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I actually can't stand the way widgets work in iOS. I rarely if ever see them or use them in any way.

iOS notifications is just inferior to google offerings especially touchwiz models. You can't do much with such a closed system.
my only "problem" with android is googles too loose policy providing privacy and devs can changed their apps too much.

afford one? iphone is a "cheap" phone, it is not a luxury device with a high price tag. you can see more expensive android phones on the street. everyone can buy iphone if they really want one, and if they dont have cash they have differend ways to buy it. so the price debate is bs totally - if you have money to buy s7, you have money to buy 6s too.

i think your fundamental error was trying to use android as you were using your iphone.

Truth is in 2016 any iPhone is overpriced and under performing software wise. I can't justify the high markup for android devices either but at least you don't pay for a crippled iOS platform.
Is the ipad 2 painfully slow? Not at all. Is it as fast as my way. Is it at end of life? I think it is.

However the ipad 2 is running 9.3 beta 2. A 5 year old device that is still fairly functional getting software updates with pretty darn good battery life; no wonder ipad sales are down. Apple makes hardware and software support that is just too good. I can probably live with the ipad 2 for another year then I'll see what the landscape looks like.

I like the interaction between my iphone and ipad. Can leave the phone anywhere in the house and get all the notifications, facetime, imessage, icloud, notes etc on the ipad.

Sell Apple some more. You are probably the only person on this forum who would argue that a device with 512MB of RAM in this day and age is not utter crap you would get endless app refreshes if you swapped between even 3 apps 1 of those being a modern heavy webpage.
Sell Apple some more. You are probably the only person on this forum who would argue that a device with 512MB of RAM in this day and age is not utter crap you would get endless app refreshes if you swapped between even 3 apps 1 of those being a modern heavy webpage.
why should I sell Apple when you are there to do it for me?
why should I sell Apple when you are there to do it for me?
I'll pretend that makes sense, you go argue in the iPad section that the iPad 2 is a usable device, my iPad 2 mini is quite laggy with constant app refreshes and it is alot newer device then the iPad 2 with half the RAM.
I'll pretend that makes sense, you go argue in the iPad section that the iPad 2 is a usable device, my iPad 2 mini is quite laggy with constant app refreshes and it is alot newer device then the iPad 2 with half the RAM.
I forgot the /sar.

The ipad 2 is a perfectly usable device for what I need it for. 5 years with updates. That's why I "sell" apple. Whatever is happening with your devices is your own issue; not an uncommon occurence around here, one person is happy with an idevice another isn't.
Android is a real beast - if you don't know what you are doing you are not getting the best out of it. It's not for people who want a device that is straight out of the box functioning as is. If you want that sort of thing go for an iPhone. Android 6 is superior especially an S7 Edge vs any iPhone.

But you are not going to get the best out of any android device if you just open up the box and start using it. that's the problem with Android - there's too many options and people really just want simplicity. The problem I have with iOS is that it's great an all on an iPad but on a smartphone it's just too limiting.

I coined the word dumbification, which is the dumbing down of the consumer. Any technology has a learning curve to it, and Android's learning curve isn't really that much more difficult than iOS. I mean really, is it THAT hard to set up a widget? People always tell me how much simpler their iPhone is, but then I see them frustrated, scrolling through an endless sea of icons. Often oversimplification actually makes things more complex. That's how I feel about iOS, the oversimplification makes things worse. For all the good that iOS did the world, I think it did equally negative. The impact of this was not readily apparent until MS introduced a full PC on a tablet, but even then Android was well ahead of them with simple things like mouse support.

But I do wish the dumbification would stop. If you really stop and think about the complexity of what the average soccer mom can do, you would realize it's not that much of a stretch for them to operate a smartphone, and set it up so they are that much more efficient. Take something like driving a car, which is really very technical if you break it down, for example.
Right off the bat I miss the today screen and notification screen. Widgets on android are nice but I really don't want to scroll through screens looking for them when on iOS I can just pull down and they are all right there. Handoff is a big one too not being able to switch between android and macOS on the fly like I can on iOS.

Well, you can fit more than one widget on a screen. Currently my Android setup is 2 screens. THe first screen has widgets for Google News, Calendar, OneNote notes list, and a live feed of my baby monitor, plus I still have room for 12-15 icons or maybe on more widget. The 2nd screen has widgets for my unified email inbox, google voice messages and text messages. These are full featured widgets where you can scroll through items, and perform actions right in the widget. My point is that even on an iPhone pulldown, you can only fit so many widgets in there before you are scrolling down, most probably less than you could on a single Android screen. I'd also opine the quality of the widgets and functionality on iOS is no where near Android, which is ironic because many mistakenly say that apps are better on iOS.
I coined the word dumbification, which is the dumbing down of the consumer. Any technology has a learning curve to it, and Android's learning curve isn't really that much more difficult than iOS. I mean really, is it THAT hard to set up a widget? People always tell me how much simpler their iPhone is, but then I see them frustrated, scrolling through an endless sea of icons. Often oversimplification actually makes things more complex. That's how I feel about iOS, the oversimplification makes things worse. For all the good that iOS did the world, I think it did equally negative. The impact of this was not readily apparent until MS introduced a full PC on a tablet, but even then Android was well ahead of them with simple things like mouse support.

But I do wish the dumbification would stop. If you really stop and think about the complexity of what the average soccer mom can do, you would realize it's not that much of a stretch for them to operate a smartphone, and set it up so they are that much more efficient. Take something like driving a car, which is really very technical if you break it down, for example.

Well, you can fit more than one widget on a screen. Currently my Android setup is 2 screens. THe first screen has widgets for Google News, Calendar, OneNote notes list, and a live feed of my baby monitor, plus I still have room for 12-15 icons or maybe on more widget. The 2nd screen has widgets for my unified email inbox, google voice messages and text messages. These are full featured widgets where you can scroll through items, and perform actions right in the widget. My point is that even on an iPhone pulldown, you can only fit so many widgets in there before you are scrolling down, most probably less than you could on a single Android screen. I'd also opine the quality of the widgets and functionality on iOS is no where near Android, which is ironic because many mistakenly say that apps are better on iOS.

Wow. This post is filled with so much nonsense I barely know where to begin. Technology is specifically designed to make our lives *easier*. Consumer technology's main goal is to be as accessible as possible, allowing for as wide a swath of users with as little a learning curve as possible. Your "dumbification" theory goes against the very nature of what technology is supposed to provide people. It shows an almost shocking misunderstanding of what these platforms are supposed to do. But I get it, you really really like Android and require validation for your purchases. I think that's a personal issue, not an iOS vs Android story.

Take something like driving a car, which is really very technical if you break it down, for example., it's not. In fact, a car is the definition of technology taking a complex task and making it simple and accessible. I mean, perhaps YOU found pedal, break, steering wheel to be terribly complex but again, personal issue.


If you really stop and think about the complexity of what the average soccer mom can do

We can also live without the sexist stereotyping. "Soccer mom" is one of the more odious phrases tossed around. You mean a busy person with more complex things in their life than figuring out how to root an Android device?
Are you suggesting you don't get quick reply on android lol
Not out of the box you don't. Nope.
"Soccer mom" is one of the more odious phrases tossed around.
I like your post and I think you had some insightful things to say. However, I really don't think that spinedoc77 meant anything sexist by the phrase "soccer mom." It's a common phrase. Please don't tell me you're one of those types that get offended at the phrase, "you throw like a girl," too.

- edit: Originally misquoted the wrong person
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I like your post and I think you had some insightful things to say. However, I really don't think that admob71 meant anything sexist by the phrase "soccer mom." It's a common phrase. Please don't tell me you're one of those types that get offended at the phrase, "you throw like a girl," too.

I'm not "easily offended." There are certain tropes as a society we need to get over. Assigning a deficiency to someone based on their race, gender, or class really doesn't do any of us any favors.

On a side note, I especially can't stand the very elitist, snobbish sneering that goes on against anyone who doesn't make these phones the central part of their lives. The idea that there's something inferior to someone and how they use a device simply because they want something that just works. It's anti-tech and anti people.
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Wow. This post is filled with so much nonsense I barely know where to begin. Technology is specifically designed to make our lives *easier*. Consumer technology's main goal is to be as accessible as possible, allowing for as wide a swath of users with as little a learning curve as possible. Your "dumbification" theory goes against the very nature of what technology is supposed to provide people. It shows an almost shocking misunderstanding of what these platforms are supposed to do. But I get it, you really really like Android and require validation for your purchases. I think that's a personal issue, not an iOS vs Android story.

Take something like driving a car, which is really very technical if you break it down, for example., it's not. In fact, a car is the definition of technology taking a complex task and making it simple and accessible. I mean, perhaps YOU found pedal, break, steering wheel to be terribly complex but again, personal issue.


If you really stop and think about the complexity of what the average soccer mom can do

We can also live without the sexist stereotyping. "Soccer mom" is one of the more odious phrases tossed around. You mean a busy person with more complex things in their life than figuring out how to root an Android device?
Not out of the box you don't. Nope.

Are you purposely trying to spread misinformation, I had had handset from HTC, LG, and now Samsung, everyone of them had quick reply straight out of the box as you put it. Sounds like someone has an agenda..
I like your post and I think you had some insightful things to say. However, I really don't think that admob71 meant anything sexist by the phrase "soccer mom." It's a common phrase. Please don't tell me you're one of those types that get offended at the phrase, "you throw like a girl," too.
He didn't, because I didn't use it. You have misquoted me for someone else. Plus, I'm not from the states, so would never use the phrase anyway..

Are you purposely trying to spread misinformation, I had had handset from HTC, LG, and now Samsung, everyone of them had quick reply straight out of the box as you put it. Sounds like someone has an agenda.. you mean 3rd party vendors had to add their own tweaks to do it then? The native system doesn't? (Gee, so funny when Android folks insist that any lag/bloat is the fault of vendors but then fall over themselves to praise vendors for adding improvements to Android. So weird!) Not to mention most implementation is janky as hell. Samsung's, for example, requires a tap to reply, a tap to see the message. Awkward and completely defeats the point of a "quick' reply. Also, Android's own messaging app...well...their billionth iteration of a messaging app, "Google Messenger" doesn't even allow for LANDSCAPE quick replies. I think you suffer from "misunderstandinginformation."

Good on you to ignore my other comments, btw. I know why you don't want to touch any of that, and we agree! ;) you mean 3rd party vendors had to add their own tweaks to do it then? The native system doesn't? (Gee, so funny when Android folks insist that any lag/bloat is the fault of vendors but then fall over themselves to praise vendors for adding improvements to Android. So weird!) Not to mention most implementation is janky as hell. Samsung's, for example, requires a tap to reply, a tap to see the message. Awkward and completely defeats the point of a "quick' reply. ;)

Someones having a bad day ain't they, I have no idea what you have been smoking but you are blatantly lieing, if I get a message on my s6 edge, a message window pops up for 5 seconds showing the message with the options to reply or call. How is this awkward or janky as you put it. It's a simple quick reply. Your biased views are blinkering you to the truth so much that you are resorting to telling fibs about how android handsets work. Oh, and you didn't say nexus, you just said android.
so.. the door marked zero credibility is that way. ,come back when you can debate in a more sensible manner. Good day sir!!!
Someones having a bad day ain't they, I have no idea what you have been smoking but you are blatantly lieing, if I get a message on my s6 edge, a message window pops up for 5 seconds showing the message with the options to reply or call. How is this awkward or janky as you put it. It's a simple quick reply. Your biased views are blinkering you to the truth so much that you are resorting to telling fibs about how android handsets work. Oh, and you didn't say nexus, you just said android.
so.. the door marked zero credibility is that way. ,come back when you can debate in a more sensible manner. Good day sir!!!

Hmmm. You just described exactly what I just described in regards to messaging on Samsung. Also, Android is an operating system, Nexus is a device.
Someones having a bad day ain't they, I have no idea what you have been smoking but you are blatantly lieing, if I get a message on my s6 edge, a message window pops up for 5 seconds showing the message with the options to reply or call. How is this awkward or janky as you put it. It's a simple quick reply. Your biased views are blinkering you to the truth so much that you are resorting to telling fibs about how android handsets work. Oh, and you didn't say nexus, you just said android.
so.. the door marked zero credibility is that way. ,come back when you can debate in a more sensible manner. Good day sir!!!

Just ignore these people. These are the same Apple I-lovers since 2007. If you are anything but tech savvy you'd miss out on the superior features on android platform. Of course iOS has gotten a lot of features now in iOS 9.0 but even the multitasking is stupid on the iPhone (on the iPad Pro I can manage it well) - on the iPhone's it's terrible. Look at even Samsung's multitasking flavor - on my S7 Edge it's easy and superior to even the non-existent vanilla android version (Android M and below)

And about not having to be able to reply to messages in android notifications I think that guy doesn't know anything at all. Have you even seen how cool apps like implements their tracking notification in android? Android notification IS superior to iOS notifications.

I'm not saying android is for everyone some people like my grandmother enjoys simple things like iOS. That's not a bad thing and I'd never give her an android phone either to use. But for anyone who is tech savvy they can learn from an android device easily. I'm not talking about previous generation devices but the newest devices that have security updates every month. My S7 Edge gets security patches before Nexus devices!
Hmmm. You just described exactly what I just described in regards to messaging on Samsung. Also, Android is an operating system, Nexus is a device.

Vanilla android sucks. Samsung/LG/HTC/every other maker adds more on top. Some people just like vanilla android to be simple/featureless. Less bloat so they call it.

Same goes for the camera features and cool "bloated" software features Samsung and others add that actually give more value to the android platform. Or else you'd be stuck with a very minimalistic android system - but even that minimal system has a notification superior to iOS.
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Just ignore these people. These are the same Apple I-lovers since 2007. If you are anything but tech savvy you'd miss out on the superior features on android platform. Of course iOS has gotten a lot of features now in iOS 9.0 but even the multitasking is stupid on the iPhone (on the iPad Pro I can manage it well) - on the iPhone's it's terrible. Look at even Samsung's multitasking flavor - on my S7 Edge it's easy and superior to even the non-existent vanilla android version (Android M and below)

And about not having to be able to reply to messages in android notifications I think that guy doesn't know anything at all. Have you even seen how cool apps like implements their tracking notification in android? Android notification IS superior to iOS notifications.

I'm not saying android is for everyone some people like my grandmother enjoys simple things like iOS. That's not a bad thing and I'd never give her an android phone either to use. But for anyone who is tech savvy they can learn from an android device easily. I'm not talking about previous generation devices but the newest devices that have security updates every month. My S7 Edge gets security patches before Nexus devices!

Vanilla android sucks. Samsung/LG/HTC/every other maker adds more on top. Some people just like vanilla android to be simple/featureless. Less bloat so they call it.

Same goes for the camera features and cool "bloated" software features Samsung and others add that actually give more value to the android platform. Or else you'd be stuck with a very minimalistic android system - but even that minimal system has a notification superior to iOS.
Yeah, the "tech savvy" are this generic group that all think the same thing and can't possibly I prefer something other than Android because only a "grandmother" would prefer something like that. Like totally. :rolleyes:
On a side note, I especially can't stand the very elitist, snobbish sneering that goes on against anyone who doesn't make these phones the central part of their lives. The idea that there's something inferior to someone and how they use a device simply because they want something that just works. It's anti-tech and anti people.
Absolutely agree. Well said. These devices we use are merely tools to help us accomplish a goal. Nothing more. In the photography world: Canon, Nikon; in the computer world: Apple, Microsoft, Dell, HP; in the smartphone world: Apple and Android; these devices are all tools. Who cares who picks what? I don't bash my friend because he owns a Mazda yet I own a Jeep.
He didn't, because I didn't use it. You have misquoted me for someone else. Plus, I'm not from the states, so would never use the phrase anyway..
I apologize, I did misquote you. I edited my previous post to correctly quote somebody else.
And that's a great addition to pure Android. Within a year, 10% or users will be able to use the native implementation of quick reply in Android.
Can you give us links to back up our figures.. HTC and LG also do quick reply out of the box, so add to to Samsung and nexus devices. . Wow only 10% . Mmm. Really.. the list of zero credibility posters on here grows by the day. Pure BS by hardcore iOS users jelous of the riches on offer in android land. Remind me again, why are you on this board?, you can debate, that's welcomed, but just to come and spread some sort of propaganda.. apple shill springs to mind.
Can you give us links to back up our figures.. HTC and LG also do quick reply out of the box, so add to to Samsung and nexus devices. . Wow only 10% . Mmm. Really.. the list of zero credibility posters on here grows by the day. Pure BS by hardcore iOS users jelous of the riches on offer in android land. Remind me again, why are you on this board?, you can debate, that's welcomed, but just to come and spread some sort of propaganda.. apple shill springs to mind.

I said the native Android implementation.
And that's a great addition to pure Android. Within a year, 10% or users will be able to use the native implementation of quick reply in Android.
Such a shame, isn't it? Android's adoption numbers are so bad, and there's nothing Google can do about. We'll see if those proprietary Android rumors are true, come next year.
Such a shame, isn't it? Android's adoption numbers are so bad, and there's nothing Google can do about. We'll see if those proprietary Android rumors are true, come next year.
Did you really say androids adoption numbers are really bad, lol, that is gold dust. If 85% of the world's phones running android is considered bad, what would you call good?
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