Lemme reiterate what I said lol: There are lots of professionals who don't need that kind of computing power, and there are some non-professionals (gamers that want a mac) that would like that kind of power![]()
What kind of PC gamer would overpay for outdated hardware on a Mac Pro?Lemme reiterate what I said lol: There are lots of professionals who don't need that kind of computing power, and there are some non-professionals (gamers that want a mac) that would like that kind of power![]()
The Mac Pro is a super cool machine, I would hate to see it go, I would use one for my job if I could. But, OSX+I can build a machine twice as fast for less money kinda kills that, esp when my department won't pay for a Pro lol.
If the Mac Pro goes away, which I highly doubt it will. People who need Mac Pro performance will move over to high end 7 Machines.
The Mac Pro can ONLY make money, even if they don't sell a lot of them. For the most part they use off the shelf parts, so R and D cost for Apple is VERY low. So they'd be retarded to get rid of the Mac Pro. The lack of a refresh is the main reason I haven't bought one yet, Sure I have a couple awesome PC rigs, but I have money to burn and a Mac pro would look sexy sitting next to my main PC rig on my work desk.
Oh and by the way, I'm sick and tired of people saying " Oh why would you want to run OSX on a ugly cheap POS ". Let me tell you something right now, sure lower end HPs Dells and Gateway are crap. But there are PC makers out there who blow the hell out of Apple when it comes to build quality. Rain PC, Falcon Northwest, Sager, Shuttle, GAMEPC just to name a few. Yeah, Apples are awesome. But there are plenty of PC makers in existence that build computers just as well, and some of them even do it better.
Um, no. As far as build quality of the actual chassis, nothing matches the Mac Pro. Falcon Northwest basically uses a custom Silverstone TJ11 or something for their tower. Silverstone doesn't produce aluminum cases with the same level as thickness as apple. It's not even close.
It looks like GamePC uses cases from Antec, Lian Li, and Coolermaster. Lian Li does make some nice aluminum cases, but nothing with the same build quality of the mac pro. They use stamped aluminum. Where as the Mac Pro has whole solid pieces of cast aluminum.
Those pc makers you've listed don't make their own cases. Companies such as Antec, Lian Li, Coolermaster, Silverstone make their cases. You can find similar cases on newegg.com. The only difference is that the pc makers get custom cases without the branding. All their parts are off the shelf, too. Asus motherboards, corsair PSUs, etc. They don't do anything you can't do yourself.
Anyway, not one manufacturer I've seen has produced a case with better build quality than the Mac Pro. Even the Japanese wendy cases aren't as good.
PC cases can be quite. They just have to be liquid cooled.
OK. Gaming aside. You need more balls than 12-cores/24 threads at 2.93GHz? That PC is nowhere near that computing power even with the latest i7 Hex. It is only 1 of em. Games only care about GPU anyway so the proc is totally wasted if that is your only interest. Should save money and get an i5-2500 instead. Mac Pro's are not for best gaming experience. They are for super power computing. Specifically CPU crunching. The low end Mac Pro is not the point of the Mac Pro either. The stuff you do must not be multi threaded. In that case I see having the higher turbo bins from SB-E instead of Westmere core's.
PC cases can be quite. They just have to be liquid cooled.
Who cares what a computer looks like on the inside? Because I sure as hell don't, who when I buy or build. I keep it neat. I'll admit my G5 has a pretty cool case interior.
The Mac pro is good, but a ripoff, and it can't hold a candle to real workstations
Look at the Work Station I linked, thats considered a " low end " work station by GAMEPC Standards, and even a decked out Mac Pro Can't compete.
What are we comparing that it can't compete in exactly? No one is arguing video game status on a Mac Pro over a PC. That is not it's purpose at all. It just happens to be ABLE to do some gaming if needed. I will however argue that 2x6-core Xeon's at 2.93GHz will have more CPU power than an i7-3960. The liquid cooled comment was a joke. I have owned great cases with double walls and silent fans etc. Apple will always cost more at the end of cycles as they never adjust pricing. So get an Apple Mac early and cost complaints can be minimized.
Don't look at the Gaming Computer link, thats what I run at home.
The SECOND link in my post is what I'm talking about as far as work station goes
I've had a computer with so many wires running every which way it literally took me an half hour to upgrade RAM. Something that should of not taken 10 minutes tops.Not looking forward to that agian. It can also disrupt air flow, probably why the Mac Pro has so efficient cooling and less noisy fans.
Sorry dude. Cough, Cough... that price...
Yeah, that is killer. But is using the same stuff the next (if) Mac Pro will have minus the 520 SSD and GPU options. Up to Apple on GPU. This is the only ting I am waiting for over the next couple years. 7970 or GTX680 and I am set. No telling what Apple will price at but if history is any indication Apple will be competitive during the first 6 months of the cycle and then the PC's will be better values as they cut the prices to make way for the new parts. Sorry for not clicking 2nd link 1st![]()
Well, to option out a Mac pro to cost that much, it can easily cost that much, and it'll perform far worse. Which proves my point that Apple needs to Update the Pro
Yeah, you gotta love the innards of the MacPro, not a cable in sight and everything so easy to access and remove.
But my '09 W3520 is NOISY. Maybe because I bought it used. Def not as quiet as the old G5.
I hope the MacPro will stick around, but if not I'll be building my own Win7 box. I don't see Hackintosh as a viable longterm solution with the direction Apple has taken (OS thru app store etc.), and my software does not run on Linux.
Not if the parts are the same it won't perform any worse. What are you on about?
The 2 year old parts are not on par? This is correct. There is no point to this other than stupid consumers paying too much get what they deserve, yes. No one should option a Westmere dually and buy Apple Memory and Apple HDD's and SDD's direct. You are a dolt if you do so. But a Mac Pro is a good case and a board ROM. Other than that it is the same as any Xeon setup. It performs identical to same PC with same parts. If you are pinning for a Mac Pro update, so is everyone else. You just have weird way of looking at it. imo.
My first post on this forum !
Now... What if Apple surprises us with an 'iMac-Pro' , instead of a new Mac Pro ?![]()
but then the macpro would be forever slaved to the imac's display.
plus it wouldn't be easy to upgrade/mod/open id think