Changing the subject a bit, I need some more eyes to double check that this band is genuine. Scored an Encre/Béton double tour for a very good price on eBay as a Christmas gift for my mom. It arrived this morning and I think it looks genuine. But I have never owned a double your (or even seen one in person before today) and know there are plenty of high quality fakes floating around eBay. So I want a second opinion!
Signs it’s genuine:
Am I missing anything?
- Appears to be OEM lugs with laser etching and pentalobe screws
- Color matched stitching on the underside matches the color of the leather in each section
- Appears to be OEM Apple plastic packaging around the buckle
- Correct embossing on the underside of the long piece. I can’t see the year marking on the short piece or the stainless steel marking on the underside of the buckle without fully opening the band though.
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Easily genuine.