also is it possible to make it so that you don't have to add your teacher as a contact? I know the app is aimed towards college, however i don't like having my HS teachers in my contacts![]()
Just don't put them in then?
also is it possible to make it so that you don't have to add your teacher as a contact? I know the app is aimed towards college, however i don't like having my HS teachers in my contacts![]()
While using this over the past week, I've come up with an idea of something that might be possible to add fairly easily(I think) that I think would prove useful. If it's dumb, or wouldn't really help anyone...just ignore me!
I think adding another tab/section specifically designed for readings would be a huge help in getting that entered quickly, and possibly more organized. I know you can enter it as homework, but to me it's tedious and almost out of place when comparing to actual projects/tests/homework.
I was thinking something along the lines that you can enter different books, that when clicked you can add what needs to be read(pages/chapters), when its due, etc. Perhaps even have it set up so that it's a couple quick clicks and all of that is updated rather than typing pages 1-20 or chapters 1-3....from there it can leave you reading reminders, rather than homework reminders on the main page? Maybe it can also auto sync with the homework/class tabs or something and just say reading due tues. etc?
Like I said....not sure if this would help others, but I know that I have a reading from the class text for every class, and it would be nice in my mind if that had it's own special section to helpe me keep on top of that as well as actual projecst and tests. I just wanted to throw some thoughts and ideas out in case it might be something others could use....and be something you'd consider adding if you thought it would help.
My thoughts for the day
Love the app!
Can you make it so that you can organize your courses in the order you want? For instance i want to do it for the hour in high school, right now its in alphabetical order, which i don't prefer.
any plans for a windows desktop client?
also is it possible to make it so that you don't have to add your teacher as a contact?
I think adding another tab/section specifically designed for readings would be a huge help in getting that entered quickly, and possibly more organized. I know you can enter it as homework, but to me it's tedious and almost out of place when comparing to actual projects/tests/homework.
I think this idea is a really great and interesting one! I'd love to hear some more thoughts from other uses about having a specific "entry form" for readings. In the update that is being reviewed there is a new "Assignment menu bar thingy" (technical term) that sits above the main assignment list (this is where the sync button sits). Since there is only one button there now it looks a little lonely - I plan on using this menu for some added features and moving some things (like editing assignment types) there. It could be possible to add a little reading button that brings up a "Readings" view where you can add/edit etc reading assignments?
I've been trying out the desktop app and I have a few suggestions (maybe they are bugs even? not sure...)
When filling in the information in tasks it is nice to use the tab key to go from field to field instead of the mouse, but in this case the tab key will not highlight the drop down menus. Also, when trying to click the drop down menus it is sort of a pain to have to click exactly on the blue arrow and not just in the general field to have the menu drop down.
also a date picker like a calendar would be sooo useful
Great just to have a desktop app at the moment though! Thanks so much!
For the mobile app - I'm currently working on adding a monthly calendar view (like the Calendar app on the phone or touch). Also going to look into the ideas posted here! The discussion is great - thanks everybody!