makes it so convenient? "
I explained that for me, it's more convenient than a laptop for things that don't require that much computing power. I told him that I can power it up faster than any of my laptops or desktop computers. The size makes it really convenient to have in a household - if I or my wife want to try out a recipe - install epicurious and head into the kitchen. Install the fireplace app, put it on the dining room table, turn down the lights and the wife and I can have a romantic dinner. Then I told him that I've loaded just about all of the pdf manuals for the electronic devices, component and appliances that I have in my home - now, all conveniently located on a device that can go just about anywhere.
Before I could start to tell him about the web and multimedia he says " That's a lot of money for convenience ". I said that depends on how much you value convenience. So I asked him if he had a driveway at his home and he said "Yeah". I asked him how long it was and he said "It's almost 25 feet". Ok! So I asked if he owned either a snow shovel or a snow thrower and he replied that he owned both. So then I ask, "When we got dumped on with 25+ inches snow during the blizzard back in February this year. Did you find it more convenient to clear your 25ft driveway with a shovel with a cost of maybe $15 or with a snow thrower with a cost of $500+?"
All he could say was "That's a good one". After that I showed him the Masque photography app while telling him that the iPad would be great for photographers to take out in the field with them [once Apple releases the camera kits] on shoots. He became more receptive once he started swiping pages on the USA Today and NPR apps - more so when I adjusted the font sizes for him.

Once the people with all the preconceived notions and apprehensiveness about the iPad actually get one in their hands, it doesn't take much change their outlooks on it.


That's a good one. Even with his snarky comments you responded with a cool head and made him realize his comments were ill-advised.

Nice job man.
this thread is pretty entertaining. it amazes me how much some people resent the iPad without even giving it a chance or try :p
The first thing he asked was how much I paid for it and after I told him he asked "why would you pay so much for something like that?". I told him that I bought for both it's convenience and potential.

You could have told him it's a luxury item and it's actually not that much money to you. Then if you wanted to really stick the boot in you could have followed that up with: "sorry you can't afford one." Evil, but funny and he asked for it.
I get compliments and "can I touch it " ,
have not had anything negative so far.

On the university campus.

But the attention mostly comes from the ladies in class.
But thats the best part.
My goodness, don't we have some whiny bitches on this board? Good grief! Never fails... <not directed to anyone directly above me on this page>

I've never seen a bigger collection of anal nitpickers than on these forums... fanboy this, hater that, punctuation nazis, spelling nazis, you name it. Good gravy.
I find it funny that the first negative thing people say about the iPad is that its too expensive...

But at the same time, they spend $500-$600 on small handheld smartphones that does alot less than the iPad, especially not as well built, awesome screen, multitouch screen etc..

Well actually the iPhone 3GS does a LOT more than the iPad and it´s cheaper too! ;)
I get compliments and "can I touch it " ,
have not had anything negative so far.

On the university campus.

But the attention mostly comes from the ladies in class.
But thats the best part.

But.... what does this have to do with the iPad? :D
i havent even GOT an ipad yet and already i'm getting grief. I mentioned that i was getting one on release day (UK) to my fiance and immediately it was like "why? what is it good for? isnt it just a big iphone? sounds pretty useless. why are you wasting money we should be saving for the wedding" and so on.

Actually she has a point if you're saving for something really expensive like a wedding. On the other hand, if you're using "your" money for an iPad, she shouldn't criticise you for spending it on what you want, lest you criticise her for spending $200 of "her" money on perfume or boots.
I'm kinda physically imposing/intimidating. ( look like a shorter verison of Michael Clark Duncan with a beard)

So no smart cracks about the pad. ;)
You could say it is great for watching porn and I can hold it with one hand.

So it's all about the Touch. :D I'm not even going down the road to call it names, like W@**Pad.

About the $500 snow thrower - it's not. It's just an expensive shovel.

Well, yeah... but a Ferrari is just a big Miata (no offense to the Miata guys/girls out there). I also comment that it feels like using something from the future.


Are you comparing an ancient Cortex A8 to a 500+ horsepower engine, a machine-made aluminium case to carbon fibre body panels and hand-stiched leather interior?

Again, Apple products are just Fords with a body that looks like a Mercedes. But even Mercedes-Benz - they are not.

And Ferrari?! Come on! :D
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