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Sure, apps crash in iOS and Mac OS too. But when it happens, usually something went wrong, and a uninstall/reinstall should fix it.

At least in my case, when apps crash in Windows, uninstall/reinstall and rebuilding Windows did not fix it. That is why I called it a "built-in feature", and it had been reproduced after multiple fresh installs, on at least two different models of Surface.
sometimes I wonder why Apple users are especially prone to problems on Windows machines.
Returned my iPad Pro because Microsoft Office didn't support inking yet on iPP. Got a Surface 3 instead, but it was too slow and both apps that I use the most frequently (Powerpoint and Chrome) were crashing regularly. Traded it in for a Surface Pro 4. The speed is much faster, But both Powerpoint and Chrome are still crashing.

Today is the beginning of my second week with SP4, both apps are crashing multiple times a day. Windows 10 itself is now crashing at least once a day, and force hard reboot is the only way to restart. I really wanted to return the SP4, but I rely on PowerPoint that support inking, which is not yet available on iPP...

Before anyone suggests, the issue I experienced is not an isolated incident:
In my experience, Safari on the iPad crashes much more often than on edge on the surface. Granted I only have the iPad Air. OSX has even more crashes, especially Mail and Preview. Yuck!
sometimes I wonder why Apple users are especially prone to problems on Windows machines.

I see it the other way around. After experiencing all the problems in Windows, these users came to appreciate Apple's iOS and OS X.

By the way, Mail and Preview never once crashed on my Mac. The only app that crashes regularly is Word.

And when I talked about Powerpoint and Chrome force closing in my SP4, I am talking about daily, a couple to a few times, every frigging day!
Well, I have to admit that after a brief love affair with the iPP that I too decided to return it. There was nothing wrong with it really, but this weekend I started having to admit to myself that I was justifying its place in my gadget world rather than actually needing it for anything. I stand by my defense of it as a well-made computing device, I just personally was questioning my need for a second iPad.

To make matters worse, all this talk about the Surface line up the past two weeks in here got me thinking over the weekend that I had never really tried it one out, and hadn't even used Windows 10 at all before, so instead of returning my iPad Pro I exchanged it for an SP4. I honestly am not sure that I would keep it in the long run, but I figured that instead of being defensive against it without having given it a fair shake that I would actually give it a try and see how it works on a day-to-day basis (as opposed to a 15 minute try at Best Buy).
To make matters worse, all this talk about the Surface line up the past two weeks in here got me thinking over the weekend that I had never really tried it one out, and hadn't even used Windows 10 at all before, so instead of returning my iPad Pro I exchanged it for an SP4.

A very first noticeable improvement of SP4 over iPP is, it comes with the Pen!!!!!!
Shocking, I know. But it's true.

Despite my repeated complaints about the app and OS crashing on my SP4. It is growing on me with time, and it is getting done what I need to do (just in between the crashes). iPP is not even an option now for what I need.
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I have been using my IPP for several weeks now, but will sadly be returning it this weekend. I have been using it in the same manner as I have used my iPad Air. As much as I love the IPP, my hands and wrists are so fatigued from holding and manipulating the device. I did not think the size and weight would be a problem for my arthritis, but it is. Other than that, the IPP is truly an awesome consumption device.
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A very first noticeable improvement of SP4 over iPP is, it comes with the Pen!!!!!!
Shocking, I know. But it's true.

Despite my repeated complaints about the app and OS crashing on my SP4. It is growing on me with time, and it is getting done what I need to do (just in between the crashes). iPP is not even an option now for what I need.
Honestly, I've been pleasantly surprised with it so far. Being able to stream XB1 games to it was a nice surprise feature, by the way. That has been unbelievably cool.
Sure, apps crash in iOS and Mac OS too. But when it happens, usually something went wrong, and a uninstall/reinstall should fix it.

Native iOS mail app has a tendency to flake out on me and just show a white screen when launched. Removing and re-adding the mail account doesn't do anything and since it's a native app it can't be removed and reinstalled. Only temporary relief is to reset the device and restore from backup and wait for it to happen again. PITA
I have both an iPad Pro and a Surface Pro 3.

The Surface, as you're all aware, runs a desktop OS. While this can be very powerful and flexible, it's also in no way, shape or form a finger-friendly experience. There are many, many situations where I'm forced to pull out the pen to hit a tiny target that the application's author presumes is going to be used with a mouse.

And the W10 App Store apps are, as a general rule, awful. There are definitely some gems like DrawBoard. But take Evernote for example... The W10 version is god awful and missing 3/4 of the functionality found in every other version, including iOS. So one is forced to use the desktop application version - which is written for a mouse and keyboard and not one's finger, so the overall experience is terrible unless you're seated at a desk.

So for the person who wants a Windows laptop that can occasionally function as a tablet, the Surface line is fine. If you want a tablet that has some advanced features, the iPP (for me) is a better choice.
So for the person who wants a Windows laptop that can occasionally function as a tablet, the Surface line is fine. If you want a tablet that has some advanced features, the iPP (for me) is a better choice.

The issue is apps vs applications. If you need pro x64 applications like sketchbook pro and Photoshop--go surface. Surface also has a great touch browser. If you need touch applications--and are satisfied with the limitations--ios is the way to go. If you need both--buy both--its worth it
Its the MR denial crowd...good luck!

I don't know about others, but I had terrible experience with SP4 for the following apps that I need the most:
Stock Mail
All google apps (News, hangouts, keep) - not even available

Microsoft office was the one app that I really like on Windows, but it turned out to crash multiple times in a day.

But this was just my experience. I'm sure others have very different views. It doesn't mean anyone is in denial.
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Surface also has a great touch browser.
I don't know if I'd call Edge great; it's the best of the browser options available on the Surface, but it's pretty basic in a lot of ways and I had it crash on me several times when playing media. It also had a weird issue where the warmth of the image would change depending on what was being displayed; dark images or video would cause it to have a lighter hue, and then when you scrolled away from those things it would get very yellow. Lisa Gade mentioned that issue in her review of the SP4, but I didn't realize how pronounced it would be.
Nobody cares about blown up phone apps when you have full blown professional software. As far as browser, from using all three ecosystems desktop and Chromebook Chrome > Android Chrome > iOS Safari. Just like nobody cares about bicycle for daily commute when they also own a car.

Only iOS Safari can't render something simple like this without degrading to lego blocks (compare by viewing with desktop or other browsers):
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Sure, the SP4 is awesome. I use it all the time (i5)

Just that weird bug, where I have to turn it on and off every time it wakes up from sleep :D

Not a big deal, but come on
Staffpad - good luck finding an iOS example that even competes with it. (Hint - there isn't).

Drawboard PDF - one of the best PDF/markup apps I've ever used. Much better than iAnnotate and PDF Expert. That annoying thing with PDF Expert where you have to press the pencil button to draw - doesn't exist on the Surface with Drawboard. You just start writing at any time - like it's a real pen!

OneNote - this is finally on equal footing with the W10 version, since Apple caved and added a stylus. You know what though? I've used this for over the past year......

Webbrowsers - iOS safari vs Edge = edge wins..

What else is there?

RSS Readers - W10 has good ones.
Reddit client - just use the website.
Facebook - just use the website.

The only game I played was Sudoku - and guess what?

The W10 version emulates the paper/pencil experience. You use the pen, as if you're playing from an actual book. Same thing with crosswords - you use the pen.

The state of those on iOS right now for the iPad Pro - pencil support isn't implemented like it is on the Surface. It is just a matter of time though - but it is another example.

You're kidding, right?
For me, until iOS Safari integrates an "always request desktop site" it is junk... I don't understand why they haven't added that, the resolution on these are better than most monitors people use...

So the superior performance means little to you? The fact that websites generally render more correctly means little to you?
So the superior performance means little to you? The fact that websites generally render more correctly means little to you?

Depends on what you call "render more correctly." Because there are several forums I go to which anytime I refresh it renders like garbage (text all over each other, images the wrong size,...) until I "Request Desktop Site." Without an always request, or some type of log so that safari remembers which sites I use that option, I find myself having to reload then reload requesting desktop site WAY too frequently.
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Depends on what you call "render more correctly." Because there are several forums I go to which anytime I refresh it renders like garbage (text all over each other, images the wrong size,...) until I "Request Desktop Site." Without a always request, or some type of log that safari remembers which sites I use that option, I find myself having to reload then reload requesting desktop site WAY too frequently.

I run into far too many sites where I can't get touch to work correctly on Edge (when I used it). The menus just didn't work right. I do see where an option to always use desktop would be useful, but we seem to be going to different sites as I barely get mobile sites these days. I also don't get text all over the place with images of the wrong size.
I run into far too many sites where I can't get touch to work correctly on Edge (when I used it). The menus just didn't work right. I do see where an option to always use desktop would be useful, but we seem to be going to different sites as I barely get mobile sites these days. I also don't get text all over the place with images of the wrong size.

I use a TON of forums. I am not specifically trying to debate Edge vs. Safari (sorry, I wasn't clear), just that safari is a PITA to me because of the lack of always request desktop. I find it happening WAY more often than for it to be a slight annoyance. Forums, news sites, and banking sites seem the worst mobile offenders.
I use a TON of forums. I am not specifically trying to debate Edge vs. Safari (sorry, I wasn't clear), just that safari is a PITA to me because of the lack of always request desktop. I find it happening WAY more often than for it to be a slight annoyance. Forums, news sites, and banking sites seem the worst mobile offenders.

I completely understand having issues with Safari not having that feature. I just got kind of frustrated at the general "matter of fact" way that it was stated that Edge is better. It all depends on where you go. And it depends on what you use. I never intended for this to come across as an argument.
I completely understand having issues with Safari not having that feature. I just got kind of frustrated at the general "matter of fact" way that it was stated that Edge is better. It all depends on where you go. And it depends on what you use. I never intended for this to come across as an argument.

Never took it that way, so we are good!!! It seems nothing is perfect these days, it is just a matter of which can you live with.
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