Still undecided on whether or not to return, but having just tried doing a morning's work on the iPad Pro (purely for experimental purposes, and using nothing more than Pages, Safari and Mail), I'm now more in love with my 12" MacBook than ever.
Whilst I didn't plan on doing too much work on the iPP, I echo your thoughts.
Returned mine this morning. Gave it a few days with iPP and Smart keyboard - I initially loved the keyboard for the added functionality it gave for relatively little encumbrance, but at length found it a bit of pain. Physically, it's not much good without a desk imo, and the shortcomings of iOS in relation to keyboard support became ever more apparent. Some of the shortcuts are handy, but having used mac laptops for years there's still absolutely loads missing. I also missed a trackpad, which leads me to my next point.
It confirmed what I've long suspected about touchscreens on laptop - I'm really not convinced, seems resolutely unergonomic. Yeah, for displays and presentations, and the "nice to have" factor, great. Equally, if the screen also doubles as a tablet, a touchscreen makes perfect sense. However, going back to my 12'' rMB and 15" rMBP, OMG how much better and practical it is just using a trackpad.
I'm no Apple fanboy, prefer macs for personal usage but used non-Apple hardware at work and on my gaming PC extensively forever. However, I still wonder if the popularity of touchscreens on Windows laptops may relate to historically awful trackpads on non-Apple laptops, so the touchscreen compensates. I'm told such trackpads are better now, but if so it's only very recently they've improved - every Windows laptop track pad I've used for work has been either terrible or merely okay. On mac laptops, I have absolutely zero desire to touch links, manipulate assets etc when I can do it with much greater precision from a trackpad that sits perfectly within reach.
Also, it reignited my love for my 12" MB. Couldn't use it as a main comp due it's limitations - that's what my rMBP, Mac Mini and PC are for - but wow it's a wonderful portable device.
My iPP also suffered from the hard reset issue, needed to long hold power button every morning.