PIC18F46J11 has 2 MSSP modules that can run I2C independently
Good find and we could definitely go that route but I sort of wanted to make the boards using a micro controller with
supported open source tools so that anyone can program them without having to buy a compiler.
Also the packaging on that chip would make it extremely difficult to solder onto a board.
That said, Microchip does have many chips available in DIP package form and they do offer a free limited C compiler for some of these.
The same goes for the STM chip on the arduino DUE which also has dual i2c ports, the packaging would make it extremely difficult to solder.
There are smaller chips with i2c pins in the atmel family of mcu's but the atmega328p is the most popular one and chances
are that most arduino enthusiasts have the arduino uno which means they can program the chip right one the arduino uno,
pop it out, and place it on the iMac board.
I know the board will look clunky with two atmega328p's but I think it will make it easier to work with in the long run.
I could make the whole thing with surface mount components making it smaller and nice looking but then that would really
make it extremely difficult for most people to assemble.
I2C is a bus so the device at the remote end needs an address in order to run them individually on a single chip. Are you running it in sequence or with interupts?
Well, I've tried it several ways, trying as both slave and master on the same bus and played with a couple of libraries that create a software i2c bus that can be used on almost any two pins.
The latter is the configuration I've had the best results with but it just isn't reliable. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
I do do this at night when I'm tired so I could be missing something.