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also is it possible to make it so that you don't have to add your teacher as a contact? I know the app is aimed towards college, however i don't like having my HS teachers in my contacts :p

Just don't put them in then?
While using this over the past week, I've come up with an idea of something that might be possible to add fairly easily(I think) that I think would prove useful. If it's dumb, or wouldn't really help anyone...just ignore me! :p

I think adding another tab/section specifically designed for readings would be a huge help in getting that entered quickly, and possibly more organized. I know you can enter it as homework, but to me it's tedious and almost out of place when comparing to actual projects/tests/homework.

I was thinking something along the lines that you can enter different books, that when clicked you can add what needs to be read(pages/chapters), when its due, etc. Perhaps even have it set up so that it's a couple quick clicks and all of that is updated rather than typing pages 1-20 or chapters 1-3....from there it can leave you reading reminders, rather than homework reminders on the main page? Maybe it can also auto sync with the homework/class tabs or something and just say reading due tues. etc?

Like I said....not sure if this would help others, but I know that I have a reading from the class text for every class, and it would be nice in my mind if that had it's own special section to helpe me keep on top of that as well as actual projecst and tests. I just wanted to throw some thoughts and ideas out in case it might be something others could use....and be something you'd consider adding if you thought it would help.

My thoughts for the day;)

Love the app!
While using this over the past week, I've come up with an idea of something that might be possible to add fairly easily(I think) that I think would prove useful. If it's dumb, or wouldn't really help anyone...just ignore me! :p

I think adding another tab/section specifically designed for readings would be a huge help in getting that entered quickly, and possibly more organized. I know you can enter it as homework, but to me it's tedious and almost out of place when comparing to actual projects/tests/homework.

I was thinking something along the lines that you can enter different books, that when clicked you can add what needs to be read(pages/chapters), when its due, etc. Perhaps even have it set up so that it's a couple quick clicks and all of that is updated rather than typing pages 1-20 or chapters 1-3....from there it can leave you reading reminders, rather than homework reminders on the main page? Maybe it can also auto sync with the homework/class tabs or something and just say reading due tues. etc?

Like I said....not sure if this would help others, but I know that I have a reading from the class text for every class, and it would be nice in my mind if that had it's own special section to helpe me keep on top of that as well as actual projecst and tests. I just wanted to throw some thoughts and ideas out in case it might be something others could use....and be something you'd consider adding if you thought it would help.

My thoughts for the day;)

Love the app!

Agree with this 100%. Would be nice to have a reading function. I'm at university here in the UK ( mature student ftw! ) and am always given a list of suggested reading. If I could incorporate this into iHomework I would be a happy chappy.

Great app, keep up the hard work. I finally get to use it in an education environment in two weeks! :)
Just got back from Atlanta where (if anyone is following college football) the Hokies got beaten up by Alabama :mad:

Thanks for all the discussion and ideas everyone! It's great to get some feedback an suggestions from you guys. I've always said that I use the app everyday and I'm always afraid that I'll keep adding things I want but may not make sense to the majority of users. Your help is what keeps me up-to-date with what you guys want to see.

In attempt to answer everyone in order...

Can you make it so that you can organize your courses in the order you want? For instance i want to do it for the hour in high school, right now its in alphabetical order, which i don't prefer.

Actually working on the sorting of courses in the desktop version for the next update. They were originally supposed to be in alphabetically order but I've found a bug even in that (when syncing a modified/new course it get's placed at the end and the courses don't always get sorted correctly). This will be fixed in an update by (most likely) letting you sort however you'd like (similar to the way it's done in the mobile version).

any plans for a windows desktop client?

Currently I only have the OS X version. There is a chance that (for one of my classes) I'll be learning some C# and if all goes well could possibly work on a Windows version. It's something I hope to do but can't promise when/if it will happen.

also is it possible to make it so that you don't have to add your teacher as a contact?

I think teachers as contacts is the biggest for every 2 emails I get from users that like it I get 2 emails from users that don't. For the time being they may stay as contacts but as you can tell from the desktop version (which doesn't support teachers) having iPhone address book contacts isn't the best way. It's something that needs to be addressed for both the users that don't want to add a contact and for desktop support.

I think adding another tab/section specifically designed for readings would be a huge help in getting that entered quickly, and possibly more organized. I know you can enter it as homework, but to me it's tedious and almost out of place when comparing to actual projects/tests/homework.

I think this idea is a really great and interesting one! I'd love to hear some more thoughts from other uses about having a specific "entry form" for readings. In the update that is being reviewed there is a new "Assignment menu bar thingy" (technical term) that sits above the main assignment list (this is where the sync button sits). Since there is only one button there now it looks a little lonely - I plan on using this menu for some added features and moving some things (like editing assignment types) there. It could be possible to add a little reading button that brings up a "Readings" view where you can add/edit etc reading assignments?
I think this idea is a really great and interesting one! I'd love to hear some more thoughts from other uses about having a specific "entry form" for readings. In the update that is being reviewed there is a new "Assignment menu bar thingy" (technical term) that sits above the main assignment list (this is where the sync button sits). Since there is only one button there now it looks a little lonely - I plan on using this menu for some added features and moving some things (like editing assignment types) there. It could be possible to add a little reading button that brings up a "Readings" view where you can add/edit etc reading assignments?

Let me first say that I've tried a bunch of homework apps, and none of them are more useful as the one you have developed. So first and foremost, thank you.

As per the suggestion above, I think it's a great idea. I do get a ton of assignments that are just readings, and it would be nice to have a dedicated tab that reminds me what pages I'll need to read before the next class.

Thanks again, can't wait for the desktop sync!
I'd love to see a readings page where I can enter in the course or subject, the name of the book/journal, author(s) name and chapter or pages to be read and finally, when it's to be completed by. Often I am set further reading assignments after lectures finish and this addition to the app would be very useful in preventing me from forgetting to get this reading done! ;)

I've been playing with the app a lot more and the OS X client, and I just wanted to say thanks for your hard work so far.
Wow...I'm glad others seem to like my readings tab idea...I was afraid it might just be something that sounded cool/useful to only me :p

Basically what others have said are kind of what I was imagining when I mentioned it. A dedicated tab, in which you can put the title of a book, when the book is clicked it has the info on it, and also has a button to add an assigned reading(chapters/pages) reading and when it is due. From there it can give you a notification on the reading tab or something :)

Thanks again for the great app, and the willingness to listen to our ideas! :)
wanted to say thank you so much for the updates and desktop client!! I didn't even realize it was out (the desktop client) until right now... somehow I missed the emails saying that there were replies to this thread!! Can't wait for syncing!!

OH and since I'm in law school, 99.9% of my work is reading, reading, and more reading, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a reading tab!!! Right now I just have reading listed under "homework"...

Thanks for all your hard work... when syncing comes out it'll be by far the best homework app I've found!! It has already saved me from sitting in the wrong class a few times ;-) via course information, where I keep my sched!
I've been trying out the desktop app and I have a few suggestions (maybe they are bugs even? not sure...)
When filling in the information in tasks it is nice to use the tab key to go from field to field instead of the mouse, but in this case the tab key will not highlight the drop down menus. Also, when trying to click the drop down menus it is sort of a pain to have to click exactly on the blue arrow and not just in the general field to have the menu drop down.
also a date picker like a calendar would be sooo useful :)

Great just to have a desktop app at the moment though! Thanks so much!
I've been trying out the desktop app and I have a few suggestions (maybe they are bugs even? not sure...)
When filling in the information in tasks it is nice to use the tab key to go from field to field instead of the mouse, but in this case the tab key will not highlight the drop down menus. Also, when trying to click the drop down menus it is sort of a pain to have to click exactly on the blue arrow and not just in the general field to have the menu drop down.
also a date picker like a calendar would be sooo useful :)

Great just to have a desktop app at the moment though! Thanks so much!

I've found a few other bugs in the desktop version also - one that annoyed my is sorting courses was broken. Don't know how I missed that but courses were supposed to sort in alphabetical order and after syncing and other times the sort method wouldn't get called. I fixed that bug and added an attached files section that lets you add links to files for each assignment. I also moved the completed drawer at the bottom so that every detail of the assignment can be seen (I don't know what I was thinking not letting you see the "Grade" detail of a completed assignment).

Some other bugs include adding a "Check for Updates" and "Show Main Window" menus in the menu bar (if you close out the main window you'll have to quit iHomework to get it back - that bug is fixed!).

I also noticed that tabbing doesn't highlight the combo boxes and I'll work on that too. I was thinking about having the option to view a calendar when creating an assignment for easier date picking.

For the mobile app - I'm currently working on adding a monthly calendar view (like the Calendar app on the phone or touch). Also going to look into the ideas posted here! The discussion is great - thanks everybody!
Thank you for listening to your users and taking our comments onboard. I'm looking forward to using both the app and the desktop client when I return to Uni on the 21st. ;)
For the mobile app - I'm currently working on adding a monthly calendar view (like the Calendar app on the phone or touch). Also going to look into the ideas posted here! The discussion is great - thanks everybody!

The calendar sounds great!!!! Soooo much awesomeness in this app :D

EDIT: One idea on the calendar provided by my fiancee. She wants the ability to choose which assignments/tasks/readings/etc show up on the calendar. (This could possibly be done with an extra button in the homework entry page when you are entering the information or something maybe?) Her biggest gripe is that on most other similar planners/calendars/pda's add EVERYTHING to the main calendar view. Because of that, something that is added every day always shows up...making it hard to tell when something actually important like a test or paper is coming up. Just a thought :)
Just wanted to say thank you so much for listening. This is one of the first apps I've used where the developer was actually listening and updating :)
Yeah I'd love to have the update to the mobile app for syncing soon, keep checking my updates for it lol (started school today :()
I have no idea if this idea is feasible or not- or how much programing it would actually take- but is there any goal to make iHomework work with QuickSilver in the way of adding new tasks?? That would be sooo awesome...
Suggestion for Adding New Assignments

When I add a new assignment, it would be great if the due date could automatically jump to the date/time of the next class.

From there, the date could be adjusted normally.

If I have a class on Tuesday, and a new homework is assigned, due the following class, the due date should automatically jump to Thursday at 8:30, for example.

This could be integrated with the request for a course schedule function.

The app is great! Best homework app I've tried.

:apple: MacBook Pro
:apple: iPhone 3G
I wish Apple would get things together and speed up the approval process. The update was submitted on Septmeber 1 and still nothing.
iHomework 1.4 Approved

Looks like Apple listened to mizelly - I just received the email that 1.4 was approved and should be showing up in the store in the next few hours :)

This update provides syncing functionality with the Mac desktop version available at

It also adds in-app email (so you can email assignments without quitting iHomework), a new icon badge setting to count Reminders, and various bug fixes. I'll post detailed instructions on how to sync on the website but I tried to make it as straight forward as possible. The first time you sync you will be asked if you want to Replace, Send, or Merge data between the desktop and mobile device. I set this up for users that may have data on both devices before they were able to sync.

I'll also make sure to respond to everyone that has posted here that I haven't answered yet. I'll also post some screen shots of the next update (1.4.1 or 1.5 ::I'm terrible at naming updates::) just to let you guys know what I'm working on.

Enjoy! Post here or feel free to PM/email me with any questions!
I know this has probably been asked a thousand times but what about push notifications now that this fantastic app is off and running?
Just downloaded the update, will have a proper look at it later on.

Thanks for the continued support!
got the new update, but my iphone won't find my macbook on the same network to sync info from my mac over. just keeps searching. I have the sync page open in the desktop app with the profile set, but the iphone won't find it :/
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