I was looking to see if any of you might be open to doing a bit of sleuthing since I haven't been able to verify a band model. I've only got one more band in my wishlist (Lime Epsom) and I think I may have found it. The issue is I'm not certain if it's the Epsom or the Swift leather Lime that was done more recently. Here's a pic of the box. When I do a google search using the model number there is a company (Tejar) that shows it as the Lime Epsom (they have it as out of stock), but without any other verification I'm still taking a gamble on buying this one sealed in the box from a buyer.
If a kind soul who already owns the Lime Epsom (and ideally the Swift Lime as well) is willing to compare their boxes to see which one this picture matches I'd be most obliged.
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