The IRS would like to do this as well. But corporate lobbyists in Congress are making sure that it never happens.
Lol. Such an American thing. I have heard it is often the same for medical treatment. American doctors have been known to recommend certain medications or treatments because they're being paid off by Big Pharma to do so.
I'm a staunch capitalist, but this is what happens when you have runaway capitalism without common sense rules about what you can and cannot do to maintain fairness in the market, and to protect customers from harm.
As for the comments about the 2015 iMac not supporting macOS 13, I am sure someone by now has pointed out OpenCore Legacy. It's a real irritation when Apple discontinues support for older hardware when it could quite easily run the latest version of macOS without any performance issues, but I guess Tim Apple decided to stop being so generous after their Mac profit margin started to shrink due to the **** product line they had a few years ago.
I have a 2017 iMac and I know that it can't be officially upgraded past macOS 13, but I'm not that bothered to be honest. Before macOS 13, I was running macOS 10.13 (yes, High Sierra). I reluctantly upgraded to macOS 13 only because Homebrew basically stopped working on macOS 10.13. I'm an old skool Mac user, so I know the older versions of Mac OS X really well, but the latest releases... no idea. I pretty much lost track (and lost interest) after High Sierra / Mojave. I suppose for tax software, you really do need to always use the latest version, but they are really sneaky with the way they do it. Many of those apps force you to upgrade each year, even if no changes have been made to the tax code in your country, and they're becoming especially lazy about what versions of macOS and Windows they're willing to support.
I'm thinking of upgrading to a new Mac in the next year or so, as the processor in this iMac is becoming a bit of a bottleneck with the professional software that I need to use, but I am so disappointed that they discontinued the 27-inch iMac. However, I refuse to upgrade just because I can't install the latest version of macOS. That's just doing Apple's bidding.