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I didn't have these feelings when I bought it. I fully anticipated loving it and using it to replace my MBP and my air2. It wasn't until owning it that I discovered how much I don't like it and how impractical it is. Knowing it is larger and knowing the specs isn't like holding it and using it.

I would buy it for browsing the web, reading ebooks, movies, and most importantly of all...reading comics BUT from experience, a gen1 device just doesn't cut it. I wouldn't need to move it from my desk. My iPad2 is begging to be retired.

Hopefully by next year, apple will put a file system in and also hoping to see usb-c maybe. At the very least, see some good choices for attaching usb/flash drives to it. And a little more battery life would be nice too.
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A thing that is certainly going to depreciate in value from the moment you open the box is not a good investment. You should not view any electronics purchase as an investment. It's money spent for leisure and entertainment. If the expenditure for leisure and entertainment is eating into your budget for necessities, you should reduce this expenditure. Foolish or not, it depends on you. If you think it's not worth it to buy the iPad Pro, you should not buy it. What people say on the internet should not affect your choice.

Of course electronics depreciate but I'm not going to buy a iPhone 6S Plus when I already have a iPhone 6S. That's basically what I would be doing if I purchase a iPad pro when I already have a iPad Air 2. It's a bad financial decision.
I'm not saying don't buy nothing electronic. My primary reason for even getting a iPhone 6S and iPad Air 2 was because I got sick and tired of buying buying Android flagships throughout the year. Each new one makes you want to upgrade. I was on my 4th phone for 2015 before I got the 6S. I've made mistakes but sometimes you got to take that experience and apply when needed.
Verizon has the iPad Pro, 128GB LTE for $44.99 a month for 24 months on the Payment Plan I noticed today.
I would buy it for browsing the web, reading ebooks, movies, and most importantly of all...reading comics BUT from experience, a gen1 device just doesn't cut it. I wouldn't need to move it from my desk. My iPad2 is begging to be retired.

Hopefully by next year, apple will put a file system in and also hoping to see usb-c maybe. At the very least, see some good choices for attaching usb/flash drives to it. And a little more battery life would be nice too.
Not going to happen. They too all the drives out of their macnook. Why would they add them back to their iPad?
Still undecided on whether or not to return, but having just tried doing a morning's work on the iPad Pro (purely for experimental purposes, and using nothing more than Pages, Safari and Mail), I'm now more in love with my 12" MacBook than ever. :)
Still undecided on whether or not to return, but having just tried doing a morning's work on the iPad Pro (purely for experimental purposes, and using nothing more than Pages, Safari and Mail), I'm now more in love with my 12" MacBook than ever. :)

Whilst I didn't plan on doing too much work on the iPP, I echo your thoughts.

Returned mine this morning. Gave it a few days with iPP and Smart keyboard - I initially loved the keyboard for the added functionality it gave for relatively little encumbrance, but at length found it a bit of pain. Physically, it's not much good without a desk imo, and the shortcomings of iOS in relation to keyboard support became ever more apparent. Some of the shortcuts are handy, but having used mac laptops for years there's still absolutely loads missing. I also missed a trackpad, which leads me to my next point.

It confirmed what I've long suspected about touchscreens on laptop - I'm really not convinced, seems resolutely unergonomic. Yeah, for displays and presentations, and the "nice to have" factor, great. Equally, if the screen also doubles as a tablet, a touchscreen makes perfect sense. However, going back to my 12'' rMB and 15" rMBP, OMG how much better and practical it is just using a trackpad.

I'm no Apple fanboy, prefer macs for personal usage but used non-Apple hardware at work and on my gaming PC extensively forever. However, I still wonder if the popularity of touchscreens on Windows laptops may relate to historically awful trackpads on non-Apple laptops, so the touchscreen compensates. I'm told such trackpads are better now, but if so it's only very recently they've improved - every Windows laptop track pad I've used for work has been either terrible or merely okay. On mac laptops, I have absolutely zero desire to touch links, manipulate assets etc when I can do it with much greater precision from a trackpad that sits perfectly within reach.

Also, it reignited my love for my 12" MB. Couldn't use it as a main comp due it's limitations - that's what my rMBP, Mac Mini and PC are for - but wow it's a wonderful portable device.

My iPP also suffered from the hard reset issue, needed to long hold power button every morning.
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Whilst I didn't plan on doing too much work on the iPP, I echo your thoughts.

Returned mine this morning. Gave it a few days with iPP and Smart keyboard - I initially loved the keyboard for the added functionality it gave for relatively little encumbrance, but at length found it a bit of pain. Physically, it's not much good without a desk imo, and the shortcomings of iOS in relation to keyboard support became ever more apparent. Some of the shortcuts are handy, but having used mac laptops for years there's still absolutely loads missing. I also missed a trackpad, which leads me to my next point.

It confirmed what I've long suspected about touchscreens on laptop - I'm really not convinced, seems resolutely unergonomic. Yeah, for displays and presentations, and the "nice to have" factor, great. Equally, if the screen also doubles as a tablet, a touchscreen makes perfect sense. However, going back to my 12'' rMB and 15" rMBP, OMG how much better and practical it is just using a trackpad.

Also, it reignited my love for my 12" MB. Couldn't use it as a main comp due it's limitations - that's what my rMBP, Mac Mini and PC are for - but wow it's a wonderful portable device..

I'm 100% with you – working on the IPP involves a constant series of compromises that are wholly unnecessary if you already own a MacBook.

All I need to decide now is whether the improvement over my Air 2 for non-work stuff is worth the extra cost and weight involved…
Mine is also on it's way back to Apple today, fantastic bit of hardware but too many compromises, i'll be very interested in 12 months to see the next gen and what iOS 10 will bring to it. Lack of Keyboard/Pencil availability didn't help either.
glad you returned it, that way someone else who has done their homework and who really want the iPad can get one. If anyone bothered to do even a tiny bit of reading up on the IPP before purchase, you should have known what to expect. I knew going in that I wanted a large tablet for my illustrations. The reviews for the pencil have been great and that is all I cared about. I love the split screen, size and speakers. I already have a mac book pro and use it rarely since I have an iMac at work.

It is ridiculous to blindly buy an expensive item, use it for a few days and return it before any apps or accessories are out for it and then go a forum to let others know so it can make you feel better about what you have done. Who cares that you returned it.
I will be returning my iPad pro. I find using it casually is a frustrating experience. It's too big and heavy for enjoying content comfortably. The size is really awkward to hold or sit it in my lap. As for it replacing my laptop, I had high hopes there too. I know it's still iOS and limited. I guess I was hoping for some tweaks to utilize the screen real estate better, but it doesn't. A lot of wasted screen space. Furthermore, iOS is still too simple and bare to function and multitask like a laptop. Probably by iOS 11 they'll have this figured out. The multitasking albeit a step in the right direction, is still somewhat of a joke. Also, the tracking (with my finger) didn't feel hardly at all improved. (Does the Pencil improve tracking?) I tried it on my iPad Air 2 and maybe the the iPP had the slightest bit better tracking, but it still lags quite a bit.

Sad. I really thought I'd love it. Maybe in a few years when iOS matures and the iPP is thinner and lighter.

Not saying there isn't great use for many people with it. This is just my opinion and thought it might help anyone on the fence.

I think it is pretty awesome that you gave it a try, and share your experience with it. Sorry to hear it's not what you were expecting.
I came very close to returning mine, not because of the tablet itself, but because iCloud caused me a ton of grief trying to set it up. I previously had a username that was not an email. iCloud made me change it to an email. But since that took me by surprise, I used an email that I later decided I didn't want to use, and changed it. In the end, somehow my different devices were registered with iCloud under different usernames and iCloud locked up.

It took me three phone calls over the course of a day, and 4 or 5 hours with tech support to get it all straightened out. During that time I nearly sent it back in frustration. Oh, yes, I needed to get iCloud working because my iMac is so old that the Pro would not connect to it, so the cloud was my only backup option. But the iMac still works fine and I didn't want to buy a new Mac just to have something the iPP would connect to. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGG!!!

However, once I got all that straightened out (tech support was excellent and extremely patient with me!) I am liking the iPad Pro more and more, and will almost certainly keep it.

As for weight, it's a simple trade-off of weight against battery life. Batteries are heavy. They are improving slowly. I'd like more battery life, but not at the expense of shorter life. I think Apple made the best compromise they could. The weight might mean I keep the iPad Air for travel and keep the iPP at home. I cannot hold it up for use, but when I'm sitting in my easy chair, or propped up in bed with the bolster, the Pro sits very nicely on my lap with no problem.

It's very expensive. If you have to borrow money to buy it, my advice is don't! But if, like me, you are financially comfortable and can afford a grand for a really nice tablet, then go for it.
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It is ridiculous to blindly buy an expensive item, use it for a few days and return it before any apps or accessories are out for it and then go a forum to let others know so it can make you feel better about what you have done. Who cares that you returned it.

Rubbish, that's why you test drive a car for example (or anything) exactly the same principle.

I don't mind paying over the odds a little for Apple due to it's excellent support and if it's something I actually think i'm going to like but don't turn out to get on with (for a wide variety of reasons) I have no concerns about returning it.

This is a forum, get used to seeing peoples' opinions on stuff.
glad you returned it, that way someone else who has done their homework and who really want the iPad can get one.

Oh my. Are you really criticizing somebody who decided that their purchase doesn't fit their expectations?

then go a forum to let others know so it can make you feel better about what you have done.

And now we've come full circle. :(
glad you returned it, that way someone else who has done their homework and who really want the iPad can get one. If anyone bothered to do even a tiny bit of reading up on the IPP before purchase, you should have known what to expect. I knew going in that I wanted a large tablet for my illustrations. The reviews for the pencil have been great and that is all I cared about. I love the split screen, size and speakers. I already have a mac book pro and use it rarely since I have an iMac at work.

It is ridiculous to blindly buy an expensive item, use it for a few days and return it before any apps or accessories are out for it and then go a forum to let others know so it can make you feel better about what you have done. Who cares that you returned it.

Okay, thanks. Bye!
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Announcing the iPad Pro...

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I bought it thinking it could do what my Air 2 does (entertain me) but in a larger, more bombastic form factor, with some added functionality thrown in on top. It didn't suit me, so I returned it. Do I feel bad? Nope!

If Apple were to tot up my worth as customer to them, I don't think they'd mind since I've bought;

6 laptops, 2 Mac Mini's, 1 ACD, 2 TBD's, 6 iPhones, 6 iPads, 2 Apple TV's, several exorbitantly priced mac accessories, plus their 30% take of Apps I've purchased. Typically maxed specs, lots of Apple Care which, on balance, they'll be in net profit from.

Yet I had the audacity to return something I didn't like?! Oh woe!

Worthy of mention, it suffered from the hard reset problem from charging, which may or may not force a recall (unlikely, but the point is valid).
Oh my. Are you really criticizing somebody who decided that their purchase doesn't fit their expectations?

This is my point of view.

All the reviews out there concluded that the iPP is a big iPad, but it opens up new potentials with the Pencil.

Meanwhile, people just went and bought the iPP, complained that it was just a big iPad.
They never cared for the Pencil to begin with.

Do you see any problem here? It's not exactly a case of "discovering" the product didn't fit their expectations.
Well since you asked... Yes, I see a major problem. You are making a ton of assumptions without any base. Simple as that.

Interesting that you are the one not providing "any base" to support how you disagree with my opinions. They were not "assumptions", but my personal opinions based on my interpretation of the reviews out there and the comments made here.

I thought the "Here is my point of view" part would make that obvious...
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Why would anyone return the iPad Pro when you have a free two months time to evaluate it???

For some I think the pencil and keyboard are incidental and weren't really looking to add that expense since it isn't useful enough for their needs.
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Interesting that you are the one not providing "any base" to support how you disagree with my opinions. They were not "assumptions", but my personal opinions based on my interpretation of the reviews out there and the comments made here.

I thought the "Here is my point of view" part would make that obvious...

Here you go:
They never cared for the Pencil to begin with.

An "assumption" is a guess based on experience.

An "opinion" is a choice between sides based on facts.
An "opinion" is a choice between sides based on facts.

Facts - when people concluded that their iPP did not suit their needs, such needs rarely, if not never, involve the mentioning of the Pencil. Hence, I have the opinion that they didn't care much about the Pencil.

By the way, none of the dictionaries I use define opinion with reference to "facts". Which one did you use?

I would call "a choice between sides based on facts" a ruling, like in court.
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